You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 34 You just know you are going to die! (Two in one)

It's about nine o'clock in the evening.

A long, dark alley.

After get off work, Brian, wearing a hood and hiding under his sweatshirt, took out a disposable mobile phone, put a can tab on his throat, and dialed the number.


The call is connected.

A hoarse voice came from the other end: "Who?"

"You don't need to know who I am, but if you can't get to the back alley of the Husky Bar in time within half an hour, you will never see your son again.", with a trembling metallic voice, it is very listenable. Chills.


The person on the other end of the phone was startled at first, and then seemed to hear something funny in the voice, and said angrily: "My son, this afternoon, has died. He is dead. Who is this damn son?" "


Brian was shocked.

What a cruel guy!

He thought of the other party's reaction when he mentioned his son, and shook his head: "Stop pretending, you know I'm not talking about the burden you have long wanted to get rid of. You can try to contact Shaina, but from where you live, Come to me, you only have half an hour, if you exceed one minute, you will have nothing."

hang up the phone.

Brian silently lit a cigarette.

He doesn't like to see the ugly side of human nature.

But he seems to be obsessed with the pleasure of executing those scum with his own hands.

For many victims.

Even a sentence of several hundred years is too merciful.

Not to mention a lot of the time.

Because there is no complete chain of evidence.

Therefore, some criminals who are willing to spend money to hire good lawyers are still at large.


After the uncle's threat is resolved.

Los Angeles also needs a bloodthirsty Batman of their own?

Well, legal law enforcement, black version!

Half an hour later.

A middle-aged Asian who was not tall, less than 1.6 meters tall, with a Chinese character face and a slightly fat body, rushed to the alley where Brian was.

He glanced around, but didn't find anyone in the alley. He could only roar: "Asshole, come out, you call me..."

next moment.

In the shadow of the blind spot, a palm suddenly covered the man's throat and nose.

The man struggled twice and then lifted up weakly.

The neon lights of the bar overhead flickered.

Under the faint red light.

The face of the middle-aged Asian man was revealed, and it was the Chinese chef who Susan and Brian had asked about before - Li Sen!

Dragging Li Sen's body.

Brian followed the route he had planned and disappeared into the shadows.

More than an hour later.

In a dilapidated wooden house in the suburbs.

Under the bright moonlight, Brian dug a hole diligently.

Suddenly there was a whining and struggling sound behind him.

He put down the shovel in his hand, wiped the sweat from his forehead, walked to Li Sen, squatted down, and pulled off the smelly socks from the other person's throat: "Let's talk?"

"It's you?"

Li Sen saw Brian's face clearly and recognized him immediately: "You are the policeman who speaks Chinese! What are you doing? You are breaking the law!"

He was deeply impressed by Brian.

"Is it illegal?" Brian's eyes were strange: "Since you know it's illegal, why did you kill and injure so many people?"


"Just because a bitch said she was pregnant with your child?"

"You bastard"

"I forgot to tell you, that bitch actually doesn't know who the child is. She just wants to use you to get a lot of money and freedom."



The shovel hit Li Sen hard on his fat face, knocking back all his words.

Took a shovel.

Brian was still angry: "Just because of a bitch, you swore and lied to Mazu like a horse?"


Another shovel.

"Just because of a bitch, you killed your own son?"


Another shovel.

"Just because of a bitch, you killed an innocent woman and the innocent and motivated Kenneth?"

Brian still wanted to raise the shovel and continue pumping.

However, he found that due to excessive force, not only did Li Sen's teeth fly out of his mouth, but a large amount of blood flowed out of his mouth and nose uncontrollably, leaving him with only one breath left.

Only then did Brian let Li Sen go with bitterness.

He took out a morphine injection from his waist and injected it directly into Li Sen's neck.

Probably more than a minute later.

Li Sen regained consciousness.

He looked at Brian with dull eyes for a long time before he said vaguely: "The child is really not mine?"


Brian told this poor guy the truth: "At the police station, she said it belonged to Kenneth. After taking the drug, she said she didn't know who the child belonged to. After all, she received so many customers a day, and some customers were not afraid of getting sick. , It’s normal not to wear an umbrella.”


Li Sen hit his head on the ground and let out meaningless laughter, which then turned into sobs and cried loudly: "What's wrong with me? I just want a normal child to inherit the blood of my Li family. What's wrong with me?" ?"

As he cried, he spat out a large mouthful of blood:

"Do you know that I am a grown man who has to take care of that fool and be bullied outside to earn some money for being a loser? Do you know how painful it has been for me for more than 20 years?

I thought about finding a gangster from China.

As a result, those bitches would rather be ridden by those black dogs and white pigs, would rather be beaten and scolded, than be an honest cook like me, just because I brought a fool! "

Brian looked at Li Sen going crazy with an expressionless face.

He raised the shovel in his hand and said, "Tell me what's going on."

Although Li Sen could not feel pain for the time being under the influence of morphine, he was still frightened and said honestly: "I am very jealous of Kenneth. He is very popular in the kitchen. He is motivated, hard-working, sunny and cheerful. I So jealous of him!

As a result, Kenneth had a quarrel on the phone.

I accidentally learned that his girlfriend was actually a bitch.

Do you know how happy I was?

Ha ha.

So I followed him and finally found where his girlfriend worked.

A long time after that.

I'm a regular there.

That bitch will do anything for a little fandom.

Sometimes I would even ask her out alone, right next to Kenneth.

I spent a lot of money on that bitch and got a lot of pleasure.

Until she told me she had my child.

Do you know how excited I was?


A healthy child!

for money.

Also to get rid of those gangsters.

I discussed this plan with her, which was to deliberately let her tell Kenneth that she was pregnant, and then I would find another opportunity to teach Kenneth some skills and deliberately let him get my secret ingredients. .

After that, you should know.

Kenneth had a conflict with the mad dog. The bitch deliberately seduced the mad dog's brother and threatened him with explosives when the mad dog went out to trade.

In fact, it was just a firecracker.

But I replaced it with the real one.

The fool thought he was high on drugs and took the wrong one, so he didn't dare to say anything afterwards. "

Talking and talking.

Li Sen felt severe pain coming back to his heart, his throat was itchy, and he wanted to cough, but he coughed up a lot of blood.

He looked at Brian in horror and begged, "Help me."

Brian looked down at him: "The black man Audlin was also killed by you?"

“Yes, I knew him from the homeless camp before.

But that’s what that bitch meant.

She knew that Audlin and Mad Dog Ike had known each other before, and they had been trading explosives, so I pretended to be the buyer and covered him to death, just to divert the police's attention to Mad Dog Ike. . "

Blood also began to overflow from Li Sen's ears.

"Help me, I can't see clearly." Li Sen wailed.

Brian was unmoved: "But your techniques are very skillful, it doesn't look like it's your first time committing a crime."

"I just wanted to kill my son before, and I have practiced it many times, but this is really my first time killing someone, and he is still a bad person. Please, let me go!"

"But you said on the phone that your son had died in the afternoon!"

Brian slowly raised the shovel.

Li Sen had no idea, his eyes were dull, and he murmured: "That bitch is in poor health and needs a lot of money to keep my child. I have no choice. That bitch suggested that I cheat on the insurance. I It's wrong, I know it's wrong, please help..."


The ground shook slightly.

Everything came to an abrupt end.

Brian wiped the splattered blood on his face and said expressionlessly: "You don't know that you are wrong, you just know that you are going to die!"

Before Li Sen died, he didn't realize that he was just a poor guy being played with.

Shaina, this woman, is terrible.

She took advantage of just about everything she could.

Use Mad Dog Ike to take the blame, and at the same time resolve the other party's restrictions on you.

Use Kenneth's love for her as a trigger to detonate all this, and at the same time obtain high legal insurance money.

Using Li Sen's obsession with children as a catalyst for this plan, if the plan does not go well, Li Sen will be the best murderer to take the blame. If the plan goes well, he can also earn another amount of Li Sen's son's insurance money. .

After everything is done.

Li Sen will most likely be killed by Shaina.

This is a completely selfish woman.

to be honest.

Brian couldn't figure it out either.

Why did such a scheming woman become a cash cow for the gang?

Could it be that it was controlled by drug addiction before?

Later, Shaina realized the truth in the chicken farm and finally laid out this game?

Debts are canceled after death.

Brian was too lazy to waste his brain cells thinking about the grudges and grudges inside.

He seems to like violent ways of solving problems.

Save worry and effort.


No matter what your machinations are.

Whenever there is a problem.

Just die and that's it!

With a happy heart.

Brian began to sort out his harvest.

The moment Li Sen died.

The warm current representing the gift of obsession surged around Brian.

What was completed this time was Mad Dog Ike’s second obsession: to find the bastard who slandered me and kill his whole family!


Li Sen killed his son in the afternoon.

Brian killed him that night.

This can be regarded as the whole family is gone.

The warmth of this gift was very small.

Similar to symbolic nature.

Apart from the complete recovery of Brian's consumed physical strength, the strengthening effect is not obvious.

Brian seemed to think of something, and his consciousness immediately sank into his mind.

A unique golden ball appeared in his perception.

When he saw the ball.

Brian had an epiphany: when the skill ball is digested, the consciousness falls into a deep sleep.

A skill is actually revealed?

Brian was surprised!

He didn't expect that a skill would be revealed this time!

Even the time and place are not suitable now.

Brian didn't know what skill this golden skill ball was.

But think about the mad dog Ike, who was able to break out of the siege under the siege of so many policemen. His skills must not be too bad, right?

With some expectations.

Brian began to deal with the scene.

This time he was well prepared. He first sprinkled the dug pit with homemade thermite, and then threw the body into it. He first used sulfuric acid and other reagents to corrode and pollute the body, and then shoveled all the surrounding soil into it, and finally ignited the thermite.

Clothes, gloves, and shovels were all thrown in.

The burning process smelled bad.

Brian went back to the car to rest for a long time before returning to the cabin and began to spray the LumiRoc test spray around.

This thing can react with blood and release a faint blue light.

It is a very common method for crime scene investigation.

However, it is also very useful for cleaning up crime scenes.

After all, blood can only react once.

It will be cleaned up by him later.

It can prevent blood stains from being left at the scene.

Brian still has no progress in autopsy and on-site investigation.

But in dealing with crime scenes.

He is getting more and more handy.

At dawn.

After changing the tire, Brian returned to the apartment.

This step is the most troublesome.

He secretly vowed that when he has money in the future, he must prepare a few more secret bases to store some necessary things, use vehicles regularly, and also use the secret bases as early warning lines.

Otherwise, it is really unbearable to do this every time.

Because the bombing case was solved, the subsequent report writing and so on were all completed.

So take a rest today.

This also made Brian further realize that the power of the NW (Night Watch) organization is really extraordinary.

Otherwise, it would not be an easy matter to solve just because Susan shot so many gangsters in the head.

Including Brian.

He shot five gangsters.

Even if it was according to the previous process of the Detective Bureau.

After killing the criminals.

In order to ensure his physical and mental health, he also needs to undergo psychological tests, write reports, and then take administrative leave for a period of time.


He is fine.

Brian sometimes speculates.

The establishment of this NW organization, which is called the Crime Experiment Group on the surface and calls itself the Night Watch, a name with Cthulhu mythology, could it be because of the blood moon phenomenon.

Whether it is a coincidence in time.

Or the unknown secret that my uncle asked me to join NW.

It fits these too well.

And my uncle!

It seems that the other party has always wanted me to bathe in the blood moonlight.

As a result, I really awakened the golden finger.

Considering all the abnormalities of my uncle.

Brian suspected that his own golden finger was completely different from the golden fingers and systems in the novels he had read in his previous life.

These doubts.

It troubled Brian.

Fortunately, all of this will finally have an answer.

Susan said.

Tomorrow, Saturday, everyone will go to the Eskimo Base again for induction training.

The secret that the uncle mentioned.

He will know it soon!

Sorry, it was originally said that it would be updated after midnight, but because it was coded, it was a bit late.

It will not be updated tomorrow.

It will be coded in advance and updated regularly in the early morning.

Good night.

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