You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 35 Buy one get one free, art is explosion

"It's time to open the blind box!"

Brian rubbed his hands in a ritualistic manner, lay down on the sofa, and closed his eyes.

He came to that familiar white space again.

in space.

A small golden ball was suspended, and there were two tiny spots of light at the same time.

The golden ball was a gift from Brian after he completed Mad Dog Ike's obsession.

I wonder if the balls representing skills will all be golden in the future.

It looks quite advanced.

The two small points of light are the provider of obsession, some memory fragments from his lifetime.

Brian has been exposed to this before.

Most of these memories are useless.

But it seems to strengthen his mental strength.

Anyway, from the blood moon vision to now.

Even if he didn't use the PaPa transfer method, it had been a long time since he had any mental abnormalities such as hallucinations before his eyes.

Skill ball absorption.

It seems to take a long time.

Brian first crushed the small ball that represented the memory fragment of the deceased.

The first person to die was Kenneth.

His memory, of little value, was the memory fragment of his girlfriend Shayna telling him that she was pregnant.

Brian was not happy to see the hypocrisy of a bitch, so he quickly skipped it.

The second one is Mad Dog Ike.

This guy's memory fragments are very confusing.

One second it was him galloping on Shaina, and the next second it was him holding a detonator, laughing maniacally, and throwing it towards the police car in the distance.

Don't tell me, this throw is accurate and far away.

Brian suspected that Mad Dog Ike might actually have some brain problems and be a bastard.

"It's a pity. I thought there were some clips of memories of a small vault or something."

After reading two fragments of memories.

Brian stretched his hand towards the golden ball.

The moment the ball touched, it turned into a stream of light and poured into Brian's consciousness.

A sudden realization came to Brian's mind:

Talent: Super Computational Perception

Skill: Accurate Throwing

Um? ? ?

Brian was a little confused.


Good skills!

Actually buy one get one free and get a talent?

If I use an example to describe Brian's mood at this moment, it is probably equivalent to beating a big BOSS and dropping a shiny golden treasure box. After opening it, I found that it was like a box of small umbrellas inside. I was speechless and disappointed. In the end, After using it, I discovered that these small umbrellas are not only thin and light, but also can increase the CHU. great!

Accurate throw.

Brian wasn't very interested.

This skill sounds very low.

But the talent of supercomputer perception is different.

It sounds like good stuff!

Just when Brian was curious.

A feeling of dizziness came over me.

His consciousness slowly fell into a deep sleep.

here it is?

Brian looked at the three or four police cars surrounding him in confusion.

In his hands, he held a kerosene lighter and a detonator respectively, and there were also a row of long detonators wrapped directly in yellow thick paper hanging on his body, like a bomb man, laughing maniacally.

Aren’t you receiving gifts from the deceased?

What the hell is that now?

Brian found that he seemed to be possessed by a terrorist. The location was in an abandoned manor in the suburbs. He seemed to be being arrested by the police. Other than that, he knew nothing about it and just watched others play. It's the same as a first-person virtual game.

Bang bang bang~

The policemen shot directly in this direction without any hesitation.

"Come on, you damn cops."

The guy possessed by Brian did not have the slightest fear of being pointed at and fired at indiscriminately by seven or eight long and short guns. Instead, he took the lead in igniting the detonator in his hand and threw it fifty or sixty meters with great accuracy.


An old police car was directly lifted into the air by the shock wave of the explosive, and a fat policeman was slammed to the ground.


"Blow you sons of bitches!"

Each detonator was accurately thrown at the police car and policemen in front.

It only takes a moment.

Except for the corpses and tattered police cars lying around, peace returned to the place.

Brian was stunned.

Good guy!

What a great guy!

The person he possessed must be a professional Bomberman player.

Whether it's fifty or sixty meters, or seventy or eighty meters.

Whether it's hiding behind a wall or hiding next to a car.

The detonator thrown out by this guy was like a precise navigation system. It landed next to the police cars and policemen with great accuracy. As a result, these policemen had no time to run back. It only took them a few breaths to finish them off. The group was destroyed.

"By the way, why do I feel that this guy's voice sounds familiar?"

Brian thought about the skill he had just received and realized, isn't this the voice of Mad Dog Ike!

But the voice sounded a little sharp.

Like the voice changing period?

Brian wondered.

Could it be that he was possessed by a boy, or the mad dog Ike in his youth?

Just when he was thinking to himself.

The body slowly walked to the old police cars that were still burning and began to search for the bodies.

Until all the guns and ammunition are packed.

The possessed body spat at the pile of police corpses: "Didn't you just blow up that son of a bitch mine owner? He actually chased me so far, Fk, the name Drew can't be used in the future. I just happened to go back to my hometown this time. I took my brother with me and we went to Los Angeles together..."

Carrying a bag of weapons and ammunition.

The possessed body returned to the abandoned and dilapidated manor, got into a very old car, and drove into the path outside.

Following the rearview mirror of the car.

Brian finally saw the appearance of the possessed body clearly: he was not good-looking, with a few small freckles on his cheeks, just like a teenage white boy.

"It's really Ike!"

"But he doesn't have that crazy temperament."

"Is this the memory of Ike when he was a teenager?"

Brian was confused and conscious.

When he regained consciousness again, he had returned to the scene at the beginning

Saturday, early morning.

Brian opened his eyes a little tiredly.

It's different!

Everything he saw was different.

Brian looked at the apartment he had lived in for several years in surprise.

Everything was the same.

But when the light passed through the retina to form an image and converted the visual information into his brain, the perception was different!

Brian was surprised to find that he could accurately determine the length, width, height, and distance data of all objects in his field of vision, and automatically convert them into units that he could understand.

This is a very magical perception.

Brian walked to the window of the apartment and looked at the scene in the distance.

The same perception.

The same feedback.

It's just that there are more perceptions such as wind speed and humidity.


Supercomputing perception not only works on Brian's field of vision, but also on his skin and other subtle perceptions of the outside world.

He is simply a natural sniper observer!

In addition to this special perception.

Brian also found that as long as it is an object that enters his field of vision, even if he subconsciously does not notice it, as the perception is transformed, he can easily bring it into his mind.

He felt like playing a shooting game with a data plug-in.

This means that his observation ability has also been qualitatively improved.

If he had a good shooting skill, he would be invincible!

"What a talent!"

Brian was a little happy and a little surprised.

No wonder Mad Dog Ike has a rare precision throwing skill.

Under this perception.

Just practicing the control of strength is almost the same as locking the head.

Brian picked up his mobile phone.


The weight of the mobile phone and the three-dimensional data were all clear in his mind.

A sense of confidence surged in his heart.

He was confident that he could throw the mobile phone in his hand accurately to the maximum distance he could throw, and the error would not exceed ten centimeters!

What if the mobile phone was replaced with the current high explosives?

Brian grinned: "Art is explosion!"


He will also practice his shooting skills a lot to maximize the role of his supercomputing perception talent!

I really don't know why Mad Dog Ike, who obviously has such a perverted talent, is so stupid that he only practices a very limited precision throwing skill. If it was shooting skills, Brian doubted whether those policemen on that day could escape Ike's death sniper.


The mobile phone alarm rang.

Brian suppressed his excitement and joy, and walked to the mirror to take care of his image.

Today is the date for the on-the-job training at the Eskimo Base.

He is going to work!

Thanks to the book friend "Night of Glory" for the 50,000 book coins reward, and thank you Mr. Night!

Brian: Thank you to the book friend "Night of Glory" for the 10,000 book coins and character reward, and thank you Mr. Night!

Thank you to the two book friends "Self-love" and "One of the 1.4 billion people" for the 100 book coins reward, and thank you to the two bosses.

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