Just when Brian didn't know what he would encounter next.

An emotionless mechanical female voice came from the four corners of the room: "Staff Brian, your identity has been confirmed. Please enter the distortion ray detector numbered 009 within five seconds."

The words of the mechanical female voice fell.

In the room, an instrument that looked like a CT machine cast a green light and shadow, illuminating an area.

at the same time.

The mechanical female voice also started the countdown: "54"

Brian swallowed, and without hesitation, he strode under the green projection, his heart beating faster, and he was filled with a sense of powerlessness in controlling his destiny.

this moment.

He is full of desire for power!

As Brian enters the green projection area.

The countdown has ended.

The whole room began to vibrate at a low frequency.

Buzz buzz~

This sound made Brian feel upset.

At the same time, streaks of yellow light turned into a grid and continuously shuttled through Brian's body, as if scanning and testing.

Along with those yellow tangible lights, Brian's body was illuminated.

A rich, almost black dark red surged slowly, was forced out, and blended into the yellow light, dyeing the light into a faint dark yellow, and then quickly dyed into a deeper earthy yellow, and once again penetrated Out of the body.

These earthy yellow rays are mixed with other yellow rays.

Not conspicuous at all.

Brian's supercomputer perception clearly imprinted this change on his mind from the corner of his eye.

But his consciousness and state were not good.

Those rays, I don’t know what they are, when they penetrate the body, they are like countless tangible fine needles piercing it. Coupled with the low-frequency noisy sound of the instrument, it makes people want to explode!

Just when Brian felt like he couldn't help but hold his head and howl loudly, the harsh low-frequency vibration finally began to slow down, and then disappeared in a breath or two.


Brian could no longer hold back, half-kneeling on the ground, lowering his head, breathing heavily.

Large streams of sweat slipped from his body.

A feeling of weakness came over me.

Brian knew clearly that the yellow ray just now contained strong radiation!

Lines of blood emerged from his eyes.

Talent was furious, and when stimulated by emotions, he couldn't help but spurt out a large amount of adrenaline, which quickly blocked Brian's physical and mental weakness, and turned into a sober and incomparable anger.

He now wants to punch those bastards outside!

But Brian knew it.

Firstly, he has no background, and secondly, he has no strength. No matter how angry he appears, it is nothing more than incompetent rage.

this moment.

A thought took root in his heart: He didn't want to experience a scene like today again!

He wants to become stronger!

After a few deep breaths.

The anger in Brian's heart was suppressed by him, and the bloodshot eyes slowly dissipated. The adrenaline that filled his body also began to be metabolized and eliminated from the body with a large amount of sweat.

No more adrenaline.

Brian could no longer support his body and slowly fell to the ground.

While drowsy.

In a trance.

He seemed to hear the man's screams and the team leader Susan's roar.


The room's heavy door was opened.

With a cold look on her face, Susan stepped over the bodies of several screaming soldiers who fell to the ground. Ignoring the remaining radiation in the room, she walked quickly to Brian, gritted her teeth, picked up Brian, who weighed 1,670 pounds, and headed outside. Go.

Pavel looked at his niece, who was so stubborn, and did not stop him. He just said seriously: "Lurker No. 132 is very vigilant and cruel. Without Brian's cooperation, it will be difficult for us to complete the tasks assigned by the above."

Susan glared hard at her father's friend, feeling that he was extremely strange: "Mr. Pavel, don't tell me about your bullshit plan. I only know that Brian is my man and he passed the machine test." ! As long as he is not a deformed person, if you want to touch him, you must first ask if the two guns in my hand will answer! "

"You're asking for trouble, Susan."

Pavel stepped aside: "This is tantamount to you using your future to guarantee this insignificant role. He is just a person who has just joined your team for a few days. You don't even know his true past. he"

"Shut up!"

“Brian is my companion now!

I never give up on someone I approve of!

If he really has a problem

I will execute him with my own hands! "

Susan interrupted Pavel's words, carried Brian on her shoulders, and strode towards the medical room of the base.


Pavel shrugged.

He felt a little sorry for his old friend.

I have such a stubborn daughter.

Suffered from old sin Luo.

Pavel kicked a few downed soldiers: "Okay, stop acting, push the corpse inside into the 009 distortion ray detector. If it is really the corpse of a distortion, we will get a lot of bonuses this month." "

Several soldiers who had been screaming just now got up from the ground with bared teeth.

Obviously, they are not that vulnerable.


The closed room released yellow light again.

But this time, the light appeared for less than two seconds. The moment it entered the corpse, it changed from yellow to reddish-orange, and as time continued, the entire room was dyed light red.

See it.

A smile appeared on Pavel's face.

Mad Dog Ike is indeed an aberrant!

In his daze, Brian felt as if he was flying in the clouds, and his head was hitting the soft cotton-like clouds time and time again.

Don't say it.

These clouds are bouncy and fragrant.

Between confusion.

Brian moved his head and opened his eyes. What he saw was an arc-shaped cover that prevented him from seeing the view ahead.

He subconsciously reached out his hand, trying to push aside the obstruction.


This feel.

next moment.


Everything turned upside down.

Brian was thrown over the shoulder by Susan and hit the ground hard.

Brian took a deep breath, hunched over into a C-shape, and was hit so hard that he could hardly breathe.


Susan snorted coldly, lowered her head and rolled her eyes. Ever since she was 15 years old, she had been swelling so much that she couldn't even see the covering of her feet. Her cheeks turned slightly red, and she grabbed Brian's ankles on the ground and dragged them to eat. You bastard, continue walking towards the medical room.


Because he was ignorant, he mentioned his mistake again. As a result, Susan became angry and beat Brian with a black nose and swollen face. He took off his clothes, covered his chest with electrodes, bit a breathing tube, and lay down honestly. into a large glass jar filled with green solution.

I don’t know what the green solution consists of.

Anyway, after lying in it.

Brian felt a constant influx of coolness and comfort in his tingling body.

About ten minutes later.

The female doctor who had been watching the monitoring knocked on the glass cover: "Okay, most of the special radiation in your body has been removed. Next, eat more vegetables, exercise less, and prohibit activities between men and women for half a month. After that, your body will return to normal."

Brian spit out the breathing tube he was holding in his mouth and moved his body. He did feel much better.

He picked up the bath towel handed over by the doctor, and wiped his body regardless of the other person's tofu-eating look, and asked: "Is the yellow light very harmful to the body?"

The female doctor looked at Brian strangely, as if wondering why he didn't know this.

However, considering that Brian was brought here by Susan, he still nodded:

"Yes, that is a very violent method of detecting aberrations.

After ordinary people are exposed to radiation, a large number of cells in the body will fall into accelerated failure.

You can understand that it was short-lived for several years.

But don't worry.

Team Leader Susan overdrawn her merit points to exchange for this body repair fluid for you. Plus, it came in time, so you should not be much affected. "


Brian was moved.

In fact, under the magic of supercomputer perception.

Not only did he remember the almost black dark red substance hidden in his body, but he also clearly knew what Susan had done and said.

Brian knew that this was Susan's character and not a special treatment for him.

But he was still very moved.

Work with such a person.

Quite lucky.

in addition.

Brian finally learned a lot of things through the conversation between Susan and Pavel.


Lurker No. 132.

Is this the secret that uncle hides!

Brian already had murderous intentions towards this uncle who changed his face and threatened him.

At this moment, he knew that the other party was actually using him as cannon fodder for testing.

Plus Susan vouched for herself regardless of the risk.

After multiple considerations.

Brian decided to find Susan to confess that his uncle threatened him to join NW!

As for the consequences.

Anyway, no matter how bad it is, it won't be too bad.

It was really a fluke that he passed the test this time.

Brian didn't believe that Pavel would really let him go.

The hidden danger of uncle is not solved!

Maybe it will implicate myself!

Thanks to the book friend "The Glory of the Night" for the 20,000 book coins reward, and thanks to the nightclub!

Thanks to book friend ‘Bi Luo Hai Feng’ for the five thousand book coins reward, and thanks to the boss!

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