You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 38 Secret, the boss is actually me!!!

Outside the medical room.

Susan was lowering her head, playing with the bullet, in a daze.

"Team leader."

Brian opened the door, saw Susan, and said hello in a soft voice.

Susan didn't know what she was thinking, and was startled.

After reacting.

She turned red and glared at Brian: "Why are you speaking so loudly!"

Brian: Meow meow?

As a man who has read countless cars, he naturally knows that it is stupid to reason with a woman who is in an incomprehensible state.

Because of this time.

Their brains will be in a Schrödinger emotional state.

Whatever you say is wrong.

The correct approach is to give the other party a hard blow.

So Brian made a small-life version of the standard ninety-degree bow to Susan: "Team leader, thank you for everything you have done for me!"

Susan can't help Brian.

She hurriedly helped Brian up: "I told you that I would protect you, so there's no need for this."

"But I'm sorry for you, team leader. In fact, I joined NW with a purpose and was coerced." Brian's face was full of guilt and uneasiness.

Susan sighed: "I already knew it just now. Let's go. The induction training has probably started. I'll train you alone."

Susan is really familiar with this Ais base.

Brian suspected that the Ais base, which was apparently just established a few years ago, was referring to the buildings above it and was just used as a cover.

The real Es base is located 121 meters underground.

And I’m afraid it’s been established here for a long time!

With doubts.

Brian followed Susan to a private room.

Susan looked at this place with some nostalgia: "This is the room I lived in during special training. I stayed here for eight years before joining the protection team. After returning to Los Angeles, they returned this room to "

Brian pretended to be confused and said, "Team leader, wasn't the Ais base just built in recent years?"

Susan shook her head: "This place was established in 1975."

She didn't go into details, motioned Brian to sit down, knocked her head, and thought for a long time before she thought of how to provide Brian with onboarding training: "Brian, you should know about the blood moon phenomenon that occurs once every thirty years, right?"

Brian was excited.

I can finally know this damn secret!

He nodded vigorously: "Yes, and I have seen it with my own eyes. It's amazing. It doesn't feel like the problem of infrared dyeing caused by light refraction that astronomers say."

"I don't understand what you mean by refraction or infrared." Susan, who was obviously a scumbag, said simply and rudely: "In short, your feeling is right. The red moon phenomenon first appeared just after World War II. After that day, many different people appeared in the world.”

Brian thought about his golden finger and the dark red substance hidden somewhere in his body.

He licked his lips: "What kind of different person?"

A trace of disgust flashed in Susan's eyes: "A group of very perverted people. Some of them are very strong, some are very fast, some have strong hearing, and some can see very far. When I was training before, I even saw one..."

She paused and pointed to Brian: "A genital specimen about the same height as you."


If you don’t know how to give examples, don’t give them!

The key is that I am 1.9 meters tall in shoes!

Such a long jill!

Could it be that Jill's owner usually wears it around his waist?

"Can't believe it, right?"

Susan sighed:

“When I first saw it, I couldn’t believe it, but this is the impact of the blood moon.

Its moonlight can be integrated into the bodies of some extremely perverted and evil people, turning it into a gift that we cannot understand, prompting their bodies to mutate in the direction that the chosen ones most desire. "

Extremely perverted and evil person...

Brian was a little numb.

He has determined that the changes in his body are not golden fingers at all, but the mutations brought about by the blood moon.

The issue is.

Brian believes that he is kind to others and does not stir up trouble. Even if he works part-time, he only earns some hard-earned money. Although he does kill people and set fires, his methods are clean and neat, and he never does anything torturing.

Such a good person.

He actually gained the favor of Blood Moon.

This is simply the biggest insult to my noble personality!

He asked without giving up: "Team leader, are you saying that those who receive gifts from the blood moon are all perverts?"

Susan shook her head: "It's not all abnormal."

Hearing this, Brian breathed a sigh of relief.

That's good.

"There is also a high chance that mentally ill people will receive gifts."


That's okay.

Susan lit a slender stick and waited for Brian to digest the secrets.

After smoking.

Then she continued:

“At the beginning, governments in various countries did not realize the seriousness of the problem. It was not until the number of various cases increased significantly, and most of those cases were very cruel, that everyone realized something was wrong.


After a lot of capturing and research.

Countries have basically understood the characteristics of these aberrations. "

"What characteristics?"

Brian got goosebumps when he heard about capture and research.

Susan shrugged:

"There are many.

At the beginning, the hormones in the bodies of the deformed will change greatly, and their physical appearance and living habits may also change greatly, such as becoming very strong, having pica, liking dark and humid places, liking to soak in water, growing taller by a large margin, etc.

However, these are not the reasons why they are called deformed.

The real reason is that their already twisted minds will become even more twisted.

The darkness in their deepest hearts will be constantly magnified, making them unable to restrain their impulses and do what they want to do most.

The more they do.

The stronger their abilities will be.

The faster their rationality will disappear.

Most deformed people will lose their self-awareness within one or two years of the gift of the blood moon and become completely beasts of desire. "

Hearing that the hormone level has increased.

Brian couldn't help but think of the last time his uncle suddenly asked him to take a physical examination!

It turned out that the other party had known all this for a long time.

Brian's hatred for his uncle Billy +1.

Susan probably had a dry mouth from talking, so she took out a bottle of water from under the bed, drank it in one gulp, and then continued: "But the most accurate detection method is that every deformed person has a special red radiation hidden in their body."

"According to current research.

The more perverted and evil the deformed person is, the more intense the red in their body.

Later, some scientists invented a deformed ray detector based on this characteristic.

The yellow rays it emits can react with the red radiation in the deformed person's body.

For example, a low-concentration deformed person will show orange rays under the instrument.

A medium-concentration person will show red-orange rays.

A high-concentration person will show red rays.

The accuracy rate is very high!

At least no mistakes have been found so far. "

Brian was frightened when he heard this.


Luckily, the black and yellow merged to form a yellowish brown.

He was not exposed!

Otherwise, he could not imagine what he would experience.

Brian's hatred for Uncle Billy increased by 1 again!

He asked tentatively: "Team leader, are there only these three types?"

Susan nodded with certainty:

"Only these three levels have been found so far.

Internationally, there have been tests on deformed people who have experienced the second blood moon radiation.

The ones with the strongest concentration among them are the high concentration ones.

No more powerful deformed people have been found.

I feel that it is unlikely to appear.

Because human willpower will become weaker and weaker as time goes by and the body becomes old and weak.

Experience the second blood moon radiation.

Most of them are not young anymore.

It is difficult to stay sane and live to the third blood moon radiation. ”


The red radiation in my body has turned black

What level is this?


The boss is actually me!

Two chapters with 5,000 words.

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I want all.

Good night.

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