You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 39 I, Brian, will never tolerate evil!

When Brian realized that he was also a deformed person and there was no such thing as a golden finger, Brian felt very complicated.

According to Susan.

Aberrants are either super perverts or mentally ill.

These people, after experiencing the radiation of the Blood Moon celestial phenomenon, have a certain probability of receiving the gifts of the Blood Moon.

The power of the gift will give birth to the abilities that the host desires most and is most suitable for based on the reflection of the host's mind. And as time goes by, the dark side of their hearts will emerge uncontrollably, and they will slowly lose their reason and commit one after another. murder.

According to Susan.

Once these aberrations act according to the darkness in their hearts and their desires are satisfied, they will become stronger and their rationality will further decline.

Therefore, most of the aberrants, after the initial influence of the blood moon celestial phenomenon, cannot survive more than a year or two before they become beasts of desire and completely lose their minds.

This made Brian feel bad.

He thought of something very serious!

My uncle was probably a deformed person before the Blood Moon.

Doesn't this mean.

Is the uncle a deformed person who has experienced the gift of the second blood moon?

How strong should uncle Billy be?

Think of this.

Brian quickly asked Susan: "Team leader, if those aberrations can obtain the power they most desire, then if someone wants to destroy the world, wouldn't we be unable to resist?"

When Susan heard this, she smiled disdainfully: "If it were really that simple, the world would have been in chaos a long time ago. It's not that the deformed will have whatever they desire in their hearts. This is related to two factors."

“The first factor is the extent to which the aberrant is exposed to blood moon contamination when he awakens.

The higher the degree of pollution of aberrations, the more in line with their inner thoughts when they awaken their abilities.

for example.

A low-pollution aberration awakener.

His heart desires the strongest body.

Then he may experience bone hyperplasia, skin calcification, muscle sclerosis, etc. There are some benefits, but the side effects are not small.

If it is a highly polluted aberration awakener.

He also longs for the strongest body in his heart.

Then he may experience a significant increase in the number and density of muscle fibers, a significant increase in bone density, a significant increase in nerve response speed, and other positive reinforcement without side effects.

specific degree of contamination.

Depends on their willpower.

The higher the willpower, the higher the degree of contamination.

Based on current research.

The most potential aberrants are often those who are clearly perverts and mentally ill, but always think that they are normal people.

This kind of person even deceives himself.

Pollution levels are often very high.

But whatever it is.

Ninety-nine percent of the aberrations have obtained physical enhancements. It does not mean that they can have what they want, it just means that they are infinitely close. "


He felt that Susan's last words were alluding to him.

But from Susan's mouth.

He also realized that his uncle was probably a highly polluted deformed person at the very least.

I don’t know that I have ten kilograms of explosives accumulated on my hands.

Can't handle it.

The issue is.

The uncle has so many subordinates, their sense of danger is comparable to that of wild beasts, and they also have the ability to obtain a large number of weapons.

I only have explosives and a small pistol, so it may not be easy to use!

Brian quickly asked: "Team leader, what about the second factor?"

Susan glared at Brian angrily, took out another bottle of water, took a sip, and then continued:

“The second factor that determines the strength of aberrations is their sanity.

Aberrants are also human beings, and as humans, they know how to use tools.

Just imagine it.

A deformed person with faster reaction and speed than you shoots at you, can you dodge it?

However, generally, the higher the degree of pollution, the easier it is for aberrations to lose control of their rationality. Without reason, they will not rely on external forces. However, for aberrations with a low degree of pollution, their own willpower is average. Even if they are less likely to lose control, their distortion ability is not strong. There is not much difference from ordinary criminals. "

Hear this.

Brian didn't feel relieved.

He felt that his uncle Billy did not seem to fit what Susan said.

The other party is not only ferocious and strong, but also has a low IQ.

The more you know.

Brian felt less and less confident.

Seeing Brian's face looking ugly.

Susan thought he was still worried, so she took out a special 11.18mm caliber bullet with her right hand that was as thick as Brian's little finger: "Brian, don't think too much, even the strongest aberration discovered so far can still carry it." I can't hold back the gunpowder justice in my hand that can crush a brown bear's head!"

Brian nodded, but his expression still didn't change.

He also didn't believe that his uncle could physically resist bullets and explosives.

The issue is.

The other party's perception of danger is too keen.

Sneak attacks may not be useful.

Front hard steel

Brian sighed.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

Since the uncle has been targeted, he probably cannot escape the fate of being captured and then taken for study.

I'd better kill my relatives for justice and hold Susan's big white legs firmly.

After Susan's popular science.

Brian also figured out that his so-called golden fingers were not real benefits for time travellers.

This is entirely a gift from the blood moon.

It is also the reflection of what he longs for deep in his heart.

Think about it too.

As an ordinary time-traveler who faces huge pressure and life threats, but is unable to change the status quo.

What does Brian desire most in his heart?

Of course it's Goldfinger.

So Brian awakened to the 'golden finger' gifted by the deceased.

"No wonder every time I execute those beasts, I feel very satisfied inside."

Brian was a little confused.

Doesn't this mean.

Keep going like this.

Will my own reason, like those of the aberrants, gradually disappear and become a beast of desire?

Brian sighed inwardly.

never mind.

Take one step, just one step.

Uncle Billy and Mad Dog Ike could last for thirty years without losing control.

You should be able to do it yourself.

Let’s solve the current dilemma first.

Think of this.

Brian suppressed his worries and continued to listen to Susan's endless science talk.


Every aberration that loses control will impact the social order.

This is also the meaning of our NW existence. "

The end of popular science.

Susan looked into Brian's eyes and said seriously: "We are the front line of defense for ordinary people. We are the night watchmen in the dark. Capturing or killing all the aberrants we find is our most important task!"

Brian, a BOSS-level aberrant, raised his fist with firm eyes: "I understand, team leader! I, Brian, am sworn in with evil!"

Susan nodded with satisfaction and patted Brian on the shoulder:

"Great, Brian!

I knew I had seen the right person!

Don't worry about your uncle's affairs.

He asked you to join NW. He probably knew some inside stories about Blood Moon, so he used you to test whether we are targeting him.

This doesn't really make sense.

Even without my intervention, the people at the base will not touch you.

They will only turn you against you.

Because your uncle is very valuable and has his own number, he has probably been on the list of those disgusting guys for a long time. "

"Captivity list?"

“Aberrations are unstable factors, but they are also wealth.

You don’t need to know the specifics.

You should not have any contact with your uncle from now on.

There must be those disgusting guys around him.

If you continue to have contact with your uncle, I may not be able to keep you.


You can tell your uncle that you passed the NW review.

But don't go meet him again.

If your uncle must see you.

Just tell me.

I will personally send him to meet Satan! "

Susan patted the two guns on her waist domineeringly.

"Team leader."

Brian burst into tears and wished he could commit himself to Susan right now.

It's a pity that Susan doesn't like to play with hidden rules.

She looked at the time and waved to Brian: "Let's go, the onboarding training over there should be over. I'll take you to sign a confidentiality agreement and get some official staff equipment. In fact, the purpose of the existence of the Ais base is... To detain and study those aberrants, we are their front-line staff and eyes and ears.”

Hear about confinement and research.

Brian's heart tightened.

My identity as a deformed person must not be exposed!

Otherwise, life will definitely be worse than death.

Follow Susan.

Brian was full of thoughts and received a 'high-tech' watch exclusive to NW staff.

This thing can not only locate the location, but also can call for emergency help.

The key is.

After the aberration dies, the contaminated radiation in the body will leak out and be detected by the watch.


The entire Los Angeles law enforcement department will test every corpse immediately after the blood moon to ensure that the corpse of the aberration will not be missed.

This is also the fundamental reason why the body of Mad Dog Ike was discovered immediately and sent to the base.

For Brian and other NW frontline staff.

Every corpse of a deformed person represents a high bonus.

As for who is the hunter and who is the prey.

It just depends on each other's methods.

This is actually a popular science chapter that opens up the world view. It’s a bit cumbersome, sorry.


In fact, Susan was originally based on Dean's daughter, but I didn't expect some readers to figure it out.

Ha ha.

Thanks to the book friend "The Glory of the Night" for the 10,000 book coins reward, and thanks to the nightclub!

Brian: Thank you to the "Glory of the Night" book friend for the 10,000 book coins reward, and thank you to the nightclub!

Chapter 2 may be half an hour late.

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