You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 40 Why do you force me?

"Brian, it's great that you're okay!"

When Ivan saw Brian following Susan, he immediately rushed up and wanted to give him a warm hug.

Brian decisively rejected the other party's post: "Don't do this, Ivan, I am very weak now and I can't bear your rudeness."

Regarding everyone’s previous concessions.

Brian didn't have much embarrassment in his heart.

This is human nature.

Emotions take time to brew.

It was beyond his expectation that everyone came forward at that time.

Susan also briefly talked about Brian's situation.

She didn't want the team she had just formed to fall apart because of something trivial.

After returning to Los Angeles.

Because the sixth team's new office location is still being renovated urgently, a lot of equipment needs to be filled, and some assisting employees need to be recruited, so in the next period of time, the sixth team entered a state of renovation.

After Brian sent the news of his successful employment to his uncle, he asked Susan for a loan and spent all day at the shooting range where the police cooperated, and began to practice his marksmanship.

In fact, marksmanship, except for a few talented guys, is basically fed by bullets.


Brian's supercomputer perception talent is a talent that is very suitable for shooting.

In fact, concealed weapons can also be used, which are more suitable for assassinations.

But if you don’t have a gun but use martial arts, how can you become a master?

Mad Dog Ike developed it into a precise throwing skill, but it was too limited. He completely used the priceless night pearl as a glass ball to play marbles, and wasted everything!

Brian suspected it had something to do with Ike's mental state.

This kind of guy.

It cannot be understood using common sense.

After being strengthened, the physical fitness is comparable to that of a year-round sports and fitness enthusiast.

Brian just two weeks.

Marksmanship has grown rapidly.

Shooting fixed targets within at least twenty meters basically means hitting them wherever you go.

Moving target..

It is much stronger than before, but there is no particularly exaggerated qualitative change.

no way.

Although Brian knew roughly what kind of wind speed and how to aim to hit the target after firing hundreds of rounds, it was difficult to accurately control the position of his muzzle every time he fired.

Off a little bit.

The impact point of the bullet will be very different.

Brian's talent in this area is really average. He can only make big breakthroughs by feeding a large number of bullets to form muscle memory.

This requires more bullets and time.

To Brian's surprise.

Since he sent the text message to his uncle, not only has he received no response, but he has also lost contact with his cousin.

Because of Susan's words.

Since Brian's return, he has refrained from contact with members of the Kamo family.

But two weeks passed.

He couldn't help it.

Just when Brian wanted to find Ivan and the others, and wanted to investigate the activities of the Peaky Blinders through the contacts they had, Susan, who had not been seen for many days, came with a gentle-looking man wearing a pair of golden silk stockings. A white man in a suit and glasses came to the shooting range and found him.

"Team leader, are you returning to the team?"

Brian greeted Susan warmly.

The bonus from NW has not been distributed yet.

The bullet money for him to practice marksmanship during this period, as well as the medical expenses for his adoptive parents this month, were all borrowed from Susan.

This team leader is really loyal.

Susan shook her head and did not speak. Instead, she motioned to the man with glasses beside her to speak.

The white man with glasses stretched out his hand politely towards Brian: "Coroner Brian, I am Detective Karen from the first team of Team A. I came to see you this time because I have something I want to find out from you."

Now Brian also understands why he didn't meet his forensic colleagues from the Forensic Bureau when he went to the Es Base for an interview.

Because if they want to join, they all enter Team A directly.

No formalization assessment is required.

As for the preparatory team established by Susan and other second generations, after becoming a regular team, they also belong to the B team.

The status of the two in the NW organization, Team A, is higher than Team B.

A member of Team A came to see me...

Brian's heart tightened as he realized the purpose of the other party's coming.

He picked up the towel on his shoulder and wiped his sweat, covering up his sudden change in expression: "No problem, if you have anything, just ask."

Karen nodded, and the gentle expression on his face turned serious: "Do you still remember Shaina?"

Brian nodded: "Of course I remember, that was a poor woman, and I helped deliver her boyfriend's insurance compensation receipt."

"Was there anything strange about her at that time?"

Brian touched his chin, thought for a moment, and then shook his head:

"how to say

After Shaina heard that her boyfriend had left her a huge insurance compensation, she lowered her head and cried very sadly.

But in fact.

I didn't see any tears on her face, I mean, I could tell she was pretending to cry, so I just left. "

Karen heard this and adjusted her glasses: "You mean, she is not sad about her boyfriend's death?"

"I don't know, but I feel like she may not be as sad as she showed before." Brian changed his tone and said, "Agent Cullen, what's wrong with Shaina?"


Karen kept no secrets:

“A few days ago, when a thief entered her house to steal, he found her rotting body lying on the ground.

After autopsy.

The medical examiner found that Shayna died of cardiac arrest caused by drug injection into the carotid artery.

We found a lot of traces of needle injections on her skin.

She was very addicted to drugs. "

Brian heard this and shook his head: "What a pity for Kenneth's child."

Susan then spoke: "Agent Cullen, Brian and Shayna do not have any conflict of interest, and they have not known each other before. This is just a simple accident. I hope that in the future you will spend more time on the case instead of Leave it to our colleagues!”

Karen shrugged and reached out to Brian apologetically: "Sorry, I'm just going through a procedure."

Brian breathed a sigh of relief, stretched out his hand, and said with a smile: "Understood..."


Brian's face changed slightly and he looked at Karen in confusion.

Karen just nodded and smiled at him, took back his palm, said hello to Susan, and left alone.

Brian calmly retracted his palm and looked at Susan: "Team leader, why do I feel that you don't like this guy?"

Susan rolled her eyes:

"Because their team leader is a guy I hate very much.

In fact, I applied to be the team leader of Group B because of their team leader.

Otherwise, I would probably have become a somewhat famous bounty hunter by now. "


She seemed to have thought of something interesting, and a smile appeared on her face: "By the way, some time ago, the first team of Team A and an agent who just joined disappeared, and even the body was not found. Let the first team of Team A Team leader, you’ve lost a lot of face.”

Hearing this, Brian's heart sank.

He thought of the white police detective whom he had integrated into nature.

Good guy.

This is a sign of bad intentions.

After Susan asked some more caring words, she left in a hurry.

during this time.

She was very busy.

Farewell Susan.

Brian came to the toilet at the shooting range, stretched out his palm, and looked at the gift that Karen had left for him.

That's a note.

On the note was a name: Andres.

This was the first beast that Brian had executed.

The police detective who came to him privately before was also here because of Andres' matter.

So, is this to warn yourself?

Brian smiled disdainfully and threw the note into the toilet and flushed it away.

Although it is unclear why this Karen and the previous police detective targeted him.

But since the other party didn't directly bring people over to arrest them.

Description Karen's hand.

There is no evidence to accuse yourself!

The other party may be concerned about his status as an official NW employee, so he wants to alert the enemy!

In Brian's eyes, the afterimage of the blood moon flashed away:

"I just want to live my life well, why are you forcing me?"

"Can't you live a good life?"

He took a deep breath and temporarily suppressed the murderous intention in his heart.

Karen, you can't move yet.

During this period of time, I killed too many people.

These are the key people.

Strictly speaking, all of them have had contact with me.

Not all exposed.

Just because the base number is too small and there is no connection between the dead, the corpses have all been disposed of.

But if there is anyone, keep your eyes on yourself.

It’s easy to spot something is wrong.

Brian silently lit a cigarette.

For the gift of the deceased.


He deserves to be killed.

But you can't expose yourself.

So how to solve this problem?

Two chapters and five thousand words.

Good night


Chapter 41 is an excessive chapter (using the protagonist's supercomputer perception ability, a useless panel is added for readers to see. When it comes out in the future, it will also be included in the author's words, so that readers can understand the protagonist's ability without getting entangled or ignoring it. affect subsequent reading).

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