before taking action.

Collecting intelligence is a very important part.

through developed networks.

Brian collected some useful information through the public platform.

The first group of NW's A team is led by Vadim O'Sullivan.

Brian didn't recognize the man.

On the official website, there are only some basic working experiences of the other party.

But through the other person's last name.

Brian still found additional information.

The O'Sullivan family was the first group of powerful people to settle in Los Angeles. They initially made their fortune through the mining industry, but it was not very eye-catching. After coming to Los Angeles, they chose the shipping field, but they did not expect it to develop as fast as Los Angeles later. , and slowly took root.


This is another second generation.

The only difference between the other party and Susan is that Vadim was originally a captain in the Police Detective Bureau.

So after NW was established.

Vadim also took advantage of the opportunity to become a leader of Team A.

Among the NW frontline staff, Team A and Team B have the same law enforcement rights.

The biggest difference.

The members of Team A are originally outstanding people in the industry.

After they pass the qualification review, they can be transferred directly to another position, and there is no need to go through the regularization assessment.

The members of the first team of NW's Team A are all mature police detectives, forensic scientists, and some assisting personnel. It is divided into three internal teams with as many as 17 members. They are mainly responsible for human life cases in the Canyon Branch area.

Originally they had 18 members.


Got a slap from Brian.

It was also the first time that Brian knew the name of the police detective he had integrated into nature: Garland.

Garland and Karen are both members of the first team and the third team of Team A.

Brian was certain.

Before this, he did not know these two people, and there was no conflict of interest.

If Detective Garland wanted to investigate the case and convict himself, there was no need to come alone, and he deliberately chose a place like a suburban cemetery late at night.

this means.

The other party is not looking for me to enforce the law, but for other purposes!

But that doesn't matter anymore.

He would soon know why.

Brian silently lit a cigarette.

If possible.

He didn't like spending the night in trouble.


Brian began stalking Karen.

Don’t follow, don’t confront.

Brian was directly several hundred meters away, using a telescope to observe the time Karen returned home every day.

This process lasted three days.

Three days later.

Harness supercomputer perception.

Brian, who had greeted his adoptive parents in advance, cleverly took advantage of a reckless will-o'-the-wisp boy and got into a car accident.


"Man, I have to say, you are really unlucky."

Ivan looked at Brian, whose left leg was fixed with equipment, with a look of sympathy on his face.

They've checked.

The kid who knocked down Brian drove his motorcycle directly onto the sidewalk, knocking Brian over while he was walking. He did not intend to attack.

This was an unfortunate car accident.

Looking at Glenn who looked much paler, he rolled his eyes and looked at Susan who was looking at X-rays: "Team leader, Brian is an indispensable part of our team. Since he has difficulty moving now, our team Should the vacation be extended?”

"It cannot be extended."

Susan shook her head:

“In about three or four days, the office location will be ready.

We've been fixing it for a long time.

There have been frequent homicides in Los Angeles recently.

Several groups in Team A are almost overwhelmed. "

Brian bit into the fruit brought by his colleague with a relaxed expression:

"Guys, don't worry.

I asked the doctor.

Although I have limited mobility now, I can still do my normal work as a coroner.

It's just inconvenient to go out into the field.

If I hire an assistant who is familiar with murder scene investigation, it shouldn't affect the subsequent work. "

Hearing this, Susan's face looked much more relaxed.

She chuckled and said, "I have found him. He is an old employee of the Forensic Bureau. He has been on the front line of the Police Detective Bureau and has rich experience. Brian, weren't you a forensic assistant in the Forensic Bureau before? Maybe you know him. "


Brian wasn't impressed.

There were only a few hundred people in the Forensic Medicine Bureau, and most of the men and women looked familiar to him.

Chat for a moment.

Several people left one after another.

But Susan was stopped by Brian.

"What's wrong?" Susan was a little confused: "Brian, I still have a lot of things to deal with. Thanks to old Harden. Without his help, I doubt whether I can persevere these days."

Brian showed apology on his face:

"Team leader, I have something to ask you for help.

Is such that.

After I came back last time, I sent a message to my uncle.

As a result, no reply was received, and even some members of the Kamo family could not be contacted.

I feel a little insecure now. "

"That's a problem."

Susan bit her lip and thought for a moment before feeling a little embarrassed: "Uncle Qi is the target of the hunting team. If I go to investigate his situation and cause misunderstandings among the hunting team, it will be very troublesome. If you are worried about yourself If it’s a matter of safety, you can stay at my place.”


Hunting party?

Brian kept this name in his heart silently.

Susan's words.

He was a little disappointed when he heard the front, but his eyes lit up when he heard the back.

But think about your next actions.

Then he took two large revolvers to Susan's waist.

The fire that had just risen in his heart was extinguished in an instant.

Brian refused: "Forget it, team leader, you go and do your work."



"Okay, call me if you need anything."

Susan was really busy now and left the hospital directly without any ink.

The main reason is that she doesn't think that Brian's uncle has a chance to hurt Brian.

She knew something about the situation, but it was not convenient for her to tell Brian.

Brian only suffered a broken left leg and naturally did not need to be hospitalized.

Wait until the situation stabilizes.

He was pushed back to the apartment by hospital nurses in a wheelchair.

Comes with a cane.

The market price of this thing is about twenty dollars.

The hospital charged him more than two hundred US dollars, but he couldn't bargain, otherwise he wouldn't be able to receive medical reimbursement in the future.

late at night.

It's quiet at night.

Brian got up from the bed and began to remove the fixing plates on his legs without turning on the light.

He refused the suggestion of plaster on the grounds of cleanliness.

Because this thing cannot be dismantled intact.

Feeling the stinging pain in your legs.

Brian's heart moved.

The stored gift energy turned into a warm current, appeared at the location of his wound, and began to recover quickly.

Brian had experimented once before with his thumb.

This time it was easy to control.

Under his delicate control, the cracks in the damaged bones of his left leg began to slowly heal.

Until it does not affect basic actions.

Only then did Brian stop the supply of warm water.

He didn't fully repair the bone crack.

This is because, afterwards, he had to break his leg again.

There are cracks.

Convenient and does not affect X-ray results.


It was already around nine o'clock in the evening.

According to Brian's many days of observation.

Karen's life is very regular.

After get off work, the other party would go to a tavern near his home, drink for a while, and then go home and sleep before nine o'clock.

This is a self-disciplined man.

Brian likes disciplined people.

This will reduce the chance of too many changes in his actions.

Avoid surveillance.

After leaving the apartment.

Brian came to a dilapidated second-hand car that had been prepared for a long time, took a load of tools, and disappeared into the night.

Every time after completing the obsession, the basic strengthening gift obtained will be given a value as soon as possible so that the brothers can intuitively feel it.

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