A detached house somewhere.

Karen looked at the report in his hand, tapping his fingers on the table, and his breath smelled of alcohol.

He's been under a lot of pressure lately.

Colleague Garland disappeared for no reason.

The other party's task was handed over to his own hands.

The key is.

He was not very familiar with his dead colleague Garland. He only knew that Garland had investigated Brian before the accident.

But he wasn't sure whether Brian was the murderer.

for safety.

He first investigated Garland's whereabouts before the accident, and finally found a name in the other party's home: Andres.

After investigation.

Karen discovered that Andres was the murderer of a mysterious death in a case.


NW had just been formed at that time.

The autopsy work in this case was left to the Medical Examiner's Bureau.

The target, Brian, is a former employee of the Forensic Bureau.

According to work files retrieved by Karen.

At that time, Brian was also involved in the reception process of the deceased Andres!

Karen suspects that there may be a secret hidden between his colleague Garland, the target Brian, and the dead murderer Andres.

So he used a case to test the target.

Based on the attention these days.

The target, Brian, did not make any unnecessary moves.

This is where the pressure comes from for Karen.

According to the reaction of normal people, no matter what the reason is, they will be more or less curious about the note they gave.

But the other party didn't respond.

This made Karen feel uneasy.

Years of investigative experience told him.

This Brian really has a problem!


"This sixth team of Team B has some problems with its members. I really don't understand why Garland, the bastard, picked this Brian!"

"How about changing the target..."

Karen couldn't help but curse.

In fact, he also understood why his colleague Garland chose Brian as his target.

The sixth team previously had four members: coroner Brian, former detective Teddy team-Ivan and Glenn, and retired logistics veteran police officer Old Harden.

Among them, the Teddy group is notorious in the industry. They have high strength and somewhat abnormal brains. They do things regardless of the consequences and are very difficult to mess with.

Old Harden, an old employee who has been in the police system for more than 40 years.

No one wants to know who this old guy knows at this critical moment.

Only Brian seems to be a weakling, and it's best to handle him.

Now it seems.

Something is wrong with this Brian!

Karen closed her eyes in pain.

Can't this sixth group of Team B recruit some normal people?

What kind of tricks are these! ! !

Karen wanted to wince.

It's not that he's afraid of that Brian.

But it feels too tricky.

As an official NW employee, his identity is even more sensitive than his previous identity as a police detective.

Without a handle.

He couldn't use many of his methods.

If this continues, there will be no way to complete the tasks assigned above.

Just at the moment of confusion.

An uneasiness surged in Karen's heart.

His hair stood on end and he turned his head sharply.


Under the orange desk lamp, it was empty and dark, and there was nothing unusual about it.

Karen breathed a sigh of relief.

Don't look at him wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses.

In his early years, he was actually a figure who had emerged from a hail of bullets, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to join the powerful NW Action Team A.

"It seems that I have been too anxious recently."

Karen exhaled the strong smell of alcohol and made up her mind to find the new team leader tomorrow and refuse the other party's task.

There is no absolute certainty.

Don't take any risks.

This was the code of conduct that allowed him to return to Los Angeles from the battlefield alive!


Karen slowly stood up and prepared to change clothes and go to bed.

next moment.

A round anesthetic needle, similar to a syringe, shot out from the darkness and accurately hit his neck.


As his consciousness fell into darkness, Karen had one last thought.

"You're quite alert. Could it be a sixth sense?"

Brian, who was bloated and wearing a pig-head mask, slowly walked out of the darkness, kicked the motionless Karen, and then took the homemade crossbow in his hand and gave him a shot of homemade anesthetic.

This thing is not as effective as medical anesthetics, and the effect is average.

But after two injections, even a strong adult man would have no chance of regaining consciousness within a few hours.

This is the power of professionalism.

Make sure there are no surveillance cameras in the room.

Brian just walked to the table and picked up the report Karen put down.

This is a record sheet.

After reading the above content, Brian felt happy.

Good guy.

During this period of time, the other party has actually been observing him secretly.

Fortunately, every time he went out to observe Karen's home, he always left the apartment secretly and put on a disguise, which could be regarded as preparation for today's action in advance. Otherwise, he was really afraid that Karen would find something wrong.

"People's hearts are evil!"

"Fortunately, I struck first!"

Brian murmured in his mind and decided to continue to carry forward his style in the future.

As long as he strikes quickly.

Don’t be afraid of being shot in the dark!

After cleaning up the traces left behind when infiltrating.

Brian picked up Karen and dropped a thumb-sized, bloody pig head sculpture on the ground. Then he went directly to the surveillance camera outside the house, made a throat-cutting gesture, and then swaggered away and disappeared into the night.

Three o'clock in the morning.

A familiar suburban cabin.

Brian was digging a pit.

This was the temporary place where the Camo family used to stay when they organized family hunting in the wild. It was very remote and had been abandoned for a long time.

Except for the legal hunting season.

Generally, no one would approach here.

Brian dealt with that Li Sen before.

It was here.

Now it is used as a temporary garbage disposal point by Brian.

But there is no more than three times.

After this time.

Brian is not going to come here again.

The pit was dug.

Brian stripped Karen, who was about to wake up, and threw him into the pit.

After doing all this.

He took out a plastic bucket full of densely packed hideous little snakes and put it aside, waiting for poor Agent Karen to wake up.


Brian sincerely thanked Miss Ina, who was practicing medicine illegally.

This abnormal lady, although charging a little bit rudely, her methods were indeed wild. She could get a lot of things, and she was very tight-lipped. The supply was private and worry-free, and she also allowed service first and payment later.

After waiting for about half an hour.

Karen, who was in a coma, finally woke up a little dazedly.

He felt that his current state was a little strange.

It was like a hangover, not completely sober yet, a state of being half awake and half awake, and a dazed state.

His body was also a little weak.

He opened his mouth and wanted to ask for help: "Is there anyone?"

Brian, who was above the pit, heard the words as an unclear humming sound.

He was not surprised.

This is a normal reaction during the process of awakening from anesthesia.

In fact.

Many people's moral integrity is gone from the moment they wake up on the operating table.

Many patients can say anything when they just wake up.

That place is considered a disaster area for social death.

About ten minutes later.

The effect of the inferior anesthetics configured by Brian completely dissipated.

Karen's consciousness was completely restored.

It was the time when the moon was setting, the sun was not rising, and the sky and the earth were the darkest.

Karen looked around in horror, but could only vaguely see the blurry figure of Brian wearing a pig head mask above the pit, like a perverted killer in a horror movie, looking at his prey with interest.

Karen, naked, curled up helplessly in the corner of the pit: "No matter what your purpose is, I will cooperate."


You compromised before I made a move.

It's a bit disrespectful to the snake feast I prepared for you, right?

Brian, who had lost interest, had to take off the pig head mask on his head: "Agent Karen, I'm curious, why do you and your colleague Garland keep bothering me?"

Karen heard this familiar voice, and despair flashed in his eyes.

The person who killed Garland was really Brian!

He was dead!

Thanks to the book friend "Night of Glory" for the 40,000 book coins reward, and thank you Mr. Night!

Thanks to the book friend ‘20231225015449320’ for the tip, and thanks to the boss!

Good night.

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