You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 48 Difficult, new case

One thing to say.

This feeling of killing the opponent and getting another wave of obsession from him.

It's really cool.

I just don’t know what the obsession of this little obsession ball is.

Brian picked up his crutches faster.

I seem to hear movement.

The staff who were still piecing together the broken bodies stood up and looked up, then showed a surprised look: "Brian?"


Brian was also a little surprised.

Because the other party turned out to be Thom, a colleague with whom he had a good relationship before in the Forensic Medicine Bureau.

Talk about it.

This time, Vadim, the leader of Team A1, was killed by Brian, and he had something to do with Thom.

If Thom hadn't called Brian to work overtime at the Medical Examiner's Bureau in the middle of the night.

Brian wouldn't kill that beast Andres out of obsession.

Don't kill the beast Andres.

Agent Garland would not directly target Brian with the threat of rebellion.

Unexpectedly, it was at the end.

It was Thom who was responsible for containing Vadim's body.

have to say.

This is dark humor.

The two haven't seen each other for almost a month.

Now it seems.

Tom joined the B1 group.

Seeing that Brian's legs were tied, Tom quickly put down the minced meat in his hands and asked concernedly: "Brian, man, what's wrong with your legs?"

Brian shrugged: "He was hit by a kid smoking marijuana on a motorcycle. Is this the body of the deceased?"

Tom knew that Brian had also joined the B6 group. Seeing that he could enter the murder scene, he didn't bother to keep it a secret, so he nodded:

“The deceased was the leader of Team A1.

This guy seemed to have robbed someone else's wife and killed the unlucky man. As a result, he provoked a brutal butcher and was blown to pieces while he was sleeping. "


"Yes, surveillance captured the murderer's appearance.

The other person is very tall.

According to the support pillars in front of the gate, he was nearly 1.9 meters tall. He was wearing a butcher's leather bib and a pig-head mask.

The look is very similar to the Butcher in a plasma movie.

Team Leader Aiden also thought it was very vivid, so he took Butcher as the code name of the murderer.

The other party was very arrogant. He wrote the cause on the door and dropped a small pig-headed toy. After doing all this, he tore off the detonator fuse and threw it into the second floor.

The ritual of execution is very strong!

I feel like this is not the first time he has committed a crime! "

After listening to Thom's words.

Brian nodded noncommittally: "Then it seems that the other party is very confident and is not afraid that you will harvest useful clues based on the surveillance."

Tom smiled disdainfully:

"you are wrong.

Brian, to the uninitiated, maybe so.

But for those of us detectives who are often exposed to cases, there are too many flaws.

For example, the other person's shoes seemed to be at least five or six centimeters taller, and when walking, his posture was a bit uncoordinated, and he was obviously stepping on his feet.

Then remove the thickness of the pig head mask.

I estimate that the butcher's true bare-foot height is between 1.8 and 1.83 meters.

In addition, the butcher seems to be bloated, but his bare palms reveal his approximate body shape.



Susan, who had been silent, interrupted Thom's eloquent analysis: "Man, what did you say was the reason for the murderer's attack?"

Thom looked at Brian.

Brian shrugged: "This is the leader of our B6 team, Miss Susan. The relationship between Miss Susan and the male deceased was not very good before."

"That's it!" Tom quickly changed the topic, lowered his voice, and started gossiping: "I heard from the team leader Aiden that the leader of the A1 team is not a good person."

Watching two people gathering together to gossip.

Brian chuckled inwardly.

He had no worries about Thom's analysis.

This was originally done on purpose by him.

For example, the shoes have no padding at all and the soles are thinned.

Another example is that the exposed hands look fine, but are actually wearing thick flesh-colored rubber gloves.

If Aiden and the others really believe in their ‘experience’.

Then you will only be misled in the end.

This is the disgusting thing about professional crimes: you can't tell whether the clues in your hand were left by the murderer accidentally or deliberately.

When the two of them weren't paying attention.

Brian came to the morgue of the deceased Vadim.

Vadim's body, because he tried to get up and avoid it before dying, exposed more of his body position, and was even more damaged than the female corpse beside him.

But judging from the remaining face.

This guy looked pretty good during his lifetime.

Brian pretended to make a sign of a cross over the body, without making any move to touch the body, and turned around and left. Pretending to be tired from standing, he found a step to sit down, took out a cigarette and lit it.

far away.

Aiden, the B1 team leader, silently withdrew his gaze and looked at the monitor playback again.

It's not that he doubts Susan and Brian, it's just his personality.

Except myself.

He doesn't believe anyone!

Brian, not yet aware of his caution, avoided trouble.

As the red obsession ball shattered.

A message also appeared in his mind: I want to feel the admiration and gratitude of Susan Adams!


Susan Adams?

Brian subconsciously looked at Susan's back.

Susan, who was covering her mouth and laughing while chatting, suddenly turned back and met Brian's direct gaze if she felt something.

She looked down at her jeans that were stretched like yoga pants, and a flash of shame and anger flashed across her face. She glared at Brian: "If you want to look, just look. You are so sneaky. You are such a loser!"

Thom saw this and a smile flashed across his sunken eyes.

Brian, this team leader, is quite interesting.


He turned his head awkwardly.


What a social failure!

Susan still had things to do.

After eating the melon.

She took Brian back.

On the way.

I don't know if it was Brian's previous peeking behavior.

Susan's face was tense all the way, and she didn't mean to communicate with Brian at all.

Brian sighed: "Team leader, you misunderstood, I didn't peek, just..."


"Didn't peek?"

Susan hit the front of the car suddenly, made an extreme deviation, and threw the car to the side of the road and stopped. She looked at Brian with a bad face: "Are you saying that my figure is not attractive enough?"


Then should I look or not?

Let's be honest.

If Susan wasn't so violent and scary.

Both her appearance and figure were completely in his heart!

Seeing Brian pretending to be dead.

Susan's eyes flashed with disappointment, and she threw a cigarette to Brian: "Are you curious about the feud between me and Vadim?"

Brian helped Susan light the cigarette very servilely, nodded: "Yes, and I found that the leaders of NW seem to be very rich, including you."

Susan nodded:

"You are right.

My full name is Susan Adams, and the high-end hotels in Los Angeles are basically owned by the Adams family.

Vadim's family background is also very good.

We have known each other since childhood."


Susan blew out a smoke ring, a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes:


Vadim has been my playmate since childhood.

Although I thought he was too soft, I didn't hate him until his family came to my house and wanted to marry him

I only like people who are better than me.

So I refused.

My father was very angry.

Vadim also felt humiliated and cut off contact with me.

But now it seems that my choice was right.

Vadim is hypocritical and disgusting.

Anyway, this matter is over. "


Susan lost the desire to chat, threw away the cigarette in her hand, restarted the car, and drove towards the city.

Susan Adams is indeed the team leader!

After hearing Susan's explanation, Brian felt a little enlightened.

No wonder Vadim’s obsession is to feel the admiration and gratitude of Susan Adams!

It is estimated that Vadim, who has been beaten by Susan since childhood, has had this obsession since he was a child.

The issue is.

How can I make Susan, a stubborn person, admire and appreciate me?

Directed and acted by myself, a hero saving a beauty?

Brian looked at the two big revolvers on Susan's waist and sighed in his heart.

It's okay for a beauty to save a hero.

This obsession is hard to deal with!

Near Brian's apartment.

A phone call interrupted Susan's progress.

The caller was old Harden: "Team leader, the police center has an emergency pager. A skinned and upside-down female corpse was found in the suburbs. We need to end our vacation early and rush to the murder scene, but I can't contact Ivan and Glenn."

"It's okay.

Brian is right next to me.

He's awesome!"

After Susan asked about the approximate location, she didn't even ask Brian's opinion, turned the car around, and rushed to the suburbs again.

Two chapters of 5,000 words are presented.

Good night.

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