You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 49 Bullets are more convincing than words

The location where the murder occurred.

Located in a motel on the road from Los Angeles to Long Beach.

Long Beach is a large city in the greater Los Angeles area. It currently has a total population of nearly 400,000. It is considered the second most populous city in the greater Los Angeles area. It has one of the top ten ports in the world in terms of throughput. Its endless coastline has created a strong tourism industry here.

Every year, many people go to Long Beach for vacation.

When there are too many people, problems tend to arise.

Especially in many places, there is no monitoring.

In addition, the infrastructure here in the United States is rubbish, and the mobile phone signal after leaving the city is like shit.

We are really in danger.

You can't even ask for help.

When Brian was at the Medical Examiner's Bureau, he heard about a large number of highway murders every year.

But it happened in a motel, and the method was so cruel.

It's really rare.

Because the crueler the method, the more serious the police will take it.

The social impact of killing with pistols and killing by skinning are completely different.

Also, the Abandoned Corpse Motel.

The body was easily found.

Not the murderer’s first choice of location!

Even if someone commits a murder in a place like a motel, anyone in their right mind would choose to buy a large suitcase, take the body away, and dispose of it in the wilderness.

Brian's instinct told him.

Something is not quite right about this case!

On the road.

Brian shared his analysis with Susan, who had little experience in this area.

Susan shook her head:


But the previous experience is not suitable for the present.


After the blood moon, the crime rate in the entire greater Los Angeles area increased by more than 300%.

Only a few of them are out-of-control aberrations.

Most of them were impulsive homicides after being exposed to blood moon radiation and not being infected, but their emotions were amplified. "

Brian was shocked when he heard this: "Are ordinary people also affected by the blood moon?"

“It’s not just ordinary people.

It should be said that within one or two years after the blood moon, most spiritual creatures will be affected.

Including some animals! "

Susan's eyes flashed with worry: "In the past, it was because of the underdeveloped information circulation that most ordinary people were not sensitive enough to these things. I don't know what will happen in the future."

See Brian lost in thought.

Susan lit a cigarette and continued:

“Do you know why we have so much power that we can shoot people without taking administrative leave?

That's why!

Our duty is to protect the lives of ordinary people from the impact of the blood moon.

But saving your own life is more important! "

Brian nodded.

This is the difference between America and the frontline departments of his previous life.


The benefits are enough.

I can consider it.

too dangerous?

Feel sorry.

Then I can't get on.

Even if you are the president!

Susan still valued Brian as a 'talented' subordinate.

I'm afraid he didn't understand the meaning.

So he said more bluntly: "Brian, what I mean is that when handling cases in the future, if you feel something is wrong, don't hesitate to shoot directly. I will help you bear the consequences no matter what!"

Brian nodded: "Got it, head."

Hang out with this kind of leader.

It’s really cool!

After completing my obsession, I will feel much more comfortable.

It’s just that the execution rate for murderers is too high.

Brian felt that he would have another title: Bloodthirsty Coroner.


Sounds pretty good.

When Susan heard Brian calling her head, her eyes narrowed into crescent moons, and she excitedly stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

This is the first time I've been called that.


The case was assigned to the city of Los Angeles.

It's naturally not too far from the city.

Half an hour later.

A signboard made of broken tires appeared in front of Susan and the two of them.

There was also a police car parked next to the sign.

Judging by the license plate and spray paint, the Highway Patrol should have arrived first.

Susan looked at the name of the hotel, slowed down and stopped on the side of the road.

This is a small motel that provides accommodation, temporary rooms, wired telephone communications, food, and gas services.

But this is all superficial business.

The main business of this kind of motel near the city is to serve as a safe battlefield for those who cheat.

Anyway, since motels, drive-in movie theaters, etc. became popular in the United States, ‘Where is Dad?’ has directly become a big social problem in the United States.

Therefore, the number of popular TV programs and radio stations is increasing day by day.

Some people are having fun.

Some people look in the mirror.

Others are studying how to find their biological father.

When Susan and Brian walked into the motel, they saw seven or eight pairs of men and women with different expressions waiting there.

There were a lot of cigarette butts on the ground.

Inside the counter, a bearded white man holding a shotgun and pacing back and forth, looking a bit like a live-action version of Plants vs. Zombies' Dave, looked particularly agitated.

Except these people.

There are also two men in police uniforms, one white and one black, blocking the door.

The arrival of Susan and the two immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Susan didn't know how to deal with this situation.

She subconsciously looked at Brian.

Brian wisely took a step forward.

He first confirmed his identity with the two highway patrol officers, and then looked at the rest of the group: "LAPD, who reported the case?"

"Me!" The middle-aged white man at the counter immediately put down his shotgun and walked out of the counter: "I am the owner of this hotel. When I was clearing the room today, I found that the female guest who came in the early morning last night was killed and hung on the wall, just like..."

Thinking of that scene.

This owner, who didn't look good, actually made a nauseous reaction.

Brian nodded and was about to say something.

A white man in the waiting crowd saw Brian's kind face, so he said in a very aggressive tone: "Officer, my girlfriend and I have an important meeting to deal with, can we..."

"Shut up!"

Brian's kind face changed, and he looked at the man who spoke unkindly: "Everyone at the scene is suspected. If you want to be prosecuted for obstructing public service, which will affect your work and credit file evaluation, continue to hinder us from doing things!"

Although he had never handled a case before.

But his colleague Tom had told Brian about his previous experience in handling cases.

Because of drug abuse, the popularity of marijuana, and happy education, the probability of NC appearing in this country is not low.

So when handling a case, you must never give a good face!

Once you give a good face.

You will be difficult to deal with.

In the end, Brian still underestimated the upper limit of NC.

The woman next to the man was not afraid of seeing this, but sneered: "I am a field reporter for the Los Angeles City News. Officer, what is your number? I"

This is news material delivered to the door!

The black muzzle of the gun.

It directly blocked the reporter's words.

She screamed and fell to the ground in fear.

She needs news, but she definitely doesn't want to be on the news!

Susan took back the revolver and said to the two highway patrolmen:

"Call the main station to investigate the identities of these two people!

If they have spouses, let their spouses confirm the situation.

If they don't have spouses, find the company they work for to confirm the situation.

Remember, tell them clearly about the incidents of them and their opposite-sex companions in the motel, obstructing and threatening the police in handling the case!"


The other couples of men and women did not say anything and immediately stayed away from the two people.

The man and woman who spoke looked even uglier.

This is the end of the matter.

Not only will the marriage have problems.

Work is also going to have problems

After dealing with the men and women who came forward.

Susan raised her eyebrows at Brian: "Man, you are too gentle, bullets are more convincing than words!"

Hearing her undisguised words.

The unlucky people who stayed in the hotel lowered their heads.

Only one or two female guests could not help but look at Susan twice and wanted to go up and ask for her contact information.

This female police officer is so heroic!

Brian has become accustomed to Susan's style of doing things.

He shrugged: "Okay, let's go up and check the crime scene first."

Under the guidance of the owner.

The three came to the fourth room on the third floor.


Brian felt that he seemed to have a good fate with this room number.

Thanks to the book friend 'Night of Glory' for the reward of 10,000 book coins, and thank you Mr. Night (Mr. Night, you reward me every day, I am a little panicked)

Thanks to the book friend 'xin Crystal Xin' for the previous book coin reward, and thank you beautiful book friend!

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