The shopkeeper pushed the door open, not daring to take a look inside:

"This female guest drove into the hotel alone at around 11 o'clock last night with a large suitcase and a puppy.

It is an eight-hour temporary room.

As a result, it was check-out time today and the other party didn't answer the phone.

I thought the female guest was still resting, and since she had a deposit, I didn't bother her.

Around ten o'clock.

The other party hasn't come down yet.

I went to knock on the door and found that the door was open. After entering, I vomited~"

The unfortunate shopkeeper once again covered his mouth and made a retching gesture.

After listening to the information provided by the store owner, Brian put on gloves and foot gloves and opened the door.

Not in yet.

A strong smell of blood hit his nostrils.

Susan frowned.

Brian turned on the enhanced sense of smell as usual before walking into this small room.

This is a typical gun house.

There is a small bathroom at the entrance.

Two steps forward, you can see a TV counter. In front of the TV counter is a large raised bed that takes up 70% of the room area.

A large suitcase was placed on the side of the counter.

Above the big bed.

On the wall that was supposed to be hung with oil paintings or something else, a dark red corpse with large fonts was nailed to the wall alive.

The skinless face of the female corpse was twisted, her eyes were wide open, and her mouth was wide open, as if she wanted to scream, but all that was left was a dark void. Countless blood streams slid down the yellow-white wall, as if strips were growing out of the back of the female corpse. The ferocious bloody tentacles.

The murderer took away the victim's eyes and tongue.

Brian looked at the naked female body and felt a vague sense of familiarity.

What the female corpse looks like now.

She probably wouldn't recognize her mother even if she came here.

But Brian just felt familiar.

Some people recognize people by their appearance.

Some people recognize people by looking at their bones.

Brian, who has personally dissected more than a thousand corpses, prefers the latter.

He may have known the victim.

Susan, who had put on shoe covers, came behind Brian. She first glanced at the miserable deceased, frowned slightly, and then patted Brian on the shoulder: "Why are you so dazed?"

Brian shook his head and concealed it: "It just feels like the scene is too strange."

Susan had a puzzled look on her face: "Other than being a little cruel, what's so strange about it?"


He stepped forward and pointed to the sheets:

"The deceased had a large frame and a plump body. He seemed to weigh at least over 100 kilograms.

How did the murderer stick her to the wall?


The place is so clean too!

According to the blood distribution behind the deceased.

She was most likely nailed to the wall when she was still alive, but except for the wall, there was no excess blood splattered on the sheets and quilts below.

There were no obvious signs of cleaning in the rest of the site.

This means that the murderer first nailed the deceased to the wall and then skinned him.

This is so weird.

Even the most powerful skin peeler in the world cannot do this cleanly! "

Hearing this, Susan nodded: "When you say this, something is indeed wrong. Could it be that the murderer injected some coagulation drugs into the deceased?"

Brian just shook his head.

Not to mention, his nose didn't smell any medicine at all.

Even the color change of the deceased's blood is not consistent with the symptoms of coagulation drugs.


Brian was in the room. Apart from smelling the smell of the shop owner, the deceased, and a canine creature, he didn't find any smell of other creatures at all!

Brian didn't voice his doubts.

He stepped on the cabinet in front of the bed and let Susan support him. Then he used his good right foot to step on the cabinet and began to examine the deceased's body in more detail.

At first glance, something is even more wrong!

The female body showed no obvious trauma.

But there was a lot of blood, piled along the walls and on the floor.

Looking at the amount of bleeding, it’s nearly the total amount of blood in a person’s body!

this means.

The deceased bled to death alive!

But this is not scientific!

After an average person dies, rapid changes occur within the body and the blood begins to coagulate.

Even if the murderer were to bleed immediately, it would be difficult to release more than two-thirds of the blood.

Unless it directly cuts the opponent's artery to death.

But Brian didn't find such wounds on the body!

This case is so weird!

Brian took a deep breath, and after confirming again that there was no other smell, he turned on the recorder on his body and said in a deep voice:

“The deceased, female.

Based on the condition of the teeth, it is estimated that the person is between thirty and forty years old.

All the outer skin of the body is missing.

No obvious adhesion was found on the surface of flesh and blood.”

Brian swallowed.

Another strange place appeared.

Under what circumstances will there be no obvious adhesions when the skin is peeled off?

Do you know about killing pigs?

In the past, the black-skinned pigs had many wrinkles on their bodies. In order to facilitate hair removal, they would first cut a slit on the pig's feet, and then use a pump to pump air inside, so that the skin and flesh on the pig's body would break away and bulge into a balloon.

The issue is.

Brian did not find any obvious cuts on the female body.

He licked his lips before continuing:

“The deceased’s limbs were penetrated by large iron nails, and there were no obvious signs of struggle.

The deceased's eyes were missing, and the wound was very clean.

The deceased's tongue was missing, and the root of the tongue was cut neatly and smoothly.

The deceased."

At the end.

Brian said somewhat helplessly: "The deceased, the cause of death is ominous."

This body is definitely the most bizarre body he has ever seen.

Between the remaining traces and clues.

There is no logic at all!

Susan still has good eyesight: "Nothing to find?"

Brian carefully got down from the cabinet, supported his crutches, and nodded: "The death is very unreasonable. If you infer based on the traces on the surface of the body, you will find many logical inconsistencies. I can't think of how the murderer did all this."

"Don't worry about it if you can't figure it out." Susan was very open-minded: "The hotel has surveillance, there is also the deceased's suitcase here, and the deceased's car is parked outside. Let's first confirm the identity of the deceased, and then discuss the cause of death. "

Brian nodded.

The autopsy had no clues, so there was nothing else to do.

The body car hadn't come yet.

After closing the door of the room, the two took the dead man's suitcase and went back downstairs.

The passengers had completed the basic questioning.

Brian took it and looked at it, and found that there was no problem. In addition, they were in pairs, so after remembering the smell of these people, he let them leave first.

Let the two patrolmen go upstairs first and take a good look at the crime scene.

Brian and the other two followed the owner to the back of the counter and began to watch the video of last night.

Thanks to the development of some technologies in this world, which far exceeded the time of Brian's previous life.

Although the owner's surveillance camera was very cheap, it could still see the scene in the early hours of last night clearly.

According to the surveillance display.

Last night at three minutes after eleven, a plump woman wearing a hat, pulling a suitcase and leading a dog, hurried to the counter.

Seeing the woman's profile and the puppy.

Brian's pupils contracted.

It was her!

Two chapters are presented.

Brothers, good night, see you tomorrow!

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