You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 51 Laura's obsession, how hungry are you?

Brian didn't expect that.

The deceased turned out to be Laura, the veterinarian who had cheated on him before!

Laura died here.

What about my dog? ! !

Laura is dead or not.

Brian didn't care.

But Gouzi Shisan can’t!

That was the only way he could save his life by bowing thirteen times in a row!

Where is the dog! ! !

"This is a Labrador retriever. He looks so small and smart."

Susan was not interested in the woman on the surveillance camera, but she was very interested in the dog that was following the woman and looking around cautiously.

She pointed at the dog and said to Brian: "Have you noticed that the dog has been looking around vigilantly?"

Brian looked at it for a moment and then nodded:

“Yes, they may have experienced something before that caused the puppy’s mental state to be tense.

But this woman seems to have a good psychological quality.

There was no trace of panic on her face. "

He did not say that he knew the deceased.

It’s hard to explain.

Brian hoped that in Susan's heart, he would be a pure white moonlight or a cucumber, rather than an old eggplant that had gone through many vicissitudes of life.

Susan was attracted by Brian's words.

She turned her attention to the woman.

next moment.

The expression on Susan's face gradually became serious, and she began to repeatedly watch the surveillance after the woman entered the hotel.

After a few minutes.

Susan then confirmed: "Brian, something is wrong, this woman may have an unusual identity!"

Brian had a puzzled look on his face: "Sorry, I don't see anything different except that she has a good figure."

"Pay attention to the distance between rows when she walks, as well as the amplitude and angle of her hands swinging!"

Susan reminded.

Brian followed Susan's words and looked at it again.

Upon looking at it, I found something was indeed wrong.

During the surveillance, Laura seemed to be walking briskly, but in fact, she used her toes every time, and the distance between each step was almost the same, as if she could explode at any time, kicking with sharp high heels for maximum damage. The opponent's hands were holding things, It looks lazy, but in fact you can reach into your coat pocket at any time.



Susan shrugged:

"Agent, and a federal field agent!

Only through years of training and experiencing life and death can the opponent develop a walking habit that can unleash maximum combat power at any time.

Her traits are very familiar to me.

This woman is either a CIA agent or an FBI agent.

Those people are crazy. "


He was also prostituted by a female agent for free?

Except for the surveillance at the door.

To Susan and Brian's surprise, the stairs were also monitored.

It's just that the surveillance looks very inconspicuous, like decoration.

On the wall below, the same color fonts are used, leaving a small and inconspicuous reminder: There is surveillance here.

can only say.

The store owner is a jerk.

No matter what his purpose is.

At least it was more convenient for Brian and both of them.

The motel is small, with rooms on either side of a stairway.

There are only five or six rooms on one side.

The surveillance at the stairway allows you to clearly see the elevator exit, stair corners, and the entry and exit of passengers in each room.

After switching monitoring.

Brian and Susan realized that the suitcase Laura was pushing was probably very heavy, at least she had a hard time lifting it when she got out of the elevator.

The issue is.

The suitcases they brought were not heavy at all!

"Let's continue watching."

Susan stopped Brian from checking the suitcase.

Brian nodded.

According to monitoring.

Laura took the puppy, entered the room, closed the door hard, and never came out.

During this period, no one went in!

Until the next morning.

The store owner knocked on the door, but found that the door was not closed. He called a few words at the door, but received no response. He pushed the door open and walked in. After a few seconds, he seemed to have seen something terrifying. He crawled out and rushed to the store. Downstairs, he raised his shotgun.

New doubts arise here.

The deceased Laura had an obvious closing action before entering.

From the store owner's dictation and surveillance video, it was confirmed that the door was open at the time.

Did the murderer open the door?

There is another thing that is also very strange!

The room where the deceased Laura was located is located on the third floor.

distance from the ground.

Probably more than ten meters.

There are no large trees or other shelters outside to provide support.

The room windows are also very small.

Only a child of six or seven years old can pass through at most.

During the surveillance, no one entered or left the room of the deceased Laura from beginning to end.

The murderer couldn't be a dwarf spider-man who climbed directly from the outer wall to the small window and then sneaked into the room to commit the crime, right?

"Why did this case become a secret room murder case?"

Susan rubbed her temples with some pain: "There is also the puppy. I didn't see the puppy running out in the surveillance, and I didn't see any trace of the puppy in the room. Unfortunately, the corridor surveillance couldn't see room 304. The door lock, otherwise you can also know when the door was opened from the inside."

Brian had an even bigger headache.

He had an enhanced sense of smell and could determine that the only fresh smells remaining in the room were the deceased Laura, Gouzi Shisan, and the shop owner.

The suspicion of the shop owner can basically be eliminated through the surveillance on the third floor.

How did the murderer commit the crime without leaving any smell?


Except this possibility.

Brian couldn't think of any other criminal who could do such a weird thing!

If you can't figure it out, don't think about it.

Seeing Susan pulling her hair because her brain CPU was overloaded.

Brian quickly changed the subject: "Team leader, take a look at the box, maybe there will be extra gains."

Susan put down the hair in her hand in boredom and lit a cigarette: "Look for yourself!"

She suddenly remembered her father's evaluation of her: Susan, my daughter, if you encounter difficulties, please follow your feelings and don't try to think, because I'm worried that you will laugh to death in the difficulties.

It's all because of the wrong place of nutrition when I was growing up. Not only is it a burden to death, but it also makes me not smart enough!

Brian glanced at Susan who was inexplicably sulking, and didn't dare to answer. He put on his gloves, supported his crutches, and bent down in a pitiful position with a golden rooster standing alone, put the box on the ground, and unzipped it.

As soon as the zipper was opened.

A fishy smell came to my nose.

Brian's face changed slightly.

This is the unique smell that will be emitted when the internal organs begin to rot!

He immediately said to Susan: "Team leader, come and help!"

Hearing the request for help.

Susan smoked half a cigarette in one breath, crushed the cigarette butt, put on her gloves, and went forward to help Brian, completely opening one side of the box.

It was a bloody sight!

A pile of hearts, livers, spleens, lungs, kidneys, large intestines, small intestines, and red and white brains that had already melted a little, mixed together, exuding a disgusting smell that made people vomit.


Although Susan had killed many people, this was the first time she had seen such a scene, so she hid aside and vomited.

Brian had a strange look in his eyes.

His palm passed over the brains.

A small red obsession ball rushed into his eyes and turned into an obsession message: What a pity, I can't play with that kind-hearted handsome boy named Brian again.



The deceased was really Laura!

Brian silently stood up with his crutches, came to the window, and lit a cigarette with some melancholy.

He wanted to ask Laura: "You died so tragically, but you didn't want revenge, but wanted to play with me. How hungry are you???"

Susan retched for nearly a minute before she recovered from the special stench.

She glanced at Brian a little embarrassedly, and saw that he was smoking by the window. She thought Brian was afraid of embarrassing herself, so he did so on purpose, and she liked him even more.

What a considerate and capable subordinate!

Susan wiped her mouth: "I feel this case is difficult, and the identity of the deceased is not simple. How about I ask the headquarters to send someone to deal with it?"

Brian shook his head: "No, I have a way to solve the case."

The murderer's method is indeed weird.

But the other party still left a fatal flaw!

Thanks to the book friend "Night of Glory" for the reward of 10,000 book coins, thank you boss!

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