You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 52 K9 team, police dog tracking (raise the book again, let the dog go!)

"Are you sure?"

Susan looked at Brian in surprise.

She couldn't imagine why Brian was confident in solving this case with few clues and strangeness!

Bryan shrugged: "Did you forget that there is a missing person in this case?"

The murderer should never have done that.

He shouldn't have taken his dog away!

This is the opponent's fatal flaw!

"Missing person."

Susan was a little confused at first, and then reacted: "You mean the Labrador retriever?"

Brian nodded and said: "Yes, no matter how strange the murderer's crime method is, at least it is certain that the dog disappeared in the room, and the only place to leave room 304 is the window. Request K9 team support!"

"Brian, you are still smart!"

Susan showed a happy look on her face, and obediently took out a somewhat bulky mobile phone from her waist and called.

The K9 team is a special operations team of the Los Angeles Police Detective Department, with a lieutenant commander, 4 police officers, 16 police officers, and several police dogs...


It's a police dog action team!

While there's still time.

Brian found the owner and asked for an empty room.

Close the door.

Brian walked to the bathroom with some melancholy and took off his pants.

More than half an hour later.

Laura's obsession was completed.

Under the supercomputer perception.

Brian knew more clearly the energy gift he received this time: energy +5.

One unit of energy can repair a not-so-serious fracture.

Five units.

It is estimated that it will not be very useful to strengthen the body.

But it is still very useful to save lives and use the raging adrenal talent.

In addition.

Laura also generously gave a specialized skill: side kick.

From the previous monitoring, it can be seen that Laura's fighting ability is not weak.

For this kind of professional skills.

Brian is very interested.

Unfortunately, the absorption of skills.

It takes a long time.

Now is not the right time.

Washed hands several times.

Brian stood in front of the window again, and ventilated for a long time. When he felt that the smell on his body had almost dissipated, he supported himself with crutches and returned to the front desk.

Susan was throwing bullets to kill time.

When she saw Brian, she was about to ask him if he had rested well.


Susan twitched her nose twice and said in surprise: "Why do I smell the smell of heather?"

Heather is a native plant in North America.

But few people like to grow it in Los Angeles.

Brian: "."

He was thick-skinned and quick to react. He changed the subject directly and said: "I don't know, it should be the smell of that room. By the way, how long will it take for the K9 team to come?"

Susan didn't think much about it and said casually: "It should be here in ten minutes. In addition, while you are resting, the newly recruited investigation assistant of the team has packed up the body of the deceased and the evidence at the scene and took them back."

Brian then remembered that Susan had said before that she had helped him recruit an assistant to go out on field work.

The other party was also from the Forensic Bureau.

But the two have not met yet.

Brian asked curiously, "What's his name?"

"Rect, a quiet fellow, was introduced by a friend of mine." Susan took out a handful of yellow dog hair: "This is the puppy hair he found when he was collecting the victim's body. It can be used for tracking later."


The face of a white young man flashed through Brian's mind.

He really knew this person.

Rect, like Brian, is also an assistant in the Forensic Bureau and the Forensic Department.

To some extent.

Brian is a jerk.

This Rect, however, is a genius.

The other party is Brian's predecessor, and he has been in the Forensic Bureau for almost five or six years.

Rect has served under several forensic doctors, and is famous for learning quickly and having strong comprehension. In terms of knowledge, he is no less than some formal forensic doctors. The key is that he was accepted as an apprentice by the last autopsy officer of the Forensic Bureau!

What is the concept?

Let's put it this way.

The Los Angeles County Medical Examiner's Office implements a system of combining the chief medical examiner and the coroner, that is, the chief medical examiner and the coroner are held by the same person, who is mainly responsible for the business and forensic identification of the Medical Examiner's Office.

That is to say.

Rector's master is the former boss of the Medical Examiner's Office.

Such a character.

It would be fine if he didn't go to Team A.

He even specially introduced himself to Team B and became his assistant?

Brian instinctively felt that something was wrong.

This is not a question of whether his position can be kept or not.

He is worried that Rector, this kid, will come to Team B6 and not be drunk with wine, but with the team leader Susan!

As the saying goes, a dog's eyes look down on people.

Brian himself is not a good bird, and he subconsciously looks at people with tinted glasses.

His impression of Rector, his former colleague, has directly become negative 100!

There can't be two tigers in one mountain, unless one is male and one is female!

He will definitely drive this Rector away!

Seeing Brian in a daze.

Susan knocked on his head and continued:

"Rect is very powerful.

He found a hidden lock wheel on a plasterboard on the top of 304.

This should be the reason why the murderer could easily fix the victim to the wall.

In addition, after the victim was taken down.

Guess what was stuffed inside her?"


Brian heard Susan's words and perfunctorily said, "What did you find?"


Susan is like a little girl discussing a horror plot:

“The deceased’s internal organs were disposed of cleanly by the murderer and thrown into the suitcase, and then the murderer filled it with straw.

If not remove the body.

None of us could realize that she was empty inside. "

She rubbed her arms that were covered in goosebumps: "Brian, I've seen horror movies before that involve skinning people and stuffing them with straw to make scarecrows. I've also heard about similar crimes, but this is the first time I've seen this. "

Brian nodded: "It's indeed rare."

Susan continued to share what she learned from Brian’s absence for more than half an hour:

Rector said.

This kind of killing method with a strong personal style.

Or a serial murderer.

Either it was a specific killing technique used by certain cults in order to perform rituals.

He was going back to check. "

I can tell.

She is very satisfied with this new subordinate.

Seeing this, Brian's mouth became even more sore.

Rector said~

Rector is awesome~

Before today.

These words are all to praise myself!



Brian didn't bother to respond to Susan's words.

Susan didn't know Brian was so petty.

She thought Brian had just not had a good rest and didn't want to talk anymore, so she shut her mouth, threw away the bullet again, and entertained herself.

About ten minutes later.

Four large black modified pickup trucks, pulling more than a dozen iron cages, arrived at the small hotel.

Came here together.

There are also six motocross bikes with sidecars.

I don’t know if it’s because Susan is so proud, or because NW is so powerful.

The K9 action team came directly to two teams, with a total of ten people, and fifteen powerful police dogs wearing bulletproof vests. They were fully armed, not only with long and short guns, but also two infrared detectors. .

This thing is not as awesome as in the movie. You can see it like a human figure through the wall.

But in the middle of nowhere.

The night vision effect of this thing after debugging is comparable to that of a see-through plug-in!

Look at these foreign aids.

Susan felt like a general going out to war at this moment, eager to try.

She took out the dog hair she had collected before and approached the two police officers leading the team.

After explaining the situation.

More than a dozen police dogs sniffed the dog hair and began to search the ground under Room 304.

Only about ten minutes passed.

A German blackback barked something loudly.

The other dogs all swarmed up and started running along the ground into the wild.

"Follow up!"

A police officer leading the K9 team got on an off-road motorcycle and waved.

The two got into a car and immediately followed Gouzi and left the motel.

Brian was watching the dogs search with great interest, trying to learn a few tricks.

Never thought that these people would just leave!

Watching Susan's back disappear as she sat on a police officer's motorcycle sidecar.

Brian was anxious.

He leaned on crutches and shouted: "I haven't gotten on the bus, team leader, I haven't gotten on the bus yet."

"Brian, you have trouble with your feet. Just watch the car here and wait for my good news."

The sound that accompanied Susan gradually faded away.

Brian was as stunned as he was looking at his husband's stone.


This time it's your own fault.

He also wants to follow to find the dog!

The key is.

this case.

Brian suspected that the murderer was a deformed person.

Wouldn't it be great if you could pick up the obsession of a deformed person and gain new perverted talents?

"Forget it, with so many people taking action, there shouldn't be any accidents. I'll just pick up what's ready when the time comes."

Brian comforted himself and returned to the hotel.

Second floor.

The shopkeeper who looked like Dave from Plants vs. Zombies looked at the police dog team going away and grinned. The skin on his face seemed to have lost its adhesion and loosened up with his movements.

Two chapters and five thousand words.

Good night.

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