You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 54: It's actually a BOSS, a big harvest (please read it later)

Chapter 55: Turns out to be a BOSS, big gain (please follow up)

This time, Alba finally didn't get up again.

His head, along with the bloody grid inside, were all torn apart by the single-head bullet, revealing the broken skull and red and white shattered brain inside.

"It's still cool to have a large diameter!"

Brian licked his lips.

No matter what monsters you are.

Under the trolls, all living beings are equal!

Killed Alba.

Brian didn't rush forward.

He waited for a while and saw that Alba's body was really no longer moving, then he walked one meter away from Alba's body with a cane.

Bang bang~

Two more single-point bullets with enough power to open the head of a brown bear!

The positions of these two shots are tricky.

It hit Alba's neck bones one after another, tearing apart his cervical vertebrae and surrounding flesh and blood, leaving only half of his head and body connected with flesh and blood.

next moment.

A scene that made people get goosebumps appeared in front of Brian:

I saw Alba's body separated from his body. The blood-colored granules on his torso that were originally motionless, after losing the nerve connection in the brain, turned out to be like a snake body without a head, twisting randomly in the air, making people's scalp numb.

"It's really weird and disgusting."

Brian was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

Fortunately he was cautious enough!

Otherwise, if you get too close, I don’t know what will happen!

The Aberrants are just so weird.

This Alba is even more weird among the weird.

In comparison.

The mad dog Ike, who was shot to death randomly by him before and showed no signs of any magic, was simply a good citizen.

"No wonder the NW organization has a bounty of up to 100,000 US dollars for the bodies of aberrations, even for low-pollution aberrations!"

Brian shook his head, threw the shotgun without bullets aside, sat on the bed of the car, lit a cigarette, held the gun, and looked at Alba's mutilated body warily.

This time.

Alba is really dead.

Three minutes later, the twisting flesh buds on his torso gradually lost their vitality and turned into countless bulges, remaining on Alba's bloody body, like sarcomas, oozing with nausea.

Five minutes later, two almost black red balls of obsession slowly condensed from the sky above Alba's body.

Brian breathed a sigh of relief at first, and then looked happy.

Big bang!

The appearance of the obsession ball means that Alba is definitely dead.

Brian quickly used his crutches, rushed to Alba's body, and crushed the two obsession balls.

The last time a corpse appeared in this situation was that of Mad Dog Ike.

The other party is a high-concentration aberration.

It's a pity that Brian only fulfilled one of the opponent's obsessions.

The reward is the talent of ‘supercomputer perception’ with extremely powerful auxiliary functions!

I don’t know what I will gain this time!

The ball of obsession shattered and rushed into Brian's eyes.

Two pieces of obsessional information come to mind:

1: This lame agent is so good-looking, I really want to peel off the skin on his face and play with it!


Do you want to peel off your own skin and play with it?

What a hellish obsession!

He exhaled a depressed breath and looked at the second obsession message:

Two: I miss my mother and sister so much and want to go back and see them.

Brian breathed a sigh of relief.

This obsession is much more normal.

After absorbing the obsession information.

Brian threw Alba's body and the torn clothes and scraps of skin into the back of the pickup truck, drove the car back to the hotel, and waited for Susan and the others to come back.

It's approaching evening.

The roar of motorcycles sounded.

Several off-road motorcycles carrying people and dogs finally returned.

Brian, who was sitting at the door waiting, quickly stood up and waved to Susan: "Team leader, is everything going well?"

With a gloomy look on her face, Susan jumped off the motorcycle and shook her head: "The breath disappeared into a small lake. The other party also guessed that we would follow us, so they planted several hidden mines and killed several of them." police dog."

Only then did Brian notice that several broken police dog corpses were piled in the bucket on the motorcycle in the middle. Blood was dripping from the bucket, dyeing the bucket bloody.

The faces of the K9 team members all had ugly expressions, and a few of them had faint traces of tears left on them.

For these people.

Police dogs are their colleagues and they have deep feelings.

It turned out to be just a mission.

Of the fifteen police dogs, only nine came back.

They lost forever the six companions they had been with day and night.

See it.

Brian was silent.

As the strength continues to grow.

His numb heart gradually returned to the agility of a normal person.

Susan also felt very guilty about this matter.

She wanted to say something.

One of the K9 officers leading the team said in a low voice: "I hope you can catch that bastard and avenge Coal Balls and the others!"


He and another team leader returned to downtown Los Angeles with the remaining police dogs and team members.

Until the convoy disappears from sight.

Susan turned around with a disappointed expression: "Brian, me"


Susan paused and looked at Brian suspiciously: "What's wrong with you? Are you so dirty?"

Brian shrugged and pointed to the pickup truck aside: "There is something wrong with the shop owner. He is a deformed person. I was worried that he had companions here, so I tricked him into driving me out, and then shot him to death while he was driving."


Susan's eyes widened.

She glanced at Brian's injured leg holding the board and strode towards the pickup truck.

When Susan saw the separated and disgusting corpse on the pickup truck, her mouth opened wide and she let out a sharp scream: "This, this, this is a shapeshifter, a shapeshifter from the Doomsday Sect!!!"

She returned to Brian, grabbed Brian's shoulders, and said with great excitement: "You actually killed the shapeshifter!"

Brian's face was calm and calm: "Sounds like the other party's identity is unusual?"


Susan looked excited: "This is a shapeshifter! This bastard killed more than a hundred hunters more than 20 years ago and is a federal S-class wanted criminal!"


Brian had a confused look on his face.

He had heard Susan talk about the FBI's hunting team, and he was not interested in those people.

Susan then realized that Brian didn't understand this.

She took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down.


Susan then explained:

"Thirty years ago, in every state in the United States, only the FBI formed a team dedicated to hunting aberrations.

As for each state, hunting teams are formed by elite detectives, police officers, and some retired personnel who are well-informed.

Those members are called hunters.

In fact, they are similar to our current identities, except that the authorities are not fully involved in management! "

"You mean, this shapeshifter has killed more than a hundred people with our status before?"

Brian mused.

It's actually a BOSS!

No wonder this guy is so difficult to kill!

Susan nodded sharply: "Yes, I didn't expect that he survived the second distortion, but died in your hands. Brian, you are so awesome, we are rich!!!"

Accompany this sentence.

A wave of warmth appeared in Brian's body.

Gift energy +15.

Under supercomputer perception.

Brian knew about the previously killed A1 team leader: his obsession with making Susan admire and be grateful was complete.

Now he has twenty-two energy units.

This is almost equivalent to a physical strengthening, or a life.

This time, not only did I gain two aberration obsessions that are worth a lot of rewards at first sight, but I also completed another obsession.

What a cool batch!

Also look at Susan's reaction.

The corpse of this aberration must be quite expensive!

This is another bonus!

So cool!

Brian felt happy.

The surprises waiting for Brian don't stop there.

Seeing him in a daze, Susan thought Brian was a little confused.

She stepped forward and patted Brian on the shoulder: "Bryan, every S-class wanted criminal can not only get a large amount of monetary rewards, but also expensive merit points. If you have done meritorious service, your leg will probably heal soon. There are also big surprises waiting for you!”

Hearing this, Brian felt even better.

He remembered that the green nutrient solution that helped him recover from his weak body at the Es base was exchanged by Susan with his own merits.

Now I can return the favor.

Is there another big surprise?

From Susan's point of view, it can't be too trashy, right?

Is this considered a wave of obesity?

Two chapters completed, good night.

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