You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 55: Sci-fi underground base (Thanks to the leader of the book friend ‘Sister Pretty’!)


Susan's words did not make Brian realize how awesome the person he killed was.

Then the three armed helicopters sent by the NW organization, which were fully equipped with ammunition, gave him some idea.

This thing.

Even though Brian had lived in this federation for twenty-three years, he had only seen it in movies at most. This was the first time he saw such a scene in reality.

The treatment this time was completely different.

When he got off the helicopter.

In addition to handing in his guns, he was no longer required to cover his eyes by the base soldiers.

NW Organization Headquarters.


Pavel, the white old man who interviewed Brian before, was waiting in the open space with a group of people wearing white biochemical protective suits.

As soon as the body of the shapeshifter appeared.

He was immediately surrounded by those wearing biochemical protective suits.

A moment.

These people and the disgusting body of the shapeshifter disappeared together at the entrance of a small room in the base.

That should also be one of the entrances to the underground base.

Pavel greeted them with a smile on his face.

Susan was still a little upset with Pavel because of what happened to Brian last time. The smile on her face disappeared and she said sternly, "Uncle Pavel."

Pavel didn't even look at Susan.

He brushed past Susan and walked past him, opening his arms warmly to Brian behind him: "Welcome back, the elite I chose, the pride of the Night Watch, Mr. Brian, the entire Night Watch will be proud of your deeds."


Last time, this old Deng brought a few fully armed soldiers with him, and they almost killed him.

This time, there is a benefit.

I have become the elite he chose.

What a dog!

Susan was so angry that her face turned red.

She stood in front of Pavel, with a cold face and a dangerous tone, saying: "Old man, I'm saying hello to you!"

Pavel awkwardly retracted his open hands and explained: "Sorry, sorry, I'm just too happy, Susan, you should know how much pressure the NW organization faces after its establishment. Now that there are some achievements, I'm too excited."

Susan smiled disdainfully: "Mr. Pavel, you are just a logistics manager, what pressure is it for you to worry about! Put away your little thoughts, get out of the way, I'm going to take Brian to receive the reward he deserves, don't worry about it!"

Pavel: "I"

Susan hooked her right hand, and the more than 30-centimeter-long revolver drew an arc, and the muzzle was aimed at Pavel: "You know, I don't like nonsense!"

Brian on the side was dumbfounded.

What's going on.

Why did he pull out a gun while talking?

Pavel looked at the muzzle of the gun pointed at him, and then thought of Susan's extremely fierce record and stubborn mind, and looked at Brian behind Susan with a wry smile: "Boy, following Susan should be the greatest luck in your life."

After saying that.

He stepped aside.


Susan then put the gun back into the holster, pulled off the crutches in Brian's hand, and despite Brian's objection, she carried him on her back and ran towards a small room in a row of the base.

A few minutes after they left.

Several helicopters arrived at the Eskimo base.

Several young men and women in casual clothes jumped off the helicopter in a hurry, but they happened to see Pavel standing there smoking with a lonely expression.

They looked at each other, as if they had thought of something, and disappointment flashed on their faces.

Seeing this, Pavel blew out a depressed smoke ring: "If you are also here for the reward from that lucky guy, forget it, unless you think your head is harder than the bullet of my niece Susan."

"Female Tyrannosaurus Susan?"

"Is she back?"

"Yes, man, you haven't paid attention to these news recently. She came back more than a month ago. Hey, you have to be more careful when you go out next time."

"FK, this bitch got it for free!"

Several people reacted differently. After complaining, they turned back to the helicopter and left the base again.

On the other side.

Bryan was carried to a small room by Susan in a daze.

This room looks ordinary on the outside and is not big inside, only more than 20 square meters. There is a plasma screen on the wall facing the door, which is rare on the market. Next to the screen is a small machine similar to the one Brian used to punch in at work in his previous life.

"Team leader, this."

"Shut up. If you don't want your surprise to be snatched away, don't bother me!"

Susan panted, threw Brian aside, and put her NW exclusive watch of a different color on the clock-in device.

Accompanied by a beep.

On the screen in front of her, an expressionless woman's image flashed, and she mechanically said: "B-sequence employee Susan Adams, face scanning. Iris recognition. Identity confirmed, Susan, welcome home."

The voice fell.

A downward staircase appeared on the originally matching ground.

"Let's go!"

Susan grabbed Brian again and walked into the stairs leading to the underground.

At the end of the stairs, there was an elevator.

Walked into the elevator.

Susan said directly: "Apply to enter the headquarters!"

On the elevator.

A green light swept towards Brian and Susan in the elevator.

About a second later.

The mechanical female voice in the room before appeared again: "Application received. Review in progress. Review passed, temporary authority issued, temporary access to Channel 3 obtained, start passing"

The voice fell.

The elevator, which had been silent at first, vibrated slightly and began to operate.

So far.

Susan's tense nerves finally calmed down.

She leaned on the metal wall of the elevator, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and looked at Brian: "It should be fine now. If you have any questions, just ask."

Brian spread his hands: "I want to know everything I can know!"

The same mysterious base, the same technological level that far exceeds that of the outside world, the same large number of private armed forces, and the same mysterious human body research.

He actually wanted to ask: Is our organization really called NW, not Umbrella?

Susan was stunned by Brian's words.

"You all want to know?"

Susan scratched her head:

“This is a bit long to say.

If you kill the shapeshifter, you can not only join the Night's Watch in a real sense, but also get a lot of merit.

Merit is a very precious thing.

It can be exchanged for many magical items.

For example, a hemostatic spray that can effectively stop bleeding with just one spray, a body repair injection that can temporarily suspend your life with just one injection, a skin repair solution that can make you look ten years younger after just one sleep, and strengthen the activity of certain parts of your body. Potions..etc. "

"So magical?"

Brian reacted: "Did that old man just want the merit in my hands?"

Susan nodded: "Meritors are very precious. Only B-series soldiers and A-series researchers who are on the front line have the opportunity to obtain them. However, voluntary transactions among members are not prohibited. Generally, newcomers can easily acquire them if they are not clear about it." I was deceived into using my merits in exchange for useless money.”

Brian nodded thoughtfully: "Then what is a sequence?"

Susan pointed at herself:

“Sequences are actually different divisions of labor.

There are three types of official employees of the NW Night Watch organization.

The A sequence is for scientific researchers.

The B sequence is combatants, also called soldiers.

The C sequence is for base logistics and administrative personnel.

This thing actually makes no sense. "

Brian nodded thoughtfully: "Then what are Ivan and the other staff?"

Susan shrugged:


Or temporary workers.

You can also think of it as a support staff.

Your position is also that of staff.

But he has no authority at the base and can be fired at any time.

This is also the reason why you had to cover your eyes every time you came here before.

Money is your reward.

Merit is the goal of us team leaders.

Didn't you wonder before why every team leader seems to have a good family background?

That's why.

We are not short of money, but we are short of merit. "

Hear this.

Only then did Brian feel that he had touched the tip of the iceberg of this world.

While talking.

The elevator stopped after running for a few minutes.

The door opens.

The first thing you see is a tunnel with soft lighting, like a subway waiting area.

Tunnel entrance.

Two cable cars full of technology opened their doors and seemed to be waiting for their entry.

Susan pointed to the cable car door at the back:

“Brian, go ahead.

If you are an unserialized employee, you need to upgrade your sequence and permissions first.

I'll wait for you at the headquarters. "

After saying that, she hurriedly got on the cable car in front and disappeared in front of Brian.

I can tell.

She had something in urgent need of exchange.

Watching the cable car carrying Susan disappear from sight.

Brian limped toward the remaining cable car with anticipation.

Not sure what surprise Susan was talking about.

what exactly is it.

Brian: Thank you to the book friend ‘Sister Pretty’ for the 100,000 book coin character reward, and thank you boss!

Thanks to the "Glory of the Night" book friend for the 40,000 book coins reward, and thanks to the nightclub!

Sorry, it took a little time to modify the content.

Another chapter should take another twenty or thirty minutes, or even longer.

You can watch it tomorrow.

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