After entering the cable car.

As the green light scanned Brian's face, the cable car began to run automatically.

About ten minutes later.

The cable car slowed down and slowly stopped.

The door of the cable car also opened automatically.

A young blond white woman with delicate appearance, wearing black stockings and a casual suit, was waiting outside the door with a wheelchair and smiled politely at Brian: "Mr. Brian, I am C-sequence staff member Finnie. You need to upgrade your permissions before you can enter the Night Watch headquarters."


It seems to be a logistics staff member.

Brian didn't ask much, sat in the wheelchair, and was pushed out of the tunnel by the other party. He took the elevator, walked through a long corridor, and came to the door of a room with very simple decoration.

Above the door, there was a sign: Human Resources Department.

When he pushed the door in.

If he didn't know that this was underground.

Brian almost thought he had returned to the upper floor of a commercial office building on the ground.

In this inconspicuous little room, the light is soft like natural light. Outside the closed window, you can see the traffic below, the birds flying by, and the floating clouds. The sunlight shines through the window and spreads everywhere in the room.

Brian turned on the enhanced sense of smell and found that it should be some kind of projection technology.

In front of the boss's desk on one side of the window.

A fat man was lying comfortably on a heavy boss chair. His thick suit pants had fallen to the bottom of his pants, revealing his cartoon pants. There were seven or eight pieces of paper towels scattered on the ground. Some of the paper towels were dry and some looked sticky.

You can tell at a glance that he had just wiped his nose not long ago.

When Finnie, who was pushing Brian, saw this scene, she couldn't keep the smile on her face.

She couldn't help but step forward and kick the boss's desk: "Green!"


The fat man was so scared by the sudden movement that he jumped up from the chair.

As a result, because his pants were not pulled up yet.

He tripped.

With a plop.

The whole person fell on the computer table, knocking the large-screen computer under the table.

It seemed that a switch was triggered.

The extinguished computer screen lit up.

In the white screen, a woman's voice was heard hurriedly and piously, calling "God".

Under this voice.

From time to time, there were also constant greetings and applause from men.

Brian has seen countless cars.

He glanced at the screen and retracted his gaze with disgust.

At first glance, it was the kind of mass garbage with no plot and no creativity.

This fat man has no aesthetic sense at all.

No future!

Female employee Fini looked at the socially dead fat man with great disgust, and said coldly: "You are using the base's network to watch these disgusting things again. I will tell the supervisor about this matter!"

The fat man shook his body and did not move.

Seeing this, Fini said no more.

She turned her head to look at Brian, and a professional fake smile appeared on her cold face again: "Mr. Brian, I'm waiting for you outside. Just call me if you need anything."

After that,

She quickened her pace and left the room that made her feel sick.

As soon as the door closed.

The fat man who was pretending to be dead on the table immediately got up, pulled up his pants, and muttered: "The base network is so fast, if he doesn't watch movies, he will trade stocks!"

Seeing him dithering.

Brian knocked on the armrest of the wheelchair: "Man, I'm in a hurry."

"What time is it?" The fat man interrupted Brian, took out two pieces of paper, wiped his hands, put the computer on the ground back on the table, then slowly closed the page and opened the mailbox.

This look.

He seemed to see something extraordinary, as if he was electrocuted, and he sat up in shock at Brian sitting in the wheelchair, then looked at the computer, and then continued to look at Brian.

After repeating several times.

Under Brian's gaze, the fat man turned around.

After taking several deep breaths.

When he turned around again, his face had become an extremely enthusiastic smile: "Ahem, Mr. Brian, right? Hello, I am Green, a C-series staff member, responsible for the upgrade and explanation of the privileges of the sequence staff, but before that, please allow me to apologize to you for my previous rudeness."


Green bowed to Brian at a 90-degree angle, which he was very familiar with.


This fat guy is quite shameless.

Brian was too lazy to analyze why the fat guy was so arrogant at first and then respectful, and said directly: "I have something else to do, just help me upgrade my privileges!"


Green put on a pair of white gloves that had just been opened with his hands and feet, and walked to the safe in the corner of the room.

After a series of operations.

He wore a metal watch made of unknown transparent material, half-crouched in front of Brian, like a waiter in the service industry, and looked at Brian flatteringly: "Mr. Brian, please allow me to wear this watch exclusive to B-series soldiers for you."

This watch is the same as the one on Susan's hand.

As the saying goes, if someone shows kindness without any reason, he is either a traitor or a thief!

Brian narrowed his eyes slightly, but did not refuse.

Fatty Green deftly took off the watch on Brian's hand and put on a cooler new watch:

"Mr. Brian.

This watch is standard equipment for Night Watch staff.

You are a B-sequence soldier.

So in addition to the normal communication, positioning, and rescue functions, the watch can also be used as a key to log in to the Night Watch exclusive website and an identity identifier for the base."

Brian nodded without interest.

This thing has a location.

When nothing happens.

They don't wear this thing.

Green also knows that everyone doesn't like this watch, so he rubbed his chubby hands and laughed: "Mr. Brian, it's like this. I saw that there are a full hundred merit points in your account. I..."

"Sorry, I won't sell it!"

Brian didn't listen and just pushed his wheelchair and walked out.

"It's okay. If you want to sell it anytime, just contact me. This thing is hard currency. Whether it's money, female stars, or other needs, it's easy to negotiate." Green was not discouraged. He helped Brian open the door in advance and handed Brian a business card.

Brian thought about it and put the business card away.

He wasn't after the so-called female star.

Really not.

The reason for accepting the business card was very simple.

In a base with such strict confidentiality, Green could watch movies on the base network, which showed that his family was very powerful.

Maybe one day he could use the other party.

This is how connections are accumulated.

Leaving the Human Resources Department.

Finnie pushed Brian and took the cable car to an empty hall.

In the middle of the hall was a huge glass multi-tube elevator, with people constantly going in and out, making it look very busy.

I don't know if it was an illusion.

Brian vaguely heard very subtle screams and roars.

Finnie introduced to Brian:

"This place is basically full of scientific researchers and logistics personnel serving them.

Generally, unless the B-sequence combatants are seriously injured, they rarely come to the headquarters.

In fact, I don't like to come here either.

The underground here is full of that kind of thing."

Brian wondered: "Deformers? But didn't the blood moon appear not long ago?"

"There were many before."

Finnie, the beautiful woman, said as a matter of course:

"The offspring of the deformers will inherit some characteristics.

Many deformers who were caught alive and locked up in the base were kept in captivity.

Some were taken for research.

Some were sent for breeding.

Then the special components in their bodies were regularly extracted and made into expensive medicines to sell to maintain the operation of the base.

Otherwise, how could there be so many deformers to be hunted for so many years."

Brian felt a chill in his heart when he heard it.

Is that so?

Since there is no shortage of deformers.

Then why is the NW organization willing to give them such a high bounty for deformers?

Is it really to maintain social stability?

Just when Brian wanted to continue asking,

A tall and cold beauty walked up to the two of them: "Brian, you're finally here. Let's go. I'll take you to get your surprise gift package."

The person who came was Susan.

Seeing this, Finnie handed Brian a business card: "Nice to meet you, Mr. Brian. If you want to sell merit points, you can contact me and we will give you a good price."


Brian politely put the business card into his pocket.

After the people left.

He looked at Susan: "Team leader, why do I feel that these people value merit points very much?"

"It's not that they value it, but the old immortals behind them. You will know later." Susan walked behind Brian and pushed him to the tubular transparent elevator in the center of the hall: "Let's go, your special reward for killing the shapeshifter has come down, you will definitely like it!"



"What is it?"

"A life!"

It's a bit inappropriate to use surprise as a title, so I have changed it.

These two chapters actually involve the world view later, which made me revise it for a long time.


Good night.

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