You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 57: Harvest Inventory

"A life?"

Brian became interested.

Susan nodded:

"To be precise, it is an S-T cell activity injection reagent.

This reagent requires core materials that can only be secreted in the bodies of some high-concentration aberrants with special recovery abilities.

and extraction technology.

Only available at our Los Angeles NW organization.

It works wonders.

Those who are in good health.

After the injection, the body will undergo secondary development, which will greatly improve your physical fitness and life span potential.

For people with serious physical injuries, after injection, as long as the limbs are not broken, the parts in the body are missing, or the brain is damaged, even if the heart is shot through by a bullet, it can be completely repaired within ten seconds, and there will be no sequelae. "

Hearing is this magical agent.

Brian quickly asked: "Then is this injection reagent useful for genetic diseases?"

"It's useless." Susan shook her head: "S-T cell activity injection reagent can only enhance the body's cell activity. It may be useful for some immune diseases, but diseases such as cancer, congenital gene defects, ALS, etc. not so useful."

Hearing this, Brian's eyes flashed with disappointment.

He has a gift from the deceased. As long as he has energy, whether it is strengthening the body or restoring the body, the effect is no worse than the reagent Susan mentioned.

There is no need for such a thing.

Adoptive parents do need it.

It turned out that this thing had no effect on genetic diseases.

Too tasteless.

Seeing that Brian was not as surprised as she imagined, Susan said strangely:

“Brian, aren’t you looking forward to it?

Because it involves life extension.

Each S-T cell activity injection reagent has been distributed in advance before it is produced.

The reward for you should be the inventory after the organization unexpectedly exceeds production.

This is a rare thing that neither money nor merit can buy. "

Brian shrugged: "I want something that can repair genetic diseases..."


He briefly talked about the current situation of his adoptive parents.

Susan suddenly realized: "You asked me to borrow money before, just to pay for your adoptive parents' medical expenses?"

She had read Brian's file and knew some things between Brian and his uncle, but she really didn't know the situation of Brian's adoptive parents.

"Yes." Brian nodded, his tone slightly melancholy: "People will always die, but within my ability, if I can do something, I will feel better."

Susan looked at Brian's depressed expression, a hint of tenderness and distress flashed in her eyes.

She touched Brian's head: "You have done a good job. As far as I know, even some scientific research institutions with the most in-depth research on genetic technology can only obtain some genes based on the research on aberrations. Fine-tuning and strengthening cannot fix the defects.”

While talking.

The elevator also reached the floor.

S-T cell activity injection reagents are precious.

Stored in the safest place in the base - the Scientific Research Department.

This is also the real core area of ​​the NW organization.

Susan, as the team leader, followed Brian and drank some soup, and was rewarded.

But she was left outside.

Brian was taken away alone by the security guard waiting at the elevator entrance.

Half an hour later.

Susan looked at Brian standing in front of her and widened her eyes: "Did you directly inject the S-T cell activity injection reagent?"

Brian jumped on the spot twice: "Well, it's injected. This thing is really magical."

A little meritorious service has attracted the prying eyes of so many people.

To avoid trouble.

After Brian got the S-T cell activity injection reagent from the scientific research department, he injected it directly into his body in front of many people.

The feeling of the process is similar to that of energy strengthening the body.

Effective quickly.

The effect is similar.

Brian did the math simply.

One S-T cell activity injection reagent, converted into gift energy, is approximately equivalent to five units of energy.

Well, it's just garbage.

Looking at Brian who acted nonchalantly.

Susan painfully covered her left chest: "A precious reagent that can be used to save lives, you actually used it to repair your fractured left leg! Ahhh! So angry! I'm so angry! I really want to punch you. !”

Brian was also heartbroken when he saw Susan's hands working so hard.

With a shake of his little hand, he handed a special metal syringe that was only as thick as an adult's little finger to Susan, and changed the subject: "This is your reward. To be honest, I'm quite curious about what is going on with this shapeshifter. Make the base so generous.”

Susan's understanding of human nature is too shallow.

The most precious thing about S-T cell activity injection reagent is not its strong recovery ability, but the continuation of life span.

He is too weak now.

Keeping it is equivalent to holding gold.

Trade out.

What if you encounter a brain retard and feel unhappy because you traded to someone else but didn't trade to him? Wouldn't it be asking for trouble if he messed with you?

Brian even doubted it.

Within the base, giving this reward to yourself is not only to show your generosity, but also to divert internal pressure.

Maybe he was too suspicious.

But there’s really no need to be greedy for small profits.

He also received an additional one million US dollars in rewards this time. With those hard currency merit points, he basically didn't have to worry about the medical expenses of his adoptive parents.

As long as he develops steadily now, he is destined to rise.

Moreover, it has the cover of S-T cell activity injection reagent.

Brian can reasonably show stronger strength in the future.

Direct injection.

is the safest choice.

As for why I changed the topic, I didn’t want to explain it to Susan...

Looking at Susan's reaction, we can tell that the S-T cell activity injection reagent is also a rare thing for her background.


With Susan's character, she would most likely feel guilty and feel that she couldn't protect him.

Brian was really interested in Susan and didn't want to make her unhappy.

So, there is no need to explain these.

Susan didn't understand Brian's little thoughts.

She eagerly grabbed the syringe, and after seeing the number on it clearly, she showed joy at first, and then her face became serious:

“Do you know how rare the federal S-class wanted aberrants are?

The power of aberrants comes from the soul, so generally the more crimes they commit, the more powerful they become, but the easier it is for them to lose control.

A deformed person who wants to become an S-class wanted criminal.

You have to stay awake all the time.


Their abilities must be very powerful and special.

Otherwise, he would not live long enough to become an S-class wanted criminal.

Therefore, every S-class wanted criminal is not only a political achievement and honor, but also a very precious and rare research material.

If the NW organization is not generous.

Other organizations will be generous. "

After listening to Susan's explanation.

Brian mused.

Why does he feel that this thing is not like a wanted manhunt, but more like a bounty? Those special aberrants who have been exposed but have never been caught are regarded as cherished treasures, and bounties are offered to encourage official members to hunt those people.

Back to Los Angeles.

Brian slumped down on the sofa.

Finally, I no longer have to pretend to be a cripple.

So cool!

This time, he gained a lot.

First, after completing the obsession of veterinarian Laura, she received a gift of fighting skills.

I didn’t have time to absorb it before, but I still have it now.

Wait and see the effect.

Hope you don't disappoint him!

Second, he obtained two new obsessions of the federal S-class wanted criminal - the shapeshifter.

The other party's ability looks disgusting.

But really strong!

If it can explode.

Brian felt that he could find his uncle in the middle to fight 1V1.

Third, within the NW organization, the authority has been upgraded, and an internal website address that can only be accessed by sequence personnel has been obtained. It is estimated that more secrets in this world can be known.

Brian is going to look at this when he has time.

Fourth, a prize of one million US dollars!

This money, unlike Mad Dog Ike's previous reward, was paid directly into his account.

After paying back Susan's money.

Brian still has more than 800,000 US dollars on hand.

Plus the 500,000 bonus that has not yet been paid out.

He could finally catch his breath.

Fifth, eighty merit points.

This thing seems to be very valuable, and the fat man named Green calls it hard currency.

It was originally a hundred meritorious deeds.

before leaving the base.

Brian transferred twenty merit points to Susan.

The last time he was audited, he was forced to undergo a machine radiation test.

Susan not only came forward to support him, but also spent her own money and merit points to help him redeem the repair fluid to repair his body.

Although this time, Susan also drank the soup after herself.

But one code equals another.

He is a person with clear grudges.

Sixth, S-T cell activity injection reagent.


To others, it is a treasure.

For myself…

It's trouble.

However, there is no need to continue to pretend to be lame in the future. You can also show some strength appropriately and slowly gain the right to speak in the team.

This will help him "legally complete his obsession" later.

Now I'm finally free.

Brian was going to receive the gift from the female veterinarian Laura first, and then complete the shapeshifter's first obsession.

Thanks to the book friend "The Glory of the Night" for the 10,000 book coins reward, and thanks to the nightclub.

One chapter for the time being in the early morning.

Yesterday, I drank three bottles of Thai Red Bull in a glass jar to refresh myself. As a result, I couldn't fall asleep until noon today.

I slept off and on for two or three hours in the afternoon, but I still had no energy.

Really out of shape.

One more chapter first.

During the day, I will add two more chapters and start a new plot.

I went to bed first.

Good night.

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