You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 58: Frustrated Laura, ready to be skinned

Find a place to lie down.

Brian's heart moved.

After completing Laura's obsession, the gifted skill: side kick, turned into a ball of light and merged into Brian's consciousness.

The screen changes:

In the strange and dry khaki base, there is a large pit like a prison.

A little girl with an immature face, estimated to be no more than ten years old, held her breath and concentrated, facing the ferocious vicious dog that rushed towards her, she kicked the opponent's mouth away with a precise kick, and at the same time, with the impact of the vicious dog's body, she rolled, Hidden to the other side.

Culling again and again.

Until exhausted.

The gun-wielding soldier above the pit looked at the time before pulling the trigger on the vicious dog.

The screen pulls up.

Dozens of similar potholes emerged.

The screams of children and the roars of vicious dogs echoed over the base.

The screen began to flash forward.

Countless days and nights.

The little girl focused on the leg skills that can produce greater power, practiced hard, and defeated the strong time and time again, becoming the best fighter among her group.

Beast, companion, condemned man, target, innocent.

One after another, her opponents died due to her slender legs.

The fighting scenes flashed quickly again and again.

Brian marveled at Laura's cruel and murderous side kicks.

This is completely a technique developed for killing people!

time flies.

In the picture, Laura’s appearance gradually changed into that of Brian.

A host of physical memories surfaced.

When Brian opened his eyes again, he stood up and kicked. The man weighing more than 160 kilograms actually flew into the air. His legs turned into afterimages. He kicked out of thin air. As he jumped around, the sound of wind howled and filled with energy. Deft and explosive.


After he was satisfied, Brian panted heavily and sat back on the sofa.

Laura's side kick is really awesome.

There are no so-called moves or combos, just killing people.

As a bonus skill.

Brian's legs were not only much more flexible and flexible now, but he also had a lot of experience in unarmed fighting in his mind, and he was directly upgraded from a rookie to a master.

Brian glanced at the panel he made using his talent of 'supercomputer perception'.

Above, the side kick skill is the level of specialization.

This means that Laura has integrated her murderous kick skills into her body instincts, making her the pinnacle of ordinary people.

"Laura was so fierce, how did she die?"

Brian wiped the sweat from his forehead and flipped through the playback clips of Laura's death with doubts.

in the screen.

Laura dragged her suitcase and dog to a small motel and said something to the middle-aged woman at the front desk.

The middle-aged woman seemed a little surprised and received Laura warmly.

The scene changes.

At the dinner table, Laura, the middle-aged woman before her, and a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old, were talking and laughing while eating beef stew with potatoes.


The little girl, who was sixteen or seventeen years old, fainted and fell on the table.

The middle-aged woman’s expression changed, she dragged the girl behind her, and shouted something to Laura at the same time.

Laura looked confused and nodded.

Just when middle-aged women relax.

She spanned two meters, kicked out her legs suddenly, kicked the middle-aged woman in the chin, and twisted the other woman's neck to the back. She hit the ground hard, and then without hesitation, she jumped into the air and knelt down with precision. It hit the neck of the unconscious girl on the ground and forcefully crushed the opponent's neck.

Kill both of them cleanly.

Laura took out a weird-looking pistol, pointed at the hands and feet of the middle-aged woman whose neck was twisted in an inhuman shape, and pulled the trigger.

After several shots.

Only then did she confidently walk to the middle-aged woman's body and squat down, as if she wanted to check the situation.

Laura touched it with her hand.

His expression changed drastically.

She did not hesitate, rolled and rushed to the wall, then kicked her slender legs into the air, avoiding the girl who rushed towards her. At the same time, she turned back and came behind the resurrected girl, her legs turned into cripples. Shadow Storm wildly kicked at the girl's limbs, joints and neck.

The storm subsides.

The poor girl, with her limbs twisted, fell to the ground and squirmed, while yelling at Laura crazily, not like a human being.

Laura smiled disdainfully, took out her pistol again, slowly filled it with special needle-shaped bullets, and fired several times until the girl stopped moving, then she put the girl's twisted body into the suitcase she had brought.


She skillfully sprinkled gasoline throughout the hotel, called the dog that had been hiding in the corner, lit a cigarette, threw the match away, and under the ignited fire, unpacked the suitcase and led the dog, and left gracefully.

At this point, the screen ends.

Countless points of light merged into Brian's consciousness.

He felt that his mental strength had increased slightly.

"Is this gone?"

Brian was a little disappointed.

normal circumstances.

After completing the obsession, the death replay will contain some memory fragments of the deceased.

This time there is something different.

Although I don’t know the cause and effect.

But looking at the picture, Brian also saw something.

Laura should be what Susan said, the FBI's hunting team, responsible for hunting those aberrations.

Her target should be the middle-aged woman at first.

Unexpectedly it was reversed.

The real aberrant is the girl who looks to be only seventeen or eighteen years old.

It’s just that Laura is too strong.

She easily solved the girl, killed and set fire to the girl, anesthetized the deformed girl, packed up and left.

The screen behind is gone.

But Brian knew the subsequent plot: Laura took the trophies and the puppy and went to another hotel to rest, but was skinned and stuffed with grass. She died miserably and the puppy was missing.

"It's a little strange."

Bracken touched his chin.

He had never smelled the residual scent of anyone else in that big suitcase before.

Doesn't that girl have any smell on her body?

But this could also be the gifting ability of the girl.

After all, during Laura's previous death memories, the deformed girl didn't show any special physical abilities other than being able to withstand beatings.

Maybe the ability itself is relatively useless.

As for the death replay, why didn’t Laura’s encounter before her death appear?

Brian guessed that it might be because Laura herself didn't know how she died.

She lost consciousness without even reacting, and then was skinned, body parts removed, body internal organs removed, and stuffed with straw by the murderer.


It should be quite frustrating to die.

Brian didn't hesitate for long.

The two have no friendship.

He was also deceived by Laura.

Debts are wiped out after death.

No need to worry.

As for this case.

Brian guessed that when the FBI people reacted, they would intervene.

This is one of the reasons why he decisively injected the S-T cell activity injection reagent before.

At the scene of Laura's death, an S-class special wanted criminal shapeshifter appeared.

It won’t be easy to argue at that time.

Talk about it.

Brian didn't know whether the shapeshifter was the hotel owner who had been replaced at some time, or whether he felt something was wrong after he smelled a strong smell of blood from the owner after Susan and the K9 team left.

He didn't know that the shop owner was a pervert at the time, and his thoughts were very simple.

To strike first is to gain strength, but to strike later will suffer disaster.

Something is wrong anyway.

Just shoot.

Cheated and killed.

Mainly because I'm worried about hotel surveillance and don't want to expose my special features.

"Complete the Obsession of the Dead, not only can you get gifts, but you can also see part of the death replay."

"Let me see what this is all about."

Brian took a tray, sat in front of the mirror, and began to disinfect his facial skin.

Dissect others.

He knows the roads well.

Dissect yourself.

Today is the first time.

Hope it doesn't roll over.

Thanks to the book friend "The Glory of the Night" for the 10,000 book coins reward, and thanks to the nightclub!

Thanks to book friend ‘Bi Luo Hai Feng’ for the five thousand book coins reward, and thanks to the boss!

Thanks to book friend ‘Zhuang iohn’ for the five hundred book coins reward, and thanks to the boss!

Thanks to the book friend ‘The Streaking Earthworm’ for the tip, and thanks to the boss!

Finally, I would like to thank all readers. Sanjiang passed the PK. Thank you all for your continued reading.

Now that Sanjiang is out, it should be on the shelves next Wednesday, and there will be additional rules for rewards, monthly passes, subscriptions, etc. by then.

The dog thief is also going to start saving his manuscripts.

After dinner, there will be another chapter to be added later.

in addition:

Laura is not a main supporting character.

Old readers will understand.

Unless the female character appears frequently, she is just a tool to promote the plot, and the thieves are not merciless at all.

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