You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 59 Master-level skinning skills, shooting

Skin peeling is a very troublesome thing.

The nerves of the human face are composed of three major categories: temporal nerves, trigeminal nerves and cervical nerves. They are mainly distributed on both sides of the cheeks, tending to the upper and lower temples and the neck.

Normal situation.

To be on the safe side, you need to make a wound from the jaw first, and then separate the tissue adhesions between the skin and flesh little by little.

The whole process is very patient.

Brian doesn't need to be so troublesome.

After local anesthesia.

He first used a sharp scalpel to draw a thin line on the forehead to expand the wound, and then followed the wound to surround the entire face, and directly drew a circle to draw an area similar to a mask.

The whole process looks very strange.

Complete this step.

Brian picked up the hemostatic cotton and gently wiped the blood that flowed out. Through the mirror, find the right angle, and pinch the cut skin along the wound with both hands and fingers, and tear it directly according to the force distribution.


The whole process is full of slight sounds made by adhesion tissue and fat when the skin and flesh are separated.

But Brian feels okay.

He looked at his exposed ‘red and white’ face and grinned with curiosity.

After playing for a while.

Brian took ‘his own face’ in his hands and played with it.

After ten minutes or so.

A warm current surged through his body.

Brian knew that the first obsession of the shapeshifter had been completed.

Brian was not in a hurry to check the gift of the shapeshifter after completing the obsession.

It was delayed for a long time.

The effect of the anesthetic began to disappear.

He could already feel the tingling pain on his face.


Brian’s mind moved.

The stored gift energy gathered on his face.

This was a rare recovery process that could be seen directly.

Brian immediately widened his eyes and looked at the mirror:

On his red and white face, layers of colloid were reconstructed and connected, turning into the basal layer of the epidermis, followed by the spinous cell layer, granular layer, transparent layer, and finally the stratum corneum.

About a minute later.

A smooth, white, handsome face without eyebrows and beard reappeared in the mirror.

"Uh, where is my hair?"

Brian was a little confused.

It seemed to be a facial repair, which was quite delicate.

Brian spent two points of gift energy.

After washing his hands.

Then he used chemicals to clean up his lost thick skin and other traces.

After opening the window for ventilation.

Brian began to check the gift of the shapeshifter Alba.

This time it was ten units of gift energy + a skill.

Brian touched the skill with his consciousness and found that it was the skinning skill of the shapeshifter Alba.

"It's a pity that it's not a talent. I wonder if it will be like the mad dog Ike, and give a talent at the same time as the skill is obtained."

Brian crushed the skill with some expectation and began to absorb it.

In front of Brian, the scene changed:

In a cabin in a mountain forest.

A blond freckled youth, curled up in a corner, with chains tied around his legs, kept crying and begging: "Dirham, I was wrong, I shouldn't have made fun of you, let me go, please let me go"

Across from him.

A short youth with an ugly face and half of his face covered with hypertrophic scars turned a deaf ear to the boy's pleas for mercy, but lowered his head and arranged the iron hooks, shoulder hooks, pulleys, iron brushes and other items in an orderly manner.

When it was almost done.

He grabbed a hammer, walked in front of the little boy, and kicked a small wooden stake over: "Turn around, climb up, and close your eyes."

"No, don't kill me."

"It's okay, you won't die."



The ugly youth kicked the little boy onto the wooden stake, making him face down and back up, and raised his arm holding the hammer high and smashed it hard!

A muffled sound of thump.

The blond freckled youth's body twitched violently.

Looking at his dying companion.

The ugly young man grinned, knelt on the ground, and put his mouth close to his companion's ear: "Mom won't let Tam cheat, so you won't die, Tam will live for you, and by the way, your girlfriend will be sent to accompany you when Tam gets tired of playing."

Wait until the freckled young man died.

He took off his clothes, took a deep breath, and bit a piece of wood in his mouth.

The next moment.


The ugly young man's eyes widened, bloodshot, and the wood in his mouth was actually bitten down by him.

I saw that the muscles all over his body began to wriggle like living things, and faster and faster, faster and faster, and finally broke through the skin by force, turning into blood-stained buds, swinging in the air, hideous and disgusting.


The flesh and blood monster without skin, feeling the sting of the breeze blowing through the flesh and blood, actually laughed out loud.

He grabbed the dead freckled youth, pierced his shoulder with an iron hook, and after hanging him up with a pulley, he began to peel the skin with great skill.

After more than ten minutes.

A piece of human skin that had been cut open from the back was placed in front of the shapeshifter.

He carefully picked up the human skin and put it on his body like putting on clothes. At the same time, the squirming flesh buds, like small hands, made the sticky, bloody and hot human skin fit his body surface.

The loose human skin shrank on the shapeshifter like a balloon.

The cracked scars on his skin on his back swayed with his movements, looking horrifying.

He closed his eyes slowly and calmly.

As the flesh buds moved and adjusted, the places where the human skin did not fit began to fill up and stick to the flesh. The cut cracks were also squeezed and adhered by the flesh buds again. Except for a faint red long line, there was no trace of the previous traces.

Except for the eyes, there was some color difference.

A new freckled young man was born.


"From today, Tam is dead." The 'freckled young man' smelled the blood in the air intoxicatedly, and his voice kept changing, and finally became the voice of the freckled young man before: "From now on, my name is Jimmy!"

The screen kept switching.

One by one, men and women were lured into the cabin by the skinned shapeshifters, and finally became one of the dried corpses in the corner.

The shapeshifter Tam's skinning skills improved at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His talent was too high.

Almost every time, there would be obvious progress.

The tools he needed were getting fewer and fewer.

Until there was only a thin and light scissor blade the length of an adult's middle finger, the picture broke.


After receiving the fusion skill.

Brian couldn't help but cover his throat and retched.

The shapeshifter's skinning skills were comparable to those of a master!

This damn shapeshifter was revenge killing at first, but later he was completely addicted, and even hunted inhumanely to study the differences in skin between men, women, young and old, and between races.

What's worse is.

The process of integrating skills.

Brian's consciousness will immerse in it, repeating the process over and over again until it is completely absorbed.

This is not a good experience.

The worst loss is.

This time, there is no buy one get one free, and a talent appears!

Blood loss!

The only consolation is.

Brian found that his hands were much more flexible.

In addition, Brian got two additional important pieces of information through skill transmission.

First, the shapeshifter's real name is Tam.

Tam should have encountered a fire that disfigured him, and after gaining the ability, he killed all the people who laughed at him.

The first victim was a teenage blond freckled youth named Jimmy!

Want to fulfill Tam's second obsession.

You can investigate this aspect.

Second, Tam's skinning skills have improved too fast.

The other party can also easily imitate other people's voices and movements.

Brian suspected that Tam's deformed talent was body control!

Just because of the ugly appearance and inner desire.

In the end, this talent was developed by Tam into the North American version of Painted Skin

For the deformed talent of the shapeshifter Tam.

Brian really wants it.

Body control type.

This means that he will learn anything technical very quickly.

This talent is also particularly suitable for Brian's gift energy.

For example, Brian was shot more than a dozen times.

If he has enough gift energy, he can repair his body, but those bullets cannot be discharged.

This is equivalent to a bug. The wound is repaired, and the bullets remain inside, which can easily cause the body to freeze and still die.

If you get the talent of the shapeshifter.

Brian really becomes a low-profile immortal!

In short.

This talent has great potential.

Brian is ready to complete Tam's second obsession as soon as possible!

A sleepless night.

The next day, after Brian finished drawing his eyebrows, he was ready to contact Susan to ask about the follow-up of the veterinarian Laura's case, but he learned a bad news: Susan was shot and was hospitalized!

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