You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 63 Restless Youth, the Price of Ignorance

Enter the room.

A faint smell came from the living room.

All the large and small furniture here are covered with white cloth.

It was covered with dust.

Except for the white cloth on the couch.

There were obvious signs of movement on it.

Because smell is sometimes part of the scene, unless it is a corpse that is obviously infected with an infectious disease, under normal circumstances, veteran police detectives and on-site investigators will not go out of their way to wear masks.

Ivan frowned and sniffed around: "This doesn't smell like corpse odor."

"Yes, it smells like excrement."

Brian turned on the enhanced sense of smell, took a slight sniff, and confirmed: "To be precise, it is the excrement of four women and one man. It should be left over in the past two days. The man among them probably has some health problems, and his urine has a fishy smell."

Excretion contains pheromones unique to living things.

And at each stage, the information carried by the pheromone will also change.

So he can easily tell the difference.

Ivan: ..

He looked at Brian as if he was mentally retarded: "Man, you can't fool me just because I'm gay."

"Go and see for yourself if you don't believe me." Brian pointed to the sofa covered with white cloth, and then walked towards the master bedroom.

According to the homeowner's statement.

The body was on the bed in the master bedroom.

This made him uncomfortable.

Behind him, Ivan unconvincingly lifted up the white cloth on the sofa to block the dust.

next moment.

"Ugh~", he quickly covered the white cloth again: "FK, these people are really disgusting, they actually go to other people's homes to do such things!"

On the upper row of the sofa, there are five marks, like waterfalls, from the back of the sofa to the cushions.

Ivan could imagine the scene at that time.

Several people sat side by side on the cushions of the sofa, and then...

He looked at Brian's back with strange eyes.

Does this guy have a dog nose?

Not only can you accurately smell the source of the smell under the sofa from a distance of several meters, but you can also determine how many people it is and smell the gender of these people.

Simply outrageous!

He quickly chased after her.

Push open the master bedroom door.

Brian glanced at the conspicuous corpse on the bed. After finding that the other party had no obsession, he turned his eyes and frowned to the ground.

This room is also covered with a lot of white cloth.

But these white cloths were thrown to the ground.

There were obvious signs of tampering in the room.

Things were thrown away in a mess.

On top of those white cloths, there were also discarded various obviously used small umbrellas, cigarette butts, beer cans, and some iron skewers with grease on them.


The wall in the corner has been smoked black.

A dozen bricks and stones that obviously did not belong to this room were piled up and became the stove.

The intruder actually held a barbecue and a silver party in someone else's master bedroom.

Brian sniffed lightly.

There was a very faint corpse smell in the air.

There was also a strong smell of marijuana lingering.

After death, at normal temperature.

Six hours after death, rigor mortis will move from local to whole body and the posture will become fixed.

Twelve hours after death, the microorganisms in the corpse will begin to digest the muscles and internal organs, and the corpse will begin to soften again.

24 hours after death, the corpse will appear green. Generally, the lower abdomen of the corpse will turn dark green or dirty green, and then spread to the whole body.

48 hours after death, a large amount of putrefactive gas will appear inside the corpse, causing the pressure inside the corpse to increase. Some blood will be squeezed to the surface of the corpse, causing putrid blisters to appear on the skin. Some blood will also enter the subcutaneous veins, causing putrefaction. Venous network.

72 hours after death, the corrupt gas accumulates and the giant phenomenon appears.

Based on these phenomena, we can roughly judge the approximate time of death and pre-death state of the deceased. We can even judge whether the corpse has been transferred based on the distribution of corpse spots, green spots, etc., combined with the current posture of the corpse.

A relatively closed room.

The smell of decay on the dead body was very light.

This shows that the time of death of the deceased should not exceed 48 hours.

Brian stepped forward and began to carefully examine the body's physical features.

Ivan also walked into the room at this time.

He was not bad at strength. After scanning around, he affirmed to Brian who was conducting an autopsy on the body:

“I saw traces of at least five people at the scene.

They had a party, drank beer, and smoked marijuana in this room.

This situation usually occurs in adolescent children.

They will do some unique things to show that they have grown up.

But this usually happens at campfire parties in the wild, not in other people's houses.

I suspect that these participants had strict upbringings and were residents of the neighborhood, which is why they felt the urge to sneak into other people's houses to vent. "

Ivan has also been here and knows how corrupt the private lives of some high school students here can be.

This attitude towards life will even continue until these people go to college and work.

Some people simply became useless.

Some people may have a profound enlightenment when they are in their thirties and tired of playing.

This is why many Hollywood movies, or American values, are very positive about the return of the prodigal son.

Because they are all people who have been here before.

"Great speculation." Brian nodded:

"I also found something here. There were no obvious signs of trauma on the deceased's appearance.

Not entirely.

His lower body had some bruises and skin peeling injuries. He probably lived a happy life before his death.

In addition, his mouth was slightly open, and there was blood under his eyes, indicating that he was still in an excited state before his death.

To be precise.

He was probably too high and died suddenly.

By the way.

The deceased also had X disease. The cauliflower was seen on the surface, and I don’t know if there was anything else. ”

Ivan was really strong. He easily made a psychological profile through the on-site environment and locked the characteristics and approximate identities of the participants.

Brian sighed in his heart.

He couldn’t make such a psychological profile at all.

The thorns really have some brushes, otherwise they would have been gone long ago.

Ivan touched his chin: "You mean, this 18-year-old boy died suddenly because he fought with four women at once, drank alcohol, and smoked marijuana, and his body couldn’t bear it. It wasn’t murder?"

Brian nodded, then shook his head: "There are other possibilities."

"What possibilities?"

"Sudden death caused by others!" Brian turned his head to look at the wedding photos neatly arranged at the bedside, his nose twitched, and he was thoughtful: "First find the other few people who came here to party. ”

There are so many evidences left at the scene.

This is not difficult.

A few hours later.

Four girls dressed elegantly appeared in the interrogation room of Group B6, sitting restlessly.

Their parents were yelling at Old Harden and the others.

"Fuck you!"

"My daughter has been following the Lord's teachings since she was a child, how could she do such a thing!"

"It must be a mistake, you bastards, it must be slander!"

The good office has become a noisy vegetable market.


A gunshot.

The scene was completely quiet.

Brian took back the pistol and said lightly: "Sorry, it went off accidentally, but I must remind you, if you continue to hinder our investigation, your children may not be in trouble, but you will definitely be in trouble! "

The two newcomers were so choked up.

Team leader Susan looked so gentle and beautiful, how could there be such a violent autopsy officer.

After dealing with the excited parents.

Brian and his men began to question the girls separately.

Ivan's guess was very accurate.

The four girls didn't come from very good families, but they were well-educated and their families were very strict.

As for the 18-year-old boy who died, he was a gangster.

After his family found out that he was involved in some street drug trafficking, they had a quarrel with him.

The deceased ran away from home in a rage.

Relying on friends.

The deceased had been a gangster for nearly a month.

But his friends either He was a poor guy, or he had lived there for a long time and was disgusted with him.

In desperation.

The deceased thought of selling marijuana again.

He understood the psychology of his peers very well, and carefully selected four girls who looked very well behaved, approached them first, then seduced them, and finally sold his marijuana by deceiving them.

When you are well fed and warm, you will think of lust.

The deceased, who had made some money, saw that the girls were so easy to deceive.

So he relied on the girls' excitement of being rebellious and deviating from their original lives, and encouraged them to play some king games.

From the kiss at the beginning to the later.

Two days ago.

Five people together, it was also the most exciting time they played.

Because the family was strict.

After going crazy After.

The four people went home early, leaving the exhausted dead to continue sleeping in bed.

As for the other party's death.

They really didn't know.

End the questioning.

Old Harden walked up to Brian and whispered: "The test results are out. The deceased has three X diseases, including HIV."

Hearing this, Brian shook his head.

Such a long period of unprotected contact.

Those four girls probably can't escape.

In fact, this situation is rare.

Because the X education here will be very early and relatively straightforward.

It just so happens that the families of these girls are all very conservative believers.

Children are restless during puberty, but because of lack of education, they can't Know how to protect yourself.

This is the price of ignorance in restless youth.

Out of humanitarianism.

They still told several girls and their parents about this matter.

Now they not only have to compensate the losses of the landlord's family, but also have to worry about the physical problems of the children.

Maybe because of this matter.

The family will be broken up.

Seeing this, Brian was a little emotional.

Whether in the past life or this life, the lethality of yellow-haired to honest opposite sex is really not exaggerated.

He turned his head and clapped his hands at the crowd watching the show: "Okay, everyone, go and bring the landlord back. Although I sympathize with his experience, killing is killing, and we can only take him as a performance."

Ivan, Glenn... and the others all looked at Brian in amazement.

This case is so clear.

Brian, this guy, wants to use the innocent unlucky landlord as a performance?

Two chapters for 5,500 yuan.

See you tomorrow at 5 pm.

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