"Mr. Hafiz, are you satisfied with the speed of our case handling?"

trial room.

Brian placed a cup of coffee in front of the previous victim, the homeowner Hafiz.

Hafiz intentionally or unintentionally glanced at the dark monitor light located above the room, picked up the coffee cup, and squeezed out a smile on his ugly face: "It's faster than I imagined. Thank you, I feel like I pay taxes every year." All worth it.”

The problem of the deceased was solved.

The house cleaning costs were compensated.

There is also a mental damage fee.

He was indeed satisfied.

Seeing this, Brian chuckled and nodded: "Children are really getting worse now. I remember when I was a child."

The two people started chatting.


Ivan and others were sitting in the conference room, looking at the hidden surveillance in the interrogation room, feeling a little confused.

"What is Brian doing?" Glenn looked puzzled: "I feel like there is nothing wrong with this Hafiz."

Ivan was thoughtful as he listened to the reminiscence chat between the two.

He seemed to know why Brian thought something was wrong with Hafez.

Old Harden explained to a man and a woman in a friendly manner: "This is an interrogation method. It's quite interesting. You can learn it."

Glenn was dissatisfied with the old Harden and squinted his eyes: "What to learn? Talk about some nonsense from their childhood?"

Old Harden touched his pendant: "Yes, if you want to open the heart of a middle-aged man and don't know his hobbies, then reviving his memories is the best way."

"It's so funny, why would Brian open the heart of a middle-aged man..."

Glenn felt that the old Harden was old and his brain was not working well.

He wanted to say something else, but Ivan next to him directly covered his mouth: "Stop arguing, watch the surveillance!"

Everyone immediately looked at the surveillance camera again.

Brian, who had been chatting for a while, suddenly changed the topic: "Mr. Hafiz, I had a great time chatting with you. You must be a good elder, but there is something I want to ask you."

Hafez picked up the coffee cup and looked at Brian with confusion: "It's been a long time since I had a chat with such an interesting young man like you. Let's talk about it. I hope my life experience can give you some good advice."

Brian nodded and suddenly leaned forward in front of Hafez: "What equipment did you use to get a large amount of THC into the body of the deceased?"

Tetrahydrocannabinol is the main component of the drug marijuana.

It can be simply understood as the nicotine in cigarettes.

Excessive use may lead to sudden death.

Hafez's hand holding the coffee cup froze.

His eyes changed, and he instantly changed from a kind elder to a wary stranger: "I'm sorry, what are you talking about?"

Brian stood up, took out a photo taken at the scene from the table, and placed it in front of Hafiz: "The marks on the sofa are obvious. Why did you see the body but didn't mention the marks on the sofa? At first you I didn’t mention it. When you recalled the naughty child, you kept silent about it. Are you subconsciously concealing your criminal motive? "


Hafiz slammed the table: "What on earth are you talking about? Is this an interrogation? If it is an interrogation, please turn on the monitor in the interrogation room. I ask my lawyer to come over!"

"Don't be excited, don't be excited..."

Brian raised his hands to appease:

"I know you are anxious, but please don't be anxious yet.

Mr. Hafiz, you must be clear about one thing.

No matter how careful you are, anything you do leaves a mark.

I assume you are using some kind of spray device.

In such a short period of time, your stuff probably hasn’t been processed yet.

You should be able to detect a lot of residue on it. "


Brian did not give Hafez a chance to refute, and once again placed a photo in front of him:

"This is the wedding photo in your master bedroom. It can be seen that you love your wife very much, so you were very angry when you saw the deceased sleeping in your bed and put his feet on it.

The master bedroom is a cozy place.

Here are you and your wife, many loving memories.

The dead have desecrated your love and memories.

Plus the previous sofa.

So you came up with a way to vent your anger."

Hafez looked gloomy and remained silent.

The friendly exchange between the two just now seemed to be just an illusion.

damn it!

He has realized that the friendly conversation before was just to determine his criminal motive.

I miscalculated.

Hafez said nothing.

Brian wasn't in a hurry either.

He knocked on the table in front of Hafiz: "Actually, the tools are not difficult to guess. The most common spray equipment that ordinary people have access to is an atomizer. To extract the THC in marijuana, you need to .”


Hafez stood up suddenly and knocked the chair over to the ground, making a loud smash.

He looked at Brian fiercely: "Stop talking nonsense. If you want to correct me, just take out the search warrant and find the evidence. Otherwise, we are wasting our time. When I was a police detective, you were still breastfeeding. Boy!"

"It turns out to be Mr. former police detective."

Brian nodded:

"You can leave.

But I'm sorry, Mr. Hafiz.

My colleague just told me that there have been a lot of thieves in Los Angeles recently.

Maybe a thief came after your luggage while you were away.

But don't worry.

My colleagues are all elite.

They will help you catch the thief quickly.

But just to be on the safe side.

We will test the item first to make sure that the thief has not left any harmful substances on it, and then return it to you.

No need to be grateful.

As a Los Angeles Police Officer, this is what we are supposed to do! "

Brian has been in contact with the Kamo family relatives who have been involved in gangs since childhood, and he knows exactly how the police handled cases more than 20 years ago.

He believed his words would arouse the ‘conscience of Mr. Hafez, a former practitioner. ’


Hafez's lips trembled with anger.

The memory of his death began to attack him:

At that time, he was still a veteran who had just been transferred from the patrol team to the detective bureau.

The first thing his seniors taught him was not to be restricted by regulations.

Want to catch the criminal.

He must be more shameless and cruel than criminals!

His first case was an illegal operation.

By then they had identified the murderer but could find no evidence.

Without evidence, there is no way to apply for a search warrant to legally extract and collect the other party’s DNA as important evidence for conviction.

So they forged a search warrant.

Get on the bus first, pay later.

Hafez remembers the conversation very clearly:

"Where did you get the search warrant?"

"There's no search warrant, it's just a scam."

"What if the other party doesn't cooperate?"

"It's simple.

Let the other party get hurt so we can extract evidence. "

"Isn't this a violation?"

"What violation?

What is our responsibility?

If you suspect something, go and investigate. If you don't cooperate, you'll mess with him. If you can't, then fuck him. Why are you afraid of breaking the rules? You're even afraid of filing a complaint. How dare you say you're a police detective? "

From then on.

Hafez knew what it took to become a qualified police detective.

But that was before.

If you do this kind of illegal thing too often, sooner or later you will encounter ghosts.

He was later forced to resign.

Brian did not disturb Hafez's memories.

He actually found no evidence at the scene and deduced that all this was simply because he smelled an excessive amount of marijuana in the deceased's nasal cavity.

It's not normal.

Marijuana is usually made into cigarettes and smoked. At most, when the smoke is puffed, it passes through the nasal cavity, rather than being absorbed through the nose and spit out from the mouth.


Brian was still at the scene and smelled the smell of the deceased's feet in the wedding photos...

As a result, the wedding photos on site were neatly arranged.

Plus some observations.

He decided to deceive Hafiz.

Of course, Brian was right.

Hafez is a former practitioner and should know how to be kinder to himself.

Eventually, Hafez confessed.

He didn't expect that he was just coming back to do something.

This is just great.

Can not go back

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