You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 65 Glenn's moral integrity protection action

Half past five in the afternoon.

Brian threw the burned interrogation room tape into the toilet and watched it being flushed before returning to the conference room.

Hafez was right.

This thing can only be used as evidence if it is legal and compliant.

For example, inform monitoring.

For example, at least two people should participate in the interrogation to avoid false accusations, etc.

Although the NW organization often has much greater authority, cases that do not involve aberrants are still the same as before. Every case handled will be randomly inspected by people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to ensure the team's 'cleanliness'.

But most of the time.

It is still a state where the people do not take action and the officials do not investigate.

it means.

Only when you understand these twists and turns can you know how to protect your own interests.

You do not understand.

Encountered that rubbish police detective again.

So sorry.

Your name should be added to the performance book.

This has also led to the fact that some people who have suffered losses often know the law better than the detectives and patrol officers who handle the case.

The reason why Brian asked Ivan and the others to watch the live video in the conference room was not only because he was not prepared to use these as evidence to deceive him, but also to demonstrate his strength.

Although Susan verbally appointed herself acting team leader.

But if you want to be justified.

Showing strength is the only way.


When I returned to the conference room again.

The way everyone looked at him was completely different from before.

Inside, there is more respect and recognition.

Including the two newcomers.

You can be bad, but you can't be dishonest.

This is how law enforcement survives.

Brian looked at everyone and clapped his hands:

"Okay, guys.

Now our team leader, Susan, temporarily needs to recuperate in the hospital due to some reasons.

Now that there are more and more cases in Los Angeles every day, we need to be clearer about the scope of our respective work in order to operate more efficiently.

Plus we have two newcomers.

Let me first introduce myself again. "

The old man needless to say more.

Two newcomers, a man and a woman, introduced themselves.

In fact, Brian was the only one who was not familiar with them.

One of the male newcomers is named Eli Howie, a 32-year-old Brazilian. He looks shy, wears a pair of old-style glasses, has a rich beer belly, and has a bit of a stutter in his speech. He seems to be not good at talking.

To Brian's surprise.

Such an inconspicuous guy is actually a weapons expert.

Ai Li is proficient in all popular firearms on the market, knows their principles and performance, and can make his own modifications as needed. He can provide good help whether it is fire support or shooting case investigation.


Ai Li is also very familiar with vehicles and said that he can help modify the existing public vehicles of the B6 team to ensure safety and sufficient power, so that he does not have to worry about pursuit and combat problems in the future.


This should be a real talent.

The new woman is called Edna Burton.

She looks cute, small and more lively than Aili.

Edna is much more ordinary.

She used to be a clerk in the police station. Because she met the former director's unspoken male subordinate, she was rumored and ostracized. Her life was not good. After learning that the NW organization was recruiting people, she tried to submit her resume, but Susan took advantage of her. I came here and prepared to be a secretary and operator.

The follow-up to the previous case will require her and Old Harden to handle it together.

After the meeting.

Several people also clarified their future responsibilities.

Before Susan comes back.

Brian, Ivan, and Glenn are responsible for the front-line investigation and investigation of the case.

Old Harden is in charge of the police station.

Wherever it needs to be moved.

Edna, a new female employee, works as an assistant with the old Harden and is responsible for writing various documents and subsequent handling and handover of cases.

Weapons expert Aili is in charge of the ammunition supplies and several buses that the B6 team has returned.

Brian actually suspected that Susan recruited Eli here entirely for his own service. However, considering the terror of the shape-shifter before, it was also necessary to strengthen the firepower of the guys.

At least he currently has a large-caliber shotgun that can blow a brown bear's head off, as well as a number of explosives and an automatic rifle hidden in his car.

Personnel responsibilities are well divided.

It’s also time to get off work.

Glenn suggested that everyone go to the bar to get together.

Ivan and Harden Sr. strongly agree.

Here at NW, the salary is paid every two weeks, with bonuses included.

Tomorrow is the day to collect money.

Everyone has a desire to consume.

Brian hesitated.

He also wanted to check out the information on the shapeshifters and fulfill the other party's second obsession.

In addition, he also wanted to investigate the uncle's affairs.

And Gouzi Shisan.

It took thirteen times of hard work to save a dog's life.

As a result, I don’t even see a hair on the dog now!

He has quite a lot to deal with.

But considering the cultivation of team cohesion, Brian agreed.

The last time we had a party, we almost didn't get killed by a bomb.

this time

There won’t be any problems!

NW's AB two-line front-line team assumed the homicide investigation responsibilities of the former Detective Bureau-Robbery and Murder Division.

But there are some differences.

For example, on duty.

Under normal circumstances, it is necessary to arrange for on-duty personnel.

No need here in NW.

Because of off-duty hours, if a homicide occurs in the jurisdiction, the reporting center will first notify the nearby patrol police of the case. After that, the patrol police will confirm the nature of the case, report it, and then directly contact the team members.

So they just need to make sure their phones are open.

Brian rarely came to places like bars.

Glenn and the others were regulars.

Arrive at the bar recommended by Glenn and Ivan.

This guy Glenn started to show his true nature.

He saw a figure with a big D and a slim waist on the bar who was facing away from the crowd and chatting with another blonde beauty. His eyes lit up: "Wow, the companions of beautiful women are all beautiful women as expected. This figure is awesome, guys. excuse me."


Glenn shook his waist twice and ran over.


This style of painting has changed so quickly.

Glenn's good gay friend, Ivan, shrugged and explained: "Glenn has a serious sex addiction. He can't restrain himself when he sees beautiful women and will do some weird things."

Brian rolled his eyes: "I think he behaves well in front of Captain Susan."

"Anyone with a brain knows how to exercise restraint in front of the captain's two revolvers." Ivan also rolled his eyes: "Actually, when we all met for the first time, he deliberately lurked several times in order not to appear strange. Just went to the meeting.”


No wonder Glenn didn't talk much at the time.

It turned out to be an after-the-fact state.

The two newcomers listened to their conversation and looked at each other, feeling more and more that something was wrong.

Why do I feel like I'm on the wrong boat?

It's still early and there aren't many people in the bar.

Everyone chose a booth close to the bar, ordered drinks and some food, and started chatting.

Glenn began to doubt his life.

Following his usual behavior, he stepped forward and patted the 'beauty' with a big D and a slim waist on the shoulder: "Hey, honey, why don't you turn around and take me to spend a wonderful evening?"

Big D's slender waist turned his head, revealing a small face that was soft under the light.

He glanced at Glenn's handsome face, nodded with satisfaction, and said in the same rough and strong voice: "Why not, no problem, honey, do you like to drink brandy?"

Glenn heard the other party's voice and felt a little doubtful about life.

He widened his eyes and saw the other person's Adam's apple, which was more three-dimensional and bulging than his own, moving up and down. He also looked at the stretched shirt under the other person's Adam's apple, and he felt a little unconfident: "A man?"

The other person shrugged: "It can also be a woman, it depends on which one you like."

Glenn's expression changed.

He slapped away the other person's hand that grabbed his brother, and said in horror: "Get away, you transvestite!"

A diatribe against Glenn.

The other party didn't take it seriously, but glanced at Glenn's face with some regret and prepared to turn away.

Looking at the other person's soft chin and slender waist under the light.

Then he swept the opponent's big D.

Glenn gritted his teeth and said unwillingly, "Wait a minute! Before the operation or after the operation?"

"Before surgery."

"FK! Get away! You transvestite!"

"Ha ha ha ha."

The beautiful woman next to her was laughing and covering her stomach while listening to their conversation.

Glenn's eyes lit up and he moved closer.

When Brian and the others were chatting happily and were about to leave, they realized that Glenn had disappeared.

Ask the bartender.

Only then did they find out that he was carried away after being drunk.

The bartender smiled evilly: "The people who took him away seemed to be two transgender people. They often look for prey here."

When Ivan heard this, his expression changed: "Drunk? Impossible, Glenn's drinking capacity is better than mine!"


Damn it!

This time when I came to the bar, there were no explosions.

The issue is.

Something is going to happen to buddy Pi Yanzi.

What is this?

To protect Glenn's integrity from being taken away.

Everyone had no choice but to follow the clues provided by the bartender and chase him out.

Hope it's not too late

Thanks to the four book friends ‘Xiangbenben’, ‘Reader 8182845904’, ‘*Shaking Kong’ and ‘Three Lives Drinking Together’ for their reward of 2,000 book coins, and thanks to the four bosses!

Thanks to the book friend "Yi Ye Zhi Qiu" for the reward of 1,500 book coins, and thanks to the boss!

Thanks to the book friend ‘You Have Me Every Day’ for the reward, and thanks to the boss!

This case is very interesting.

Two chapters and five thousand words.

See you tomorrow at five o'clock.

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