You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 66 News about the Bloody Gang

Based on information provided by the bartender.

Glenn had been dragged out of the bar by two people more than half an hour ago.

Glenn and Ivan are both regulars at this bar.

When the bartender spoke, he was obviously gloating. He must have been unhappy with Glenn for a long time, otherwise he would have told Ivan under normal circumstances for the sake of business.

More than half an hour.

Calculate the time.

Glenn is probably going to become an O.

Not to mention there aren't many surveillance cameras nearby, and the other party might have a car.

The probability of finding it is slim.

"Hoo ho ho~" Old Harden gloated to Ivan: "Ivan, man, it seems that your relationship with Glenn can be sublimated in the future."

"FK Squid!"

Ivan didn't want to show any shame to Old Harden, so he grabbed him by the collar and forcibly lifted him up.

Old Harden was excited for a moment, but he didn't expect that Ivan would actually turn against him and take action. He quickly looked at Brian, the acting team leader, for help.

Brian shrugged: "Okay, let's put down old Harden. Don't forget, we still have a positioning watch."

According to NW's code of conduct.

Watches are not allowed to be taken off during work hours.

Glenn was still wearing his watch at the time.

After Ivan heard this, he put down Old Harden and looked at Brian: "Brian, come on, I don't want my brother to become a troublemaker in the future. This is not fun."

Brian looked at Ivan strangely, nodded, took out his mobile phone, and dialed the number of the NW base.

To protect privacy.

The positioning function is not something you can just look at if you want to.

This requires base authorization.


Brian received the feedback.

Display based on positioning.

Glenn was taken to a residential area three kilometers away.

It's a community over there, and there's usually surveillance. It's easy to find two impressive residential addresses.

Determine the location.

Everyone no longer hesitated, got in the car and hurried over.

After arriving at the community.

Ivan knocked on the door of a house with ease, and using his police identity, he easily found out the exact address of the transgender couple.

at this time.

Glenn had regained some consciousness from his dazed state.

"It's so cold."

He vaguely wanted to reach out his hand and cover himself with something.

next moment.

His confused mind suddenly woke up: Why can't I move my hand?

His career as a police detective has given him a good psychological quality.

Glenn didn't panic or move.

He began to try to understand his own situation.

Glenn found that in addition to his hands and feet being tied up, he couldn't see clearly even if he opened his eyes. He must have been covered, a small fruit was stuffed in his mouth, and he was placed in a kneeling position. Kneel down with your head up and your head down.

This feeling is very familiar.

Kneel down and stuff an apple into your mouth.

"FK, are you being treated like a roasted suckling pig about to be put on the stove?"

Glenn couldn't calm down anymore.

He began to try to save himself.

But apart from shaking it twice, it has no effect at all.

Glenn was horrified to discover that there was a fixed hanger connected to his hands and feet.

The person who tied him up was definitely an expert.

Self-rescue is unlikely.

"I hope those two bastards won't dare to do anything after seeing my police badge."

Glenn was desperate.

outside the room.

The two transsexuals who had been drinking with Glenn were holding red wine glasses and watching Glenn's struggle.

can be seen.

The interior of this modified room with an observation port is covered with hooks and ropes.

Cameras from various angles were also placed around Glenn.

At first glance, he looks like he is a professional player.

Among them, the 'beautiful girl' who could speak a female voice was playing with a police badge in her hand, and said to her companions in a slightly magnetic voice: "I got a note, what should I do?"

His companion grinned: "It's good to make a note. When you leave here, attach his ID information. The video can be sold for more money. He doesn't dare to tell us if he has the clue. Otherwise, how could the bartender let us go?" Hunting in his territory.”

It turns out that the bartender at the bar is also a victim.

Between the real and the fake, it is impossible to guard against it.

But the bartender is not a nice person either.

He knew Glenn's identity and knew that Brian and others came here together, but he didn't remind the two transsexuals. He might not have used Glenn's affairs to solve these two troublesome ideas.

The transgender man who played with the police badge was persuaded by his companions.

He licked his tongue: "Okay, to be honest, we haven't seen such a great prey for a long time. We must have a good time today. I suggest taming him and letting him join us."

"Watching all the unlucky people screaming and crying makes me feel very happy."

"Ha ha."

Peers agree.

This is true.

After the victim becomes the perpetrator, he is much crueler than himself.

While the two were chatting and laughing, they started preparing the kitchen utensils for the banquet and finished their work.

They walked into the renovated small room, turned on the camera, took off Glenn's blindfold, and placed everything in front of Glenn.

When Glenn regained his sight, he saw a bunch of messy things placed in front of him.

Especially when there are cameras around.

He breathed a sigh of relief at first, and then couldn't help but struggle.

Glenn realized what was about to happen.

Good news: He no longer has to be a suckling pig.

"don’t worry."

Seeing that your integrity is at stake.


Accompanied by the roar of the shotgun.

Brian rushed in with a group of friends holding a shotgun.


Everyone saw the hairy chest man holding a large syringe, the feminine long-haired man playing with the expander, the tripod on his head, Glenn who was arranging the table like a suckling pig, and the props on the ground that were hard to describe.

"Oh, God"

The only female newcomer Edna saw this scene and quickly covered her eyes with her palms with wide fingers.

Others also opened their mouths.

I dare not imagine what poor Glenn would have experienced if they came a step later.

Looking at the little friends who came to save him.

Glenn was not only not happy, but also closed his eyes in pain.

Men don't shed tears easily, but they just haven't reached the point of sadness.

A tear.

Slipped from the corner of Glenn's eye.

Looking at the violent door break and Brian holding a shotgun, the two perverts immediately realized what happened.

Without saying anything, they just lay on the ground, crossed their legs, put their hands behind their backs, and looked like they were ready to be slaughtered.

At first glance, they had studied the police's working style.

They didn't give them any chance to use violent law enforcement.

Unfortunately, they were still too naive.

Ivan looked at Glenn's miserable condition.

His eyes flashed with ferocity: "You two bastards..."

He strode forward and knelt directly on a man's neck: "I'm going to search you now!"

Ivan was tall and strong, with a muscular body, weighing at least 200 pounds.

Kneeling like this, people can't breathe at all.

Seeing his companions suffer this.

The remaining feminine long-haired man immediately begged for mercy: "Quickly pull him away, I know a big case, let us go, we know a big case, a big case about the Bloody Gang!!!"

Hearing about my uncle's gang, the Bloody Gang.

Brian immediately stepped forward and pulled the angry Ivan off the pervert: "Don't be impulsive, go and save Glenn."

Ivan took two deep breaths before walking towards Glenn who closed his eyes and pretended to be dead.

Brian first signaled Old Harden to take the two newcomers out of the room, then knocked on the shotgun in his hand and whispered: "Speak, I want to hear the truth, otherwise I can't guarantee whether there will be your fingerprints on this gun!"

This is a real case

The original case is that the murderer A first attacked B, then threatened, and finally B got addicted and took the initiative to find A.

The two people behind felt too bored, so they went to find other victims together and killed them after playing.

In the end, more than a dozen people died before they were caught.

So you have to keep yourself clean.

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