
Hearing Brian's words, the feminine man took a deep breath.

Do you want to kill them directly?

Ivan, who rescued Glenn, also looked at Brian with surprise.

Man, don't play it so big.

Brian winked at him.

Ivan hesitated and nodded slightly, pretending not to hear.

"I said, I said"

The feminine man doesn't know that this is a threat.

When they play this, they have long thought about the possibility of being caught, so they pay special attention to the police's enforcement efforts, study various laws, and strive to become educated gangsters.

They are not afraid of victims calling the police, not afraid of prosecution, and not afraid of anyone who acts according to the rules.

The only thing I'm afraid of.

They are people who don't talk sense and only talk about bullets.

Because no matter how tough your mouth is, it can't be tougher than a bullet.

No matter how thorough the legal system is, it will have no effect on an unruly police officer.

So he dismissed some ideas.

The feminine man said honestly:

“We haven’t been in Los Angeles long.

Because of surgery.

All the money we had was spent.

Plus the current status.

It’s also hard to find a regular job.

Standing on the street is easy to catch diseases.

So we thought of using this method to make money.

This can not only meet the demand, but also use the captured video to extort a little money from the victim. After leaving, you can also take the backup featured video and sell it for a larger sum of money.

We didn’t mean to hurt anyone.”

"Tell the important point!"

"All right.

We initially selected the target of the crime.

In fact, they are our neighbors.

He's a guy who gets by on his parents' insurance money.

Originally we were planning to take action against him.

You can also make some extra money this way.

As a result, when he got drunk, he boasted that he had recently been working for the Peaky Blinders. We had heard the name of this gang and didn't dare to do anything, so we let him go in the end. "

"do what?"

"I can't remember clearly. It seems like he was fishing online, about blessings or something. Anyway, after catching the fish, he would trick people into the community where the Yuxue Gang is located, and then the Yuxue Gang would give him a gift through offline. money."

The feminine man vowed: "Officer, we only seek wealth and sex, and never harm anyone. But that Bloody Gang, I suspect they are engaged in organ and human trafficking. This must be a big contribution!"


Ivan walked over and raised his eyebrows at Brian.

Brian nodded.

The two looked at each other, turned and left the room.

The feminine man was surprised at first, and then his face lit up with joy.

Isn't this because he is planning to let them go?

next moment.

Heavy breathing came from behind.

Glenn held the whip and looked at them with a grin...

outside the house.

See Glenn coming out.

Good brother Ivan stepped forward and gave him a hug: "Man, treat us to a drink. I swear, we will keep secret about what happened today."

The others nodded in agreement.

But everyone's lips were harder to suppress than AK's, which still made Glenn, who was a little moved, feel like he wanted to find a crack to get in.

"Okay, these two scum have just revealed a piece of information that may be useful."

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, Brian directly changed the subject: "Glenn, man, you go back to rest first and relax your mood. Old Harden, these two perverts will be left to you. Ivan and I will go and investigate the new information. accuracy.”


Glenn glanced at Brian gratefully and ran away without saying a word.

He was going to heal.

Old Harden is indeed a veteran. He knew what Brian meant and immediately expressed his position: "No problem, I will let these two people know what should be said and what should not be said."

Brian nodded.

He said these words without avoiding the two newcomers. It was actually a kind of test.

If you can adapt to the group's atmosphere and work style, stay.

Not adaptable.

Just leave on your own.

If it was the Holy Mother, just take measures to drive her away.

Brian didn't want to be backstabbed by a trusted colleague in the future.

I don’t even want to have a brain-dead Holy Mother by my side.

This thing is too lethal.

He couldn't bear it.

Brian's previous gunfire to break down the door attracted a lot of movement.

However, no residents went out to check on the situation.

Even some families who had turned on the lights and enjoyed dinner immediately closed the curtains and turned off the indoor lights when the gunfire rang out.

This is the smartest way to avoid trouble.

Well before you act.

Brian and the others called the reporting center in advance.

Otherwise, it is very likely that there will be an incident in which he is shot to death by his colleagues when he goes out.

Just to be on the safe side.

It wasn't until the two perverts and a bunch of 'physical evidence' were taken away by Old Harden and the patrolmen who called for support in front of many residents that the community returned to peace.

Brian and Ivan quietly arrived at the door of the neighbor's house that the two perverts mentioned.

This community is all single-family houses.

There is a lawn in the front and a small walled yard in the back.

In this kind of community, the front lawn is generally required to be kept tidy and trimmed regularly, otherwise the residents' committee and the property management will notify you of fines by email, but in the backyard with a wall, you have a high degree of freedom.

The two of them were planning to go directly and knock on the door.

As a result, Ivan's ears twitched slightly and he suddenly pulled Brian: "There's something moving in the backyard!"

The two came to the path where the backyard was located.

The target's yard had a wall nearly two meters high, which was tightly blocked.

At this point.

Brian also heard the man's voice and the dog's barking.

The street lights were dim.

There were rows of big trees planted on both sides.

The two looked at each other and began to climb the nearest big tree.

After Brian absorbed the side kick skill of veterinarian Laura, although his physique was still the same as before, his legs and feet were more flexible than before. He just kicked the tree twice lightly, just like a light skill, and came to the tree more than three meters high.

He grabbed the tree and looked at it with the light in the yard.

In the yard.

A white middle-aged man wearing glasses and looking gentle was feeding a big dog.

There were three puppies beside the big dog, lying in the big dog's arms, drinking milk happily.

Surrounded by some flowers and plants planted by himself.

The scene looked quite warm.

Seeing this, Brian was about to signal Ivan to go down and visit him from the main gate.

Just then.

The man seemed to see that the big dog had almost finished eating.

He looked at the puppy drinking milk in big gulps, swallowed his saliva, subconsciously looked around, and then remembered that this was his own yard.

He no longer hesitated, rushed forward and bent down.

Brian's mouth twitched.

This guy, wouldn't he want to drink dog milk?

The next moment.

The eating bitch was driven aside.

The gentle man with glasses took the opportunity to lie down and gathered all the puppies to his chest.



There are really many perverts in this community!

He looked at Ivan on another tree and found that he was also stunned.

Brian gently patted the tree trunk and gestured to Ivan, indicating to knock on the main door.



A short and rapid crisp dog barking sound came from the small yard.

Only to see the yard.

A cream-colored puppy, probably only one or two months old, bared its teeth and kept making childish growls at the tree where Brian and Ivan were.

Brian subconsciously looked at the puppy, and then his eyes lit up.

He turned on the enhanced sense of smell again.

He sniffed hard and finally confirmed it.

This puppy turned out to be his lost dog Thirteen! ! !

Speechless, Glenn's revenge process was also deleted. .

I seem to be targeted.

Two chapters of 5,000 words are presented. See you tomorrow at 5 pm.

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