You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 69 Abandon the investigation, reward completed (thanks to the book friend 'Meng Wanyan&

Rob actually met Gouzi Shisan only a few days ago.

“Four days ago, the person responsible for contacting us from the Peaky Blinders suddenly said that they would stop recruiting people.

I was a little reluctant to part with this huge income, so I secretly went to the contact point.

It turned out there was no one inside.

when it is time to leave.

This puppy suddenly appeared in front of me, acting very enthusiastic.

I already like dogs.

It's also very spiritual.

I brought it back. "

At the end of the sentence, Rob's eyes were filled with resentment.

He felt like he was being taken advantage of.

Hearing this, Brian also looked at Gouzi Thirteen.

If Thirteen realized something, he rolled his big eyes, wagging his tail enthusiastically and sticking out his tongue at Brian. He looked like a good dog that was close to his family.

It’s no wonder that Rob was directly hit.

"How to deal with this matter?"

Ivan's eyes were filled with enthusiasm: "I suspect that the contact point is related to the fugitive aberration that the FBI is tracking."

He didn't want to report it.

Wealth delivered to your door.

Don’t don’t want it for nothing!

Brian shook his head:

"We're not sure if this Rob was being followed.

Listen to him.

In this incident, not only deformed people but also gangs were involved.

This is not something we can do with just a few guns, and we might have to face off against the FBI in the middle.

Report it.

Let the NW organization decide how to deal with this matter. "

This incident involves my uncle.

Of course Brian wouldn't miss it.

But he was not prepared to participate in an explicit capacity.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to let go.

the next day.


Susan was lying on the bed with her bare feet, shaking her legs, gnawing on an apple, and listening to Brian talking about the Peaky Blinders, quietly and leisurely.

Brian finished.

Susan's apple also had only one core left.

She flicked her hand and accurately threw the apple core into the trash can. She wiped her mouth and then said to Brian: "Brian, please don't interfere in this matter. I can tell you something that few people know." The inside story is provided only if you promise not to tell it."

That's what it says.

But everyone can see the overflowing desire to share in Susan's eyes.

Any inside stories?

Brian handed a tissue, wiped Susan's hands, and said, "Team leader, if it's really inconvenient, forget it."

"How can this be forgotten!"

Susan's eyes widened, she jumped up from the bed, grabbed Brian's collar, and put a banana on his neck: "Give you another chance, reorganize your language, or I'll shoot you!"

Brian quickly raised his hands in surrender: "Team leader, I want to hear it."


Susan then threw away the banana and sat back cross-legged on the bed:

"Do you know about the experiment?"

Brian nodded: "I know."

"Experiments generally require comparative observations, and the same goes for research on aberrations."

“There is a big difference between captive aberrations and their descendants and wild aberrations.

Every high-concentration aberration is equivalent to a rare resource that cannot be copied.

In order to ensure the diversity and controllability of the research.

The FBI has a special hunting team.

They will observe and even actively guide the growth of some wild potential aberrations.

Wait until the right time to harvest.

This kind of wild potential aberrant is called a sleeper by the FBI.

Your uncle Billy is Lurker No. 132. "

With the continuous absorption of spiritual feedback from the dead.

Brian's ability to think is much faster.

He quickly understood the meaning of Susan's words, but he did not take the initiative to propose it. Instead, he cooperated with Susan and pretended to be dumbfounded and said: "Is this why the team leader doesn't let me continue to contact my uncle?"

Susan curled her long hair with her fingers, raised the corners of her mouth, and nodded:


Regarding the Peaky Blinders, I guess it was people from the FBI who were guiding them.

This kind of thing is very common.

Some experiments are too appalling.

At this time, they will select some targets in advance and provide appropriate guidance.

Then use lurkers to carry out some anti-human research.

When the research is almost complete, start harvesting.

In this way, you can not only obtain a high-value aberration, but also obtain complete research data. Most importantly, you can also gain a good reputation and gain credit.

This is much more comfortable than working hard to investigate the case.

This is why I hate the FBI.

Although the NW organization also conducts research on aberrations, at least the top executives are local powerful and wealthy people.

In order to ensure that their status and family life are not affected.

We will protect the interests of ordinary people to the greatest extent possible to maintain superficial stability. "

Brian was speechless after hearing this.

Maybe, after the incident, the families of the victims will still be grateful to the FBI for helping their families avenge themselves and upholding justice, but they don’t know that their families were killed by these people in human skins. The beasts were voluntarily sent over to be used as nourishment by the aberrants.

There was silence for a while.

Brian said softly: "Since these people are so bad, aren't they worried that they will be affected by the blood moon and become aberrants?"

There are also those federations and even the upper echelons of countries around the world.

If they are all controlled by psychologically distorted aberrants, wouldn't it be necessary to start the Mercury to restart the S3 season!

Susan shrugged:

“How could you not think of it.

So those members of the FBI's hunting team are all orphans found from nowhere, killing machines brainwashed and trained since childhood.

If they become aberrants, it's a good time to study them.

This kind of matching material is much easier to use than the captured material.

The same goes for the upper echelons of the federation.

They could have gone into hiding during the blood moon.

In addition, after every blood moon, officials will organize a comprehensive physical examination.

The higher the status and the greater the influence, the more stringent the investigation will be.

It cannot be ruled out that some fish may have slipped through the net.

But the higher you go, the fewer can escape detection.

With the addition of aberrations, not only is the birth difficult, but as time goes by, the loss of control is irreversible.

That kind of situation is too obvious. People who hold power are watched by so many eyes, and it is almost impossible for someone to slip through the net. "

Irreversible loss of control?

This was the second time Brian heard Susan say this.

If that's really the case.

Will I lose control in the future?

He forced down his random thoughts and wondered: "Then why is the murderer of the hotel skinning case involved with my uncle's Bloody Gang?"

Susan shook her head:

"That's not clear.

There are many challenges within the FBI.

Maybe the two groups collided.

The other female victim, I guess, is also a member of the FBI hunting team.

This kind of person is either a lunatic or a pervert. He will die if he dies. It is a pity for those good dogs in the K9 team.

I don't even know how to face them. "

Brian nodded thoughtfully, chatted some more with Susan, and then turned around and left after strengthening their relationship.

This is why he is treated differently by Susan.

Don't have a good relationship with the leader.

How can your leader give you the opportunity to make progress?

Leave the hospital.

Brian went to the stronghold provided by Rob without giving up and inquired about the situation.

It turned out just as Rob said.

The place was deserted.

Without the help of official power, it is difficult to get any useful information.

"It's a pity, it seems that I won't have the chance to give my uncle a ride in person."

Brian returned home disappointed.

The door opens.

Dog Thirteen squatted in front of Brian in advance, barking excitedly at him and wagging his tail happily.

See this scene.

Brian felt warm in his heart.

It had been a long time since his adoptive parents had been sent to a private nursing home to feel needed.

This gave him the illusion of home again.

Pour the dog food and change the water.

After Brian watched Thirteen eating for a while, he smiled knowingly.

He came to the computer desk, entered a series of encrypted passwords, and opened the computer as usual, only to find a series of messy symbols coming from the mailbox.

He was delighted.

This is a code for the black market and represents an address.

Email sent.

The commission on his behalf has been completed.

Brian's commission is to investigate Rector, his new colleague who works as his assistant.

This guy was a conspicuous genius when he was in the Forensic Bureau, but he ended up in the B6 team for no apparent reason and became his assistant to the coroner.

As the saying goes, people of the same sex repel each other.

Brian had sent Rector to the hospital with a kick before. Of course he was worried that he wanted to steal Susan from him. Seeing that he was unhappy, he also instinctively felt disgusted with Rector.

His sixth sense told him.

There might be something wrong with this guy!

"Lector, let me see what secrets you are hiding!"

Brian put on his coat again and walked outside the house.

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