You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 70 Things are getting more and more interesting!

Come to the address of the black market to provide intelligence.

Brian walked to the locker openly, entered the password, took out the file bag inside, and turned to leave.

It is impossible to keep this kind of thing completely confidential.

For example, Brian knew that the Federal External Security Organization CIA, on the dark web, sold intelligence under many vests to make some extra money.

There are countless official organizations fishing on it.

But under normal circumstances, no one will break the rules.

Back to the apartment.

Brian stood at the door, not in a hurry to enter the door, but turned on the enhanced sense of smell to capture the distribution of the surrounding breath.

This is a habit he developed after being attacked in the cemetery last time.

Enhanced sense of smell, always turned on, will affect his normal life and will also bring a great burden to the brain.

But occasionally turning it on intermittently will not have any effect.

Before, Brian just had not developed a good habit of using it.

After suffering a loss.

He became more cautious.

Accompanied by a turbid smell, a large amount of it poured into the nasal cavity.

With the assistance of supercomputer perception.

Brian's mind quickly classified these breaths.

The next moment.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, turned around and walked to an apartment upstairs, took out the key, opened the door, sat on the sofa, took out a small box from under the sponge pad, connected it to the TV counter, and turned on the TV.

The screen lit up.

The picture of the living room of his residence suddenly came into view.

I saw it in the surveillance.

A man wearing a retro suit and a hood sat on the sofa where he liked to lie the most, playing with a dagger in one hand and rubbing the soft hair of the dog Thirteen with the other hand.

Thirteen grinned with a big mouth, wagging his tail quickly, looking silly, without a heart, and very friendly.

"Is it him?"

Seeing the man's face clearly, Brian's pupils shrank slightly.

This man is his uncle's confidant, named Jack.

Jack is the executioner of the Peaky Blinders. He is cruel and bloody to the inside but not to the outside. He refuses all guns. He is usually taciturn and rarely shows up.

Brian had only seen him twice at the family gatherings of the Camo family before, but he had never communicated with him. He only heard his cousin occasionally mention some of his methods.

The other party was a guy who was good at ancient criminal law.

There were almost no traitors who could withstand the interrogation of the other party.

All the members of the Camo family disappeared.

As the right-hand man of his uncle, Jack suddenly appeared in his residence.

This is not a good person!

Turn off the TV.

Restore everything.

After cleaning up the traces of the safe house, Brian took the file bag and returned to his residence downstairs. He pretended not to know and opened the door of the room.

Hearing the movement.

The man and the dog on the sofa looked over at the same time.

The dog, Thirteen, saw that it was Brian, and immediately broke free from Jack's restraints and rushed to Brian. The dog's face changed and grinned at Jack, reminding Brian that this was a bad guy who broke in.

Seeing this.

Jack was not angry, but his eyes lit up.

What a flexible dog.

Really spiritual!

His palm trembled, and the dagger he was playing with disappeared. He waved to Brian: "I'm ready to retire. I'm in a hurry. Your cousin Fuli has a letter for me to give to you."


Brian's face showed surprise.

As far as he knew.

When Jack was in New York, he followed his uncle.

Why did he retire suddenly?

Did something unexpected happen to the Kamo family?

Jack didn't mean to explain. After throwing a letter on the table, he stood up and walked out.

When he reached the door.

He suddenly said to Brian, who had moved away and made way for the door: "Do you want to sell this dog? I heard Billy say that if you need money, I can give it to you."

"Sorry, no!"

Brian was tense, and his supercomputer perception locked on the other party.

Jack glanced at Brian's standing posture, and surprise flashed in his eyes.

He nodded: "Well, that's a pity. By the way, Billy seems to have underestimated you. I hope you can give him some surprises. I have been unhappy with him for a long time."

Leaving behind a puzzling sentence.

Jack did not stay and disappeared from Brian's sight.

Brian:? ? ?

What's the connection.

Isn't this Jack the right-hand man of Uncle Billy?

What the hell is saying these words?

With confusion.

Brian opened the letter from his cousin Fuli:

Brian, my brother.

When you see the letter, I have already gone to find my sister.

I have left the family.

In addition to me.

There are also some tribesmen who boarded the plane to leave the United States.

The Kamo family has disbanded.

Don't ask me why.

I don't know why either.

This is my father's arrangement.

I know my father did something bad to you.

I am sorry for this.

I can't help you too much, I can only give you all the money on me.

I hope it can help you.

Your brother-Fuli.

Below the letter, there was a bill.

This was the bill for the private medical institution where Brian's adoptive parents worked. The amount was more than 480,000 US dollars, enough for Brian's adoptive parents' medical expenses for more than a year.


Brian's heart was filled with warmth.

Although he doesn't need this little money now.

But the welfare approach undoubtedly made Brian feel warm.

Collect the letters and bills.

Brian lit a cigarette and thought.

Why does it feel like Uncle is dealing with the aftermath?

Did Uncle Billy notice something wrong?

And why did his dog appear in the territory of the Peaky Blinders?

There is too little information about the elements.

Thinking for a long time.

Brian shook his head.

He couldn't figure out the connection between them.

But Jack's last words made him figure out a little meaning.

The other party was reminding him to be careful of Billy!

Yes, it was a reminder.

Jack was Uncle Billy's right-hand man when he was in New York. He knew a lot of Billy's things and his information was very credible.

There was no point in lying about this kind of thing.

This means that Uncle Billy is not ready to let him go!

Brian crushed the cigarette butt, lay on the sofa, and looked at the ceiling in silence.

First, he let himself join the Forensic Bureau, and almost made himself a mental patient.

After "confirming" that he was not a mutant, he asked him to join NW as a cannon fodder for testing without saying anything, and did not give him the bank card password he promised.

The family was disbanded, and the members went their separate ways.

No one notified him.

In this situation, Uncle Billy was still unwilling to let him go.

Brian was speechless.

He shook his head.

That's all.

Anyway, after experiencing the threat of being buried alive and the radiation detection at the NW base, knowing that he was just cannon fodder in the hands of his uncle, Brian was not prepared to let Billy go.

He was looking forward to the surprised and surprised expression of his uncle when he found him again.

Brian was really looking forward to that moment!

"Woof woof woof~"

Seeing Brian in a daze and ignoring him, the clever Thirteen shouted with some dissatisfaction.

Brian's thoughts were interrupted, and he gave Thirteen a blank look and ignored it.

He stood up, opened the file bag he brought back, and took out the information inside.

The information included documents and photos.

The seal could still smell fresh ink.

These data and information about Rector are really complete.

Not only are there all the public information and resumes of Rector that can be found, but also the schools he attended when he was a child, photos taken with his classmates, etc., are all available.

It is worth his virtual currency commission worth more than 20,000 US dollars!

But most of the information is meaningless.

Until Brian saw the photo of Rector with his classmates in middle school


Brian stared at the girl standing next to Rector, and veins popped out on his forehead.

Rector was actually a classmate of Aina, a psychologist who helped him many times and practiced medicine illegally!

Think of his resignation.

The uncle immediately took his tribe and took himself to the cemetery...

Brian grabbed the photo, his head slowly drooped, and the afterimage of the blood moon in his eyes was looming.

The corners of his mouth rose uncontrollably.


Deception again!

Things are getting more and more interesting!

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