You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 71 Everyone must die!


Gouzi Thirteen covered his eyes with his front paws, curled up under the sofa and shivered.

The master suddenly became very scary.

When Brian heard the movement from Thirteen, the afterimage of the blood moon in his eyes slowly dissipated.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

The gift energy stored in his body began to strengthen every part of Brian's body.

A few seconds later.

Of the thirty units of stored energy, only three units were left for emergency use, and the rest of the energy was completely consumed.

Under supercomputer perception.

Brian's physical fitness value finally reached 1.1.

The physical fitness value is based on the physical condition of a 23-year-old youth who has been exercising all year round, with the unit of 1.

The 1.1 physique represents Brian's musculoskeletal toughness, density, etc., all of which have been strengthened by about 10% on the previous basis. The numerical value may seem inconspicuous, but in fact, physical fitness, strength, speed, endurance, all He has stepped into the threshold of an athlete, crushing ordinary people, and can easily beat his three or four previous selves.

Brian suspected that by the time his physique reaches 1.2, he might be able to play with ordinary people.

After getting a little familiar with your physical condition.

Brian was fully armed, touched Thirteen's head, and left the apartment again.

Rector is in the open.

It's not convenient for him to do it.

Aina is different.

It's about nine o'clock in the evening.

Aina's residence.

Brian rang the doorbell.

Wait a moment.

A woman wearing a sloppy plaid shirt and messy hair opened the door: "Brian, are you coming here at this time to pay the fees you owed before?"

Brian shook his head: "I'm just curious about what the relationship is between you and Rector."

Hear the name.

Shock flashed in Aina's eyes.

Her slender right leg suddenly kicked towards Brian's male vitals.

Brian's leg came later, like a tomahawk, and the tip of his toe struck Aina's right leg joint hard, denting her knee joint and throwing her whole body face down into the room. , hitting the blanket in the living room hard.

Before long, Aina screamed.

Brian's figure was like a ghost, his legs crossed quickly, spanning a distance of more than two meters in an instant, and he kicked Aina in the temple again.

Aina rolled her eyes, hit her head on the ground, and fainted.

Brian didn't let his guard down.

He took out a piece of white cloth from his pocket, covered Aina's mouth and nose, waited for a few seconds, then stood up and closed the door, took out the rope, and began to bind her.

Take Aina.

Brian pulled out his pistol and began searching the room.

Aina, as a psychiatrist who he accidentally came into contact with and had no license to practice, had helped him many times.

Such as the psychological transfer method and the banned raw materials of many items.

She is the person who understands Brian best both physically and mentally.

Such a person.

If it is an enemy.

Brian was terrified just thinking about it.

Brian has been to Aina's residence several times.

He went to each room with ease and searched.

Except for some illegal drugs.

Brian had no special takeaways.


Brian smelled the scent of hormones on his body.

That was the trace left behind when I paid the fee last time.

Well, it just cleared up.

When Brian returned to the living room, Aina had woken up and was trying to struggle.

“The average person suffers a heavy blow and is knocked unconscious for about three minutes.

The drug takes effect in about fifteen minutes.

Now only nine minutes and twenty-seven seconds have passed, and you are awake.

Aina, you are indeed no ordinary person. "

Aina also calmed down: "Brian, I admit that I am not an ordinary person, but I really have no ill intentions towards you. Calm down. If anything happens, let me go and I will tell you."

"As the person who knows me best, you should know what I hate the most!"

Aina was silent.

quite a while.

She just nodded: "I know, you long for family affection and hate betrayal. I understand you, and our relationship has always been very good before. Believe me, I really don't mean any harm. There must be some misunderstandings."

Hearing this, Brian shook his head: "It seems that you are indeed not a professional psychiatrist, otherwise you wouldn't be stupid enough to mention our previous relationship twice in a row. Aren't you reminding me again and again that I was betrayed by a friend? "

Aina's pretended calm face suddenly collapsed.

Her bloodless lips trembled: "I really don't mean any harm!"

"Tell me about it." Brian put a cloth bag in front of Aina: "If you answer well, you will be rewarded. If you answer wrong, trust me, you will never want to know what you will experience next."


Aina took a few deep breaths before tremblingly saying:

"Rector was my middle school classmate. He later joined the Forensic Bureau. Because of my relationship, he was accepted as a student by my father.

Later my father retired from the Forensic Bureau and joined a mysterious company.

He brought Rector and me inside.

We are specifically responsible for studying the factors that lead to psychosis becoming a deformed person under the blood moon. You are regarded as an observation target by us, but other than that, we have no ill intentions towards you. "

Brian laughed after hearing this.

It turns out that I am a little mouse.

The key is that this woman still wants to lie to herself.

As a friend who knows everything.

Wouldn't it be nice to tell the truth and leave safely?

People will never give up until they reach the Yellow River.

Brian shook his head: "Wrong answer."

After that.

He opened the small cloth bag, took out a cotton ball from it, stuffed it into Aina's mouth, then took out a dilator and fixed it on Aina's head to ensure that she could not close her eyes, and finally placed a mirror in front of Aina to ensure that she could see her face.

"Woo woo woo ~"

Aina realized that something terrible might happen next, and wanted to beg for mercy, but only made a whimper.

"Don't be afraid, you know, my method is very gentle."

Brian touched Aina's head soothingly, and continued to take out a bottle of iodine from the cloth bag, gently disinfected Aina's beautiful face, and finally poured all the remaining iodine on the handle of a scissor blade.

Completed the preparations.

He took the thin knife and gently scratched Aina's cheek, then cut circles along the cut wound, while his wrist trembled, the force was evenly dispersed between the blades.

When Aina felt the stinging pain on her face.

She was horrified to find that the skin on her forehead was like a wall that had been in disrepair for a long time. Half of it was hanging on her forehead, and the other half was drooping down, covering her eyebrows, just enough to ensure that she could see the throbbing muscle fibers on her forehead through the mirror in front of her.


Ina felt like she was going crazy!

The pain of skinning.

She could still bear it.

But watching her skin being peeled off with her own eyes!

This was a psychological shock that ordinary people could hardly imagine!

"No wonder your smile is so contagious. The distribution ratio of your frontal muscle and orbicularis oculi muscle is very beautiful, which makes your eyes look bright when you smile."

Brian praised while skipping the skin around Ina's eyes. The blade turned and cut more carefully to both sides.

Master-level skinning skills.

Make his hands very steady.

Ina watched her beautiful face turn into a faceless person with bloody muscles throbbing and sagging skin.

Because he was afraid that Ina would suffer a double physical and psychological shock, he fainted.

Brian also thoughtfully gave Ina a shot of morphine injection to relieve pain and calm nerves, ensuring that she could cheer up and appreciate her current appearance.

He pointed to the time on the living room wall: "It's only 9:20 now, the night is still long, and my skinning skills are also very good. I can ensure that you can see yourself without fur and your truest self with your own eyes while you are conscious."

Two lines of tears flowed from Ina's eyes, staining the wound and turning into blood and tears.

Seeing this, Brian gently helped Ina wipe away her tears. His bloodshot eyes were puzzled: "Why are you crying, Ina, I am only so good to my friends, ordinary people don't have this treatment."



This is a madman!

At this moment, Ina regretted joining the damn training group!

What else can you study!

Go study a mental patient!

More than half an hour later.

Brian, who got all the information he wanted, skillfully packed Ina's body in a body bag, cleared the traces at the scene, and was busy for more than half an hour before coming to the study that Ina mentioned.

Towards the third book, he gently pulled it.

The heavy bookshelf split into two, revealing a small basement where you can see the head at a glance.

According to the interrogation.

Ina's father is the former autopsy officer of the Forensic Bureau - Marquis.

After Marquis retired, he was recruited by the FBI's training team and became the head of a project code-named "God's Revelation", and selected the No. 132 lurker, Brian's uncle Billy, as the target.

Calculate the time.

It was just before Brian graduated from college.

I don't know what happened in the middle.

In short, it was also at that time that Brian's uncle Billy arranged for Brian to join the Forensic Bureau.

He became the target used by Ina and Rector to practice in the "God's Revelation" plan.

Rector, Marquis' student, became the eyeliner of the Forensic Bureau to stare at Brian.

Ina became Brian's observer.

The three of them are the responsible group of this God's Revelation plan.

Looking at his own files, photos, and observation data in the basement

There are even materials about his adoptive parents on it! ! !

Brian didn't want to read on.

He couldn't help but cover his forehead and burst into laughter.



So interesting!

It turns out that there is a Truman show.

And he is the protagonist in it.


Everything is fake!

So angry!

I am really angry!!!

A large amount of red to black mysterious substances, sensing Brian's violent emotional fluctuations, began to jump actively like little elves, and merged into Brian's emotions.

He laughed until he was hoarse.

Brian put down his hands and revealed red eyes.

He began to carefully clean up the data and surveillance storage in this basement.

In the mouth of Aina.

He knew about the divine revelation plan, and also knew the location of his uncle and Aina's father, the old autopsy officer Marquis.

Tonight is still long.

Everyone must die!

Thanks to the book friend "Night of Glory" for the reward of 10,000 book coins, and thank you Mr. Night!

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