You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 73 S-class wanted criminal? Die! FBI? Die! (Subscribe)

From Aina’s mouth.

Brian knew that he had always been a clown.

But clowns also have their advantages.

At least he didn’t have to worry about his news being reported to the FBI by Aina and her group.

Because in the eyes of Aina and her group.

He was not an important person.

This group of people just regarded him as an experimental material with some potential, and some entertainment in their boring lives.

Aina and her group had only one goal, that is, the ‘God-Revelation’ plan!

The God-Revelation plan does not mean to create a god.

It is a kind of potion that can simulate the changes of the deformed when awakening-the God-Revelation potion!

According to Aina.

The birth of the deformed is a cycle of thirty years.

Ninety percent of the deformed, without proper guidance and restraint, will be like drug addicts. When they continue to satisfy their inner desires, they will quickly lose their minds and finally die in the hands of the police or various official hunting teams.

Their survival period is only one to two years.

Most of the remaining deformed.

It is difficult to survive until the next blood moon.

The gift of the blood moon is neither a blessing nor a curse for these perverts and psychotics.

But there is one thing about the deformed.

That is, when awakened, the deformed body will undergo magical changes. Except for broken limbs, it can heal almost all diseases found so far.

The divine revelation potion is aimed at this: removing the side effects of becoming a deformed person, leaving only the almost omnipotent repair effect!

In a sense.

If anyone can develop the "divine revelation" potion.

Then this person will become the god of all terminally ill patients.

This represents tremendous wealth.

However, in recent decades.

No organization has been able to achieve this level.

At least the most powerful research of the FBI at present can only use the genetic characteristics of the deformed to extract certain rare and special substances from the mother's amniotic fluid to create a divine revelation type I reagent, artificially create a small number of congenitally deficient acquired deformed people, and the success rate is very low.

In order to obtain experimental breakthroughs and collect data.

The FBI has set up breeding teams in various states in the United States.

The group that Aina was in was one of the FBI's training groups.

A similar group.

Aina didn't know how many FBI groups there were in the United States.

Aina and her team had only one goal: to use the power of the selected lurkers to produce the divine revelation type I reagents, conduct cruel human experiments, collect various data and "raw materials", and wait until the right time, let the hunting team take action against the selected lurkers to harvest their bodies, wealth, and research, and gain both fame and fortune.

As for Brian.

He was just an unlucky guy targeted by his paranoid uncle.

Aina only knew that Brian's uncle insisted that under his intentional guidance, Brian would definitely become a deformer.

In order for the divine revelation plan to proceed smoothly.

She and Rector observed Brian.

The result was.

Brian did not "awaken".

There will be further observations.

Rector joined the B6 group.

But it was all Billy's mandatory request.

Aina never thought about it until she died.

This poor creature and playful little pet in her eyes seemed to have been blessed by the gods. Not only did he discover the abnormality of her and Rector first, but his body, which was originally exhausted by kidney deficiency, became extremely strong, and he also showed fighting skills and skinning skills that he had never had before.

Brian evenly poured gasoline on the wooden house, and used a few candles and cotton cloth to set up a simple mechanical timed ignition device.

He glanced at the clock on the wall.

It was 11:23 in the evening.

There should be enough time.

Brian carried the body bag and returned to the stolen car.

Behind him.

The dark and silent wooden house will turn into a fully burning sea of ​​fire in more than an hour, clearing away the last trace of him.

Uncle Billy, the new hiding place, is located in a remote farm in the suburbs.

Brian will be very busy tonight.

He has no extra time to deal with the body.

Ina's body was thrown directly into the trunk by him.

If everything goes well on this trip, it is not difficult to deal with a body.

If it doesn't go well, there's no need to deal with it.

Near the farm.

On the dark road, the lights of the car are very conspicuous.

For concealment.

Brian drove the car into a pile of weeds, covered the vehicle with weeds, and then threw a large backpack on the ground.

A moment.

A pig-headed thug wearing a heavy bulletproof vest, a long and thick bullet chain on his shoulder, a dozen detonators on his belt, and a thick shotgun in his hand appeared next to the car.

"It feels good."

Brian felt the sense of security brought by the cold gun body, took out a large bag of pungent powder, sprinkled it on the car body and body, turned on the enhanced sense of smell, and after making sure that there was no mistake, he returned to the path and walked towards the farm.

When there were about three or four miles away from the farm.

This land far away from the city light pollution and the bright moonlight began to appear large tracts of farmland.

On the thick dead branches, several crows did not blink.

They looked curiously at the outsider who suddenly broke into this land.

The night wind was blowing.

The tall scarecrows standing on the roadside and hanging on poles swayed in the wind, adding a bit of horror movie atmosphere to this land.

Brian withdrew his eyes from the crows on the dead tree at the intersection.

He quickened his pace and was about to step into the area surrounded by tall corn fields.


Brian stopped.

His nose twitched, and he looked at the large corn fields on the left more than ten meters away.

There was a smell of blood!

The next moment.

Two figures with blood all over their bodies and shortness of breath escaped from the corn as tall as an adult.


A woman with a trembling voice looked at the path in front of her and cheered in surprise.

Another person, with a bloody face, also showed joy.

Finally escaped from the hands of that pervert!

There is salvation!

They are saved!

At this moment.

"Hehe, are all the people in the FBI hunting team trash like you? They are worse than the woman whose internal organs I emptied before."

A sharp voice sounded in the empty path.

The two poor people who had just escaped looked in horror in the direction of the sound.

I saw a 'scarecrow' hanging on the road pole in the corn forest, jumped down from it, opened his hands, and walked towards the two people.

Under the moonlight.

The ten fingers of the other party dancing were shining with cold light, and they were ten extremely sharp iron claws!


The man in the two made a terrified sound: "Are you kidding us?"

"Yes, I can't sleep, so I'm having some fun with you FBI hyenas I caught."

The scarecrow approached and said frankly.

He likes to see the expression of his prey who thinks he has been reborn, but is desperate again.

Looking at the S-level wanted criminal scarecrow getting closer and closer.

The woman in the middle also showed a look of despair on her bloodstained face.

She looked at her companion's back, a ruthless look flashed in her eyes, and she pushed her companion towards the scarecrow and ran towards Brian's exit.

Behind her, she heard her companion's scream.

"So fast?"

Just when the woman thought she couldn't escape either.

Her eyes suddenly lit up, and she shouted to Brian in front of her: "Bob, you are finally here, come and save us!"

The scarecrow kicked away the male corpse that was disemboweled by the iron claws, looked in the direction of the woman's shouting, and then became more excited: "There are also desserts after the meal, I am so..."


Gunfire spewed.

The huge gunshot echoed around.

The woman looked at the scarecrow's original position with a dull look.

There was only a relatively intact lower body, and there were only countless pieces of torn human tissue and a pair of intact steel claws.

Shot the lunatic who suddenly appeared.

Brian looked at the woman.

The woman's heart trembled.

She saw the pig head mask on Brian's head clearly, and was shocked.

It's broken!

This guy doesn't look like a good person!

The woman quickly pretended to be careless and tore off most of her tattered shirt, revealing her proud capital, and said in a charming voice: "Thank you, sir, I am Agent Nicole from the FBI, our support will be here soon, you."


Another shot.

The rippling gunshots hit the dense corn stalks and disappeared in the wind before they were heard five or six hundred meters.

The surroundings were quiet again.

Brian looked at the woman's exploded body with disdain in his eyes.

Drag yourself into the water as a shield.

No matter if you are the FBI or someone else!


Refilled the bullets.

Brian stepped on the blood and walked towards the scarecrow's corpse.

Above the broken limbs and arms.

A small blood-red ball is slowly forming.

Thanks to the two book friends 'Pluskr' and 'The Most Handsome Fat' for the 500 book coins reward, and thanks to the two bosses!

Thanks to ‘Fu Duoduo’ and ‘Uncle Qiao Sheng’ for the tips, and thanks to both bosses!

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