You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 74 We are a family! Death! (Subscribe)


"Susan seemed to have said so.

Based on the death of veterinarian Laura, the FBI has locked on the murderer. Apart from the shapeshifter, the remaining one is the S-level wanted criminal Scarecrow.

This guy's outfit looks quite scary."

Brian muttered to himself, crushing the small ball of obsession above the Scarecrow's corpse.

A message flooded into his mind: Inhibitor! I want an inhibitor!


Brian searched his mind, but found no relevant information.

The obsession of the S-level deformer is of great value.

Brian can't give up easily.

This obsession is probably the same as the remaining obsession of the deformer, and he will slowly find an opportunity to complete it in the future.

He glanced at the moon above his head and continued to walk towards the farm.

The shapeshifter and the scarecrow are both members of the deformer organization-the Doomsday Cult.

The former died in the hotel.

The latter, after escaping the pursuit, appeared near Uncle Billy.

Listen to the conversation between the scarecrow and the FBI man and woman in front.

He seemed to have arrested a group of FBI people and detained them.

This means that the Scarecrow's residence is also nearby!

Thinking of his dog Thirteen, it was also Rob who found it in the territory of the Bloody Gang.

This is interesting.

Brian became more and more curious.

How many secrets did his uncle hide?

Did he really not know that Aina and the others were from the FBI?

Things don't seem to be that simple.

But it doesn't matter.

Brian will know the answer soon.

Under the shotgun.

All beings are equal.

Large areas of dense corn stalks not only provide concealment for this farm, but also prevent the effective spread of gunshots.

When Brian arrived at the farm surrounded by heavy fences.

The lights here are still bright, and there is no abnormality.

Brian hid under the cover of the corn stalks, and a thought flashed in his eyes.

It's very strange.

Along the way.

He didn't smell any scent of the scarecrow.

It's the same here on the farm.

The problem is.

As soon as he approached the farm, Brian smelled the bloody odor from the two FBI agents.

This means that the two people did escape from here.

Could it be that the ability of this scarecrow is to eliminate odors?

As soon as this thought came to Brian's mind, he denied it.

With such a low ability, it is impossible to become an S-level wanted criminal among the deformed!

Whatever happens.

Anyway, the obsession is in hand, and you will know in the future!

Brian gathered his thoughts, glanced at the lights in the house in front, pulled out a few detonators, and got busy around the farm.

After setting up the trap.

He sniffed east and west.

Finally, he came to a dark row of small wooden houses, took out a few pieces of meat with ingredients from his body, and threw them towards the small wooden house about 80 or 90 meters away.

The next moment.

There was a slight movement from the wooden house.

But the movement lasted for a short time.

After about a minute or two, it fell into silence again.

"I knew there was a dog!"

Brian sneered.

Dogs may not eat food that suddenly appears in front of them, but they will definitely smell it.

This thing is easy to deal with.

The dogs on the farm were dealt with.

Brian ran with a boost, jumped over the fence about 1.5 meters high, and came to the inside of the farm.

The farm is not big.

There are only three small wooden houses.

The largest wooden house near the gate is lit, and the sound of men and women drinking and making noise can be heard faintly.

The other two wooden houses are pitch black.

Judging from the appearance, it is either a warehouse or a temporary dormitory.

The farms here are all the same.

Brian did not rush to act.

He first came to the kennel and dealt with two big dogs that looked fat and strong. Then he continued to avoid several surveillance cameras and wandered around the farm, smelling east and west.

The strange thing is.

Brian was indeed on the farm and smelled the unique smell of his uncle.

But it was very faint.

It seems that he has not been here for a few days.

In addition.

The facilities here do not look like a place for research.

Could it be that the address that Aina knew was incomplete?

Brian continued to search without giving up.

This time.

He really made an additional discovery.

He smelled a lot of blood and chemicals under the largest warehouse.

He opened the door and walked in.

Under the faint moonlight.

A row of corpses that were gutted and stuffed with straw were hung on the beams of the warehouse, like dried old bacon, gently swaying with the breeze flowing in through the door.

Under the corpses was a pile of iron cages.

But they were empty.

On the iron cage near the gate, there was still the smell of the man and woman from before.

They should have run away from here.

Brian glanced at the corpses and came to a large table.

There were a bunch of documents thrown randomly on it.

He stretched out his gloved hand, picked up a book at random, opened it, and looked at it in the moonlight.

The light was too dim to see clearly.

But the unique FBI badge and the positions similar to the special task force can still be seen clearly.

Throwing down the notebook.

Brian counted the bodies hanging in the warehouse.

Plus the two who escaped earlier.

It's equivalent to saying.

FBI, thirteen people, died here.

Brian was happy.

Could it be that the FBI team investigating the murder of veterinarian Laura were all on the streets here?

You deserve it!

After confirming that there are no living people in other locations on the farm.

Brian then walked outside the main house, looked inside through the window.

There weren't many people inside.

Three men and one woman, smoking cigarettes, were playing cards.

There were a few pistols randomly placed on the table, looking like a ragtag group of people.

Brian felt that his previous cautious actions were a bit redundant.

He pushed the door open.

I found that the door was not closed.

Brian no longer hesitated, kicked open the thick wooden door, and pointed his gun at the four people at the table: "Long time no see, everyone."

Several people were confused by this sudden situation.

But at least he is a gang member who has seen blood.

One of them immediately reached for the pistol beside him.

next moment.


The roar of a large shotgun echoed in the cabin!

A headless corpse, under the huge impact of the single-head bullet, flew from the chair and hit the wall hard. A large amount of blood sprayed out from the broken neck, directly drenching the other three people.

They looked blankly at their companions who died tragically, then at the tall intruder wearing a pig headgear, and silently raised their hands.

"very good."

Brian nodded and pointed at the three of them: "Squat in a row."

This time, they finally recognized Brian's voice.

The woman among them looked at Brian who was wearing a hood angrily: "FK, Brian, why are you crazy!"

Do the math.

She is Brian's elder!


These people are all Brian's elders.

What she responded to was a specially-made single-headed bullet that could easily tear apart human flesh and bones!

One shot down.

The cross-shaped warhead exploded.

Countless shrapnel, carrying shattered flesh, flesh and bone fragments, spread out in a large fan shape behind the woman, which was horrifying and full of shock.

The remaining two people didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore and hurriedly squatted aside with their heads in their hands.

"very good!"

Brian looked at the older man with cold eyes: "Uncle Eric, tell me, where is Billy now!"

Eric is a little confused now.

He didn't understand how Brian, who had always been humble and courteous, worked hard to make progress, and was polite to his elders, could suddenly become like this.


Sure enough, the child was either raised in a family or not raised well!

Didn’t I just threaten you with being buried alive?

As for treating elders like this?

Thinking of the terror of the patriarch Billy.

Eric hesitated and said:

“We don’t know the specifics.

The patriarch arranged us here to receive a... a pervert.

The pervert used very strange methods to bring back a group of FBI people to torture and kill him.

We are here specifically responsible for satisfying that pervert's request, and we don't know much about other things.

Brian, please go quickly.

That pervert went to play the hunting game again.

He'll probably be back soon. "

"The answer is not what the question was asked..."

Brian shook his head in disappointment, pulled the trigger, and sent this 'elder' off to play cards underground.

Three of the four companions who had been together day and night were gone in the blink of an eye.

The remaining middle-aged men were so frightened that they even peed.

Without waiting for Brian to speak.

He trembled and said: "Billy is in the dungeon. That's where our family is. In order to research some potion, it took two or three years to build the underground area. It's in the mountain in front. There are other things left by the family." People, all there.”

"Very well, let's talk about that perverted thing."

Brian slowly changed the ammunition.

“I really don’t know this!

This was originally a transfer point for receiving personnel and an outpost.

Results a week ago.

Billy asked us to give up our businesses in the city and the Bloody Gang. All the young people were sent away, leaving us old guys here.

That pervert also drove here after a day.

correct! "

He seemed to have thought of something, and quickly added: "There was also a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old who came over at that time. She was very beautiful and brought a puppy. However, the girl finally returned with the clan members who were transporting supplies and materials. Los Angeles, I haven’t been here since.”

Brian's eyes flashed with thought.

Girls should be the target of veterinarian Laura.

The puppy is my thirteenth.

All matched.

Uncle Billy has indeed been connected with the Doomsday Cult for a long time.


Before the blood moon returns.

My uncle's mood is far less irritable than it is now. Not only is his perception sharp, but his micro-expression ability is also called abnormal. He is a very sophisticated person, how could he be easily deceived by Aina and others!

Maybe Billy has already figured out the identities of Aina and others as FBI.

Just use them.

Think of this.

Brian was looking forward to meeting his uncle more and more later.

The other party was like an inner demon, entangled in his heart.

Don’t crush this inner demon under your feet.

Brian felt like he had to live in the other person's shadow his whole life!

Brian was silent.

The tribesman kneeling on the ground forced out an ugly smile: "The dungeon is two kilometers away to the east. There is a small lake there. A hut was built next to the entrance. The entrance is right there. It's obvious. Brian, put it there." Come on, I’ve treated you to barbecue before, we’re a family!”

Brian came to his senses.

He nodded: "Okay, although I don't remember this matter, but for the sake of your cooperation, next time we meet, I will settle the account with you for threatening me by burying myself alive last time!"


Brian disappeared out the door.

inside the house.

The man collapsed on the bloody carpet, his whole body weak.


A life was saved!

Thinking of the cold eyes under the pig head mask.

The man wanted to get up, tell the patriarch Billy what happened here, and then go abroad to meet his son.

In the past few years, he has already saved enough money.


It's just that I'm used to living a comfortable life where I can do whatever I want now.

But today he discovered that compared to Brian's ruthlessness, they wore a small pistol every day and used Billy's reputation to show off, which was more like playing house.


The man who got up felt something was wrong.

The light in the room seemed to be much darker.

He looked toward the door with a stiff neck.

I saw a figure wearing a pig head mask, blocking the door, tilting his head and looking at him, as if to say, we meet again.

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