You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 75 How did they get here? (Subscribe)


After a gunshot.

The farm fell into complete silence.

Brian blew a whistle, carved a line of words on the door with his left hand, dropped a small pig head toy, and walked towards the dungeon under the camera.



Whose family would choose to bury the tribe members alive under the order of a tribe leader!

Whose family would force the tribe members to become mentally ill for a psychopathic idea, and continue to persecute and deceive!

How strong was Brian's sense of identity with the family before, how painful it was when he was suffering in the Forensic Bureau, how filial he was in front of his adoptive parents, and how much he hated these betrayers now!

Two lives!

Both lives are orphans!

What Brian desires most is family affection!

So he is willing to give up his career plan of becoming a dentist in order to help his family, join the Forensic Bureau, face bloody corpses every day, and only think of resigning until he is about to have schizophrenia!

So he was willing to constantly overdraw and squeeze his body for his adoptive parents, and even risked joining the NW organization again for an illusory promise from his uncle, just to let the two old people leave this world with dignity!

What was the result?

Everything was a joke!

After tearing off the filter of family affection.

In Brian's eyes, except for his cousin Fuli, the others, one by one, were just a group of bloody scum!

That is, Uncle Billy suddenly disbanded the family.

As a result, several young tribesmen who were originally on Brian's must-kill list ran abroad.

Otherwise, after killing his uncle.

Brian would choose to continue hunting!

Killing so many people in a row.

The blood moon afterimage in Brian's eyes appeared more and more frequently.

In his heart, there was a voice roaring!

All those who deceived his feelings must die!

Brian's current physique is comparable to that of a professional athlete without any shortcomings.

More than two kilometers.

Not even a warm-up.

Soon, a small lake with a silver-gray glow in the night appeared in front of him.

He found a position with a favorable wind.

Brian gently lifted his nose.

A large amount of breath rushed into his nasal cavity, and with the help of supercomputer perception, it was quickly classified.

A moment.

Brian frowned under the mask.

The mountain wind is very strong here.

The breath dissipates quickly.

Except for the faint smell of excrement in the direction of the mountain, he did not get any extra gains.

Brian looked down at his heavy bulletproof vest, and walked straight to the cabin on the mountainside without hesitation.

No matter how powerful the uncle is, he is just the boss of a gang.

He did not rise for a long time.

The labor here is not cheap.

The transportation of materials and equipment is also troublesome.

If you want to open an experimental base in the mountain without attracting attention, even if it is developed by the original cave, it is destined to be small in scale.

Electricity and other things are also big problems.

So it is unlikely that a large number of surveillance guards will be deployed outside.

There is no such condition.

A small base means few people.

In this case.

Unless there is heavy firepower.

Otherwise in a narrow environment.

Brian already has the ability to break the situation!

The cabin in the mountains looks inconspicuous.

As an immigrant country, the North American Federation has a vast land and a sparse population. Cabins like this are very common.

Brian went against the wind and carefully touched the cabin.

About 20 meters away.

Two breaths of tobacco smell rushed into his nose with the wind.

Brian narrowed his eyes.

Two people!

He thought about it, tied the shotgun, and crawled over little by little.

Getting closer.

The sound of gossip came into Brian's ears:

"I don't know when this kind of day will end"

"I miss the girls in the city too."

Listening to the gossip.

Brian thought about it, picked up a stone from the ground, and threw it accurately on the roof above the cabin.

Accompanied by a light click.

The house fell into silence.

Wait for a few seconds.

A guy wearing a heavy mechanical helmet opened the wooden door and looked around.

The moment he saw the helmet.

Brian's heart skipped a beat and he no longer hesitated: furious!

A large amount of adrenaline was injected into his body!

Under the supercomputer perception.

Brian felt that the whole world was in slow motion.

He was like a venomous snake strung from the ground, and like a frog bouncing up, his hands and feet flew into the air, with a whistling sound, he threw the man who was going out to the ground, grabbed his neck and twisted it hard.

Killed one person.

Brian rushed into the wooden house without any hesitation, and at the moment when the other person was about to press a button, he kicked his right leg up to the sky, and his heel with explosive force hit the other person's chin heavily, kicking the other person's bulky body into the air, hitting the roof like weightlessness, and then hitting the ground, his neck twisted, and there was no movement.

Killed two people in a row.

The stinging pain of muscle tearing came violently.

Brian did not hesitate, consuming one unit of gifted energy and began to repair his damaged body.

A moment later.

After searching for a while, he easily found a stone passage leading to the inside on the wall close to the mountain.

This wooden house was indeed built at the entrance of a cave.

Brian was not stupid enough to enter from here.

As the saying goes, a cunning rabbit has three burrows.

A person with the character of the uncle would not leave only one exit.


He had just locked the location of another exit through the smell of excrement.

Take off the night vision goggles of a dead guard.

Brian put them under the large pig head mask.

The next moment.

The image of the whole world appeared light green.

After trying for a while.

Brian took off the night vision goggles again in disappointment and wiped off the possible stains on it.

This thing is not as good as his eyes + supercomputer perception.

The key is that it will limit his vision.

It is better not to wear it.

Because it is not sure whether the night watch will regularly report safety inside.

Brian took down a walkie-talkie, turned the volume to the minimum, and then moved towards another entrance.

The other entrance is located between the mountains and forests, hidden under a pile of fallen leaves.

If it were not for Brian's sensitive dog nose and human brain, ordinary people would not be able to find this entrance without using large detection equipment.

Perhaps it was to facilitate entry in an emergency.

There was no lock installed under the wooden board.

This saved Brian a lot of effort.

Following this path, Brian took out an outdoor fluorescent stick and moved forward with the not-so-bright light.

About ten seconds later.

A large wooden board blocked the way.

Brian tried to push the board and found that a thin gap was easily opened.

The next moment.

Strong excrement, blood, sweat, foot odor, and other body odors surged.

In addition.

There were also some subtle hums and screams that were faintly heard.

Brian no longer hesitated and pushed the board open.

What came into view was dim light.

A toilet made of a wooden barrel was placed not far from the exit among the iron railings.

This was actually a room similar to a prison.

Seeing no one around.

Brian crawled into the room from the passage.

After making sure that there was no other movement around, he began to look at the environment outside with the dim light.

On both sides of a narrow passage, there are ten very small rooms.

However, there is no one in these rooms.

Following the screams and groans he heard, Brian walked out of the passage.

His vision suddenly became clear.

He was located above, similar to the underground floor.

At the end of the passage, there were rows of partitioned "bathrooms" with worse environment.

Yes, it was a bathroom.

Similar to the partitioned squatting toilets flushed by water tanks in Brian's previous life.

Each partitioned single room with a ceiling is estimated to be only about one square meter, but there is a person sitting in it, both men and women, adding up to about seven or eight people. There are chains on the partitions, locking their feet and restricting their movements.

In fact.

They can't even lie down.

Everyone's eyes are dull, just instinctively humming.

I don't know what they have experienced here.


Brian looked at the back, a much larger compartment.

There are also people locked in it.

But not one, but a man and a woman.

Look at the appearance.

The two were not young.

The weak howling sound came from their mouths.

The two cuddled together, twitching from time to time, looking like drug addicts.

Brian thought he had seen it wrong.

He rubbed his eyes several times before he finally confirmed that the old couple were his adoptive parents!

The problem was.

A few days ago.

When he went to visit them, they were still in the nursing home!

The payment date for his cousin's welfare was the day before yesterday!

How could they appear here?

Brian's mouth cracked under the pig head mask.

This matter is getting more and more interesting.

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