You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 76 Madman (Thanks to the book friend ‘Xiao Ai 6’ for being the leader, thank you!)

There were two beds placed a little in front of Brian's adoptive parents.

A white woman and a black man were leaving two slovenly men and women on the bed and working hard.

The men and women below were obviously drugged.

The mouth is open, saliva is flowing, and there is not much consciousness remaining.

They were left with instinctive reactions.

Brian was stunned.

No wonder these people look dumb.

I guess I was stupid by taking medicine.

See it.

Brian didn't hesitate and walked quickly towards the two of them.

When passing by those imprisoned people.

No one even looked at him.

After these people experienced countless tortures, they probably only had a shell left.

Come to the bed.

Brian took out the willow knife from his leather pocket, and with quick eyes, he slit the black man's throat with precision.

A large amount of blood foam poured in along the wound, completely blocking his throat.

He touched his neck blankly, turned his head, glanced at Brian, squirmed his mouth twice, then fell on the woman below, twitching continuously.

The suppressed woman had blood all over her face, but she didn't react at all. She still looked that stupid and foolish look.

This movement attracted the attention of the white woman on the bed next to her.

She subconsciously looked towards her companions, but what she saw was a sharp blade.

Take out the two guards.

Brian looked at the two sloppy men and women who were being suppressed, and didn't suddenly realize it until he saw the scars on their eyes.

The reason why these people look stupid and stupid is not only because of the effects of drugs, but also because they have used very primitive techniques to remove their frontal lobes and lose the nerve center for emotional communication. In addition, due to the effects of some drugs, Just become a quiet fool.

Brian already knew who these people were.

If he guessed correctly.

These people should be the new generation of aberrants that the Bloody Gang recruited from people all over the United States during this period.

According to what Rob, who previously helped the Peaky Blinders recruit people on the Internet, said.

The people he pulled over were not highly educated, they were easy to fool, and they were not worried at all about being in danger.

Brian even suspected that these fools, after discovering physical abnormalities, immediately thought that they had awakened super powers. Maybe they would even take the initiative to show off to the outside world.

No wonder the Yuxue Gang found so many of them in a short period of time.

As for the purpose, it is very simple - to let them breed offspring.

Divine Type I medicine requires the extraction of certain special ingredients from the amniotic fluid as raw materials during the mother's pregnancy.

These people, including the two guards killed by Brian, and the Y children who were subsequently conceived, are all expendable materials.

He seemed to have been thinking for a long time.

In fact, only a few dozen seconds passed.

Brian had no time to lament.

He came to the adoptive parents, took out two morphine syringes, and gave each of them an injection.


The focus of the two old men finally regained some clarity.

"Who are you?"

The old female person recovered faster. When she saw a man wearing a pig-head mask, she was so frightened that she kept shrinking back, only to find that the range of movement was so wide. She could only cover her eyes with her hands and pretend to be an ostrich.

See it.

Brian's voice was dry as he said, "It's me, Brian."

"Brian?" After hearing the familiar voice, the old woman put down her hands, and then said in horror: "Have you been deceived by the devil Billy to get here? Leave quickly, he is a madman!"

Seeing the other person's concern does not seem like hypocrisy.

The bloodshot eyes in Brian's eyes dissipated slightly.

He wondered: "Why did you lie to me?"

Hearing this, the old woman's lips wriggled twice, not knowing how to explain it. In the end, only two lines of tears fell from her eyes, and she did not dare to look into Brian's eyes again.


The white-haired old man also regained consciousness.

He held the old woman in his arms and looked at Brian with some guilt:

"Sorry, Brian.

In fact, we are just a very bad couple.

Fifteen years ago, your uncle Billy found us and gave us a large sum of money.

The price is to adopt you.

When we were young, we lived so indulgently that we were unable to have children.

Being offered a lot of money and a beautiful child like you was something we couldn't refuse. "

The old woman also choked and said:

"You are very sensible.

It brings us a lot of happiness.

Brian, we swear that all the good things we say to you are true.

Except for being sick. "

The old man wiped the corners of his eyes and nodded: "A year ago, your uncle suddenly found us and asked us to pretend to be sick to deceive you. We didn't want to do this, so he threatened us with your life."

Brian was silent.

He's not stupid.

I want to resign on my front foot, but my back foot is threatened.

It didn't take long.

The adoptive parents are both sick.

What a coincidence.

It's just that he didn't dare to think about it.

There was silence for a while.

Brian, whose eyes had regained clarity, touched the haggard faces of his adoptive parents: "Did drug addiction also come from going to a private nursing home?"

The most powerful and useful painkillers are actually drugs, legal drugs.

They were just some memories, but they couldn't help but flood into Brian's mind. His adoptive parents had given him a lot of freedom since he was a child. However, they were busy with work, often traveling on business, and had very little time to spend with themselves.

Brian forced himself to suppress these thoughts, unwilling to think deeply.

The two nodded.

The old woman touched Brian's hand:

"Don't blame yourself.

If it weren't for you, we might have become homeless many years ago because of our decadent lives, and we don't know where we died.

Your existence has given us a truly warm home.

We are sorry for you.


Don't blame yourself."

The old man also nodded: "Brian, your uncle is a lunatic. He brought us here just to induce you to come here on your own initiative. He is a human-shaped beast, not a human at all. Go away, don't care about us, leave America, no matter where you go, find a good wife, and live happily for the rest of your life."

Brian was relieved when he heard this.

He was very happy.

At least his adoptive parents really loved him.

Instead, he implicated them.

He looked at the two old people and shook his head: "I'll take you with me."

Just then.


Accompanied by a harsh friction sound.

The heavy door was pushed open by a sturdy hand.

An extremely majestic figure, holding an extremely thick steel shield, appeared in this prison that looked like hell.

Seeing the person coming.

The bloodshot in Brian's eyes, which had originally dispersed, gathered again.

Endless anger was surging.

He slowly stood up and looked at the figure at the entrance with cold eyes - Uncle Billy!

Billy looked at the intruder wearing a pig head mask curiously and asked tentatively: "Brian?"

Brian pulled out the shotgun on his back: "Billy, long time no see."

"It's really you!" Billy looked puzzled: "Although I left a message at the sanatorium, the address is not here. How did you find this place?"

For the amazingly large shotgun in Brian's hand, there was no fluctuation in his eyes, as if it was just a toy.

"Want to know?"

"I'm really curious." Billy nodded: "There have been a lot of people watching me recently, so I wanted your adoptive parents to trick you to the farm, but the old couple refused, so I had to spend time and bring them here myself."

"Why didn't you come to me directly?" Brian was even more puzzled.

Billy sighed and said with some regret: "Of course it's because you are too useless. I originally thought you were the only one in the family who was as good as me, but you disappointed me so much that you couldn't even get the gift of the blood moon."

After that.

He said to himself:

"Do you know how high my expectations of you were at the beginning?

Since I found out that you used small tricks to kill so many people when you were eight years old, I was so happy that I could hardly sleep.

You are simply born to be favored by God.

In order to ensure your awakening potential.

I found this pair of trash and asked them to give you warmth first, and then forced the tribe members to accept you and treat you well, so that you can continue to feel the warmth of the family.

Wait until you are an adult.

I deliberately let you join the Forensic Bureau to make your mind twisted.

When you want to escape, I will bring a group of people from the family to continue to stimulate you with fierce threats, and then let your adoptive parents pretend to be sick with clumsy means that can be seen through at a glance, and continue to alienate the tribe members from you, making you confused and losing your last spiritual support!

As a result"

He looked at Brian with regret: "As a result, you, a waste, still haven't awakened."

Billy sighed:

"There is no way. The rest of the family is even more useless. In comparison, you have greater hopes, so I used those useless FBI people to get the God-Revelation Type I reagent.

My original plan was to deliberately arrange for that Rector to join your team, and then find an opportunity to let you find out that something is wrong, and then let you know about your adoptive parents, forcing you who are doubting your life to come here.

This level should be enough.

I didn't expect you didn't follow my script."

He took out a dark red test tube and said to Brian seriously: "It doesn't matter, Brian, my nephew, come, kill the pair of sacrifices in front of you, and then inject the God-Revelation reagent to become a God-favored person like me. The Kamo family will become great again because of our God-favored bloodline!"

Brian looked at Billy like a sand coin: "Madman!"

He no longer hesitated and pulled the trigger directly!

Okay, here are 11,000 words.

If there are more chapters, I will start to repay them tomorrow.

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