You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 77 Since there is no way to retreat, there is only death and no life!


Roaring gunfire exploded.

Almost at the same time, Billy shook his head slightly.

next moment.

The heavy door behind Billy was immediately torn out with a huge depression and impact crater.


Brian gasped.

This reaction speed is fake!

He did not believe in evil and pulled the trigger three times in succession to empty the internal magazine.

The huge recoil made Brian's arms feel numb even with his current physique.

This time, Brian was a thief. With super-computer perception, the bullets locked onto a large area where Billy could dodge. In such a narrow space, as long as the opponent dared to move, he would definitely hit a cross that was enough to blow the brown bear's head off. No. 12 single-head bomb!

The crosshead will smash open the fragments with acceleration at the moment of impact, forming rolling shrapnel.

If you rub it, you will be disabled, if you hit it, you will die!

As long as the other party is still a carbon-based organism.

It’s impossible to bear it!

Faced with this situation, Billy just smiled calmly.

The moment Brian fired, he stood there, silently took out a cigarette, and then lit the cigarette under the impact of the large amount of debris exploded by the bullet.

Billy took a deep breath from the cigarette, surrounded by smoke, and looked calmly at Brian, who was still about to refill the bullet:

"Don't waste your time, Brian!

I'm surprised that you showed up here so early.

Your performance is beyond my previous understanding of you.

But none of this matters!

Your fate was determined when you were eight years old!

Only the emotions generated after all the good things in the heart are destroyed are the best catalysts for God's favor.

This is the dream I spent more than ten years weaving for you!

Now it's time to wake up from the sweet dream!

Brian, my nephew!

You have no choice now!

Those who do not become favored by God.

You must die!

Everyone you care about must die! "

"Fuck you sweet dreams!"

Brian was completely angered by Billy's condescending attitude, treating him as an ant and wanting to control his destiny at will!

No one can control his destiny!

Can't solve the problem!

Then get rid of the person who caused the problem!

Brian roared in his heart: Furious!

A large amount of adrenaline surged out and spread throughout the body.

next moment.

Under Billy's surprised gaze, Brian rushed over like a cheetah.

"What a speed."

A look of surprise appeared on Billy's face.

How could Brian's physique improve so much?

The distance of seven or eight meters disappeared in the blink of an eye!

Seeing that the two of them were about to come into contact with each other.

Brian suddenly stuffed the muzzle of the gun into the leather apron dressed as a butcher, covering the direction of the muzzle. He didn't care whether he was aiming or not, and pulled the trigger repeatedly. At the same time, his left hand ignored it and grabbed the traction wires of the detonators around his waist. .

A terrifying, inescapable death warning surged into Billy's mind.

Shock flashed in his eyes, but his hand movements were not slow at all. He grabbed the special steel shield next to him, like a medieval shield warrior. With a roar, his body instantly expanded by one-third, turning into a charging warrior with thunder. He crashed into Brian.

clang! clang! clang!

Three huge muffled sounds echoed in the narrow space.

Large amounts of dust were knocked down from the top of the head.


Brian was delighted.

A bullet impact at such a close range would cause even a car to swing a few times, let alone a Billy with a broken shield!

He didn't believe that Billy's flesh and blood body could withstand the impact!

Take advantage of people's illness and kill them!

As long as Billy was hit by the impact of the bullet, his body was unstable.

Brian will pull the trigger and put the last bullet into Billy's head!

What’s shocking is that!

Billy, whose shield was hit by three single-point bullets in a row, only slowed down slightly and showed no sign of being repelled.

In Brian's disbelieving gaze, the steel shield struck hard.

At this distance, there is no room to dodge!

next moment.


Like a monk striking a bell, it makes a dull sound.

An unparalleled huge force hit Brian's chest.

Brian only felt countless buzzing bees ringing in his ears, as if he had been hit by a heavy truck. His whole body was forcefully thrown seven or eight meters away, and even the pig head hood on his head was thrown away and hit hard. On the ground, he was spitting out blood and his whole body was limp.

The broken and twisted shotgun also flew aside.

The steel barrel is slightly curved at the front.

One can't help but suspect that if the barrel of the gun hadn't blocked it just now, Brian might have been killed by the terrifying force on the shield.

A shield knocked Brian away.

Billy twisted his neck and made a sound of bone friction: "The struggle of ants is the most boring thing."

He looked at the detonators on Brian's waist with some fear and did not get close. After putting down the shield with two dented craters, he took out a metallic-colored syringe from his waist and threw it to Brian seven or eight meters away. Before: "Brian, I'll give you another chance. Inject this tube of divinely inspired Class I medicine into your heart. As long as you can survive as a favored one by God, you will still be my good nephew, and we will"

The words are not finished yet.


A huge explosion roared throughout the cave.

It wasn't until Billy was flying into the air that he realized that the premonition of crisis that had been hanging over his heart just now was not caused by Brian detonating the detonator on his waist, which might cause the cave to collapse, but by Brian taking the opportunity to throw it at him at the moment when he fired the gun. The detonator next to you!

This kid is really different!

"Haha, cough, haha!"

Brian was laughing and vomiting blood.


I really thought I didn’t know that you have similar danger warning abilities!

The previous shots were nothing more than tests and traps.

Brian's real killer move is to build the plank road openly and secretly use the powerful detonator under Chen Cang!

Bullet by bullet, Billy can sense the source of danger in advance.

What about a bunch of detonators?

This is Brian's tactic!

The result is that he won!

At such a close distance, even if ordinary people are not torn apart by the explosion, their internal organs will be shattered, their brains will be shaken, and they will die!

Aberrants are also human beings.

If you are human, you will die!

Brian doesn't believe Billy is strong enough to physically resist explosives!

The explosion was so loud.

Brian was worried that guards would continue to rush over, so he did not hesitate and directly consumed the last unit of gifted energy to recover the internal injuries in his body!

Thanks to the solid shotgun materials.

Otherwise, the terrifying force of the shield strike just now would definitely break a row of his ribs.

At that time, it is not just one or two units of gifted energy that can solve the problem!

Brian felt the sting and dullness in his chest and regained his freshness before he dared to get up from the ground.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: "Made, there was something wrong with my state yesterday. I actually rushed over with two units of gifted energy. It was just like the second disease. It didn't suit me at all. character."

Brian couldn't help but think of what Susan had been saying about the aberrants losing control.

He hadn't experienced it before.

It wasn't until the stimulation of the life-and-death crisis just now that Brian realized his somewhat abnormal state.

Losing control of your emotions is not scary.

The scary thing is that when you lose control, you don't realize that your emotions are wrong.

It's easy to make yourself do some crazy things and put yourself in danger!

"Billy can live for such a long time, and he looks normal at ordinary times. There should be a way. Even if there is no way, thirty years later, I will be over 50 years old and I am old enough. Why live for so long?"

Brian comforted himself in his mind.

He forced down his random thoughts, picked up his pig head hood and put it on, preparing to see if Billy was dead.

Turn around.

Brian was numb.

Amid the slowly dissipating smoke and dust in front, a majestic figure stepped on the dust and reappeared in front of the gate.

Billy's condition was a bit miserable.

His right hand was torn apart, exposing fragments of broken bones and strips of flesh. The clothes on his chest were shattered into rags, revealing a large piece of mutilated flesh and blood on his upper body, which could still be faintly penetrated through the gap. See the peristalsis of internal organs in the abdominal cavity.


One of Billy's eyes was closed forever.

Long blood streaks slid down his dusty cheeks, adding a touch of iron blood to Billy's already tough temperament.


"This is not even death???"

Brian licked his rusty lips and pulled out another detonator.

Billy, who was physically disabled, not only did not make Brian feel relaxed, but instead gave him an even greater sense of oppression than before.

Brian felt that he was not facing a person, but a monster that he could not defeat no matter what!

He seemed to have returned to the night when the blood moon came and he was stared at by Billy's bloodthirsty gaze.

When Billy's remaining single eye looked at him, Brian felt that the air around him was freezing!


Billy coughed a few times and spat a mouthful of black spit with visceral fragments on the ground.

He looked at Brian hidden under the hood and grinned:

“Brian, your tense muscles betray your nervousness.

You are now like a frightened wild dog, baring your teeth and appearing ferocious, but in fact you are timid.

You are afraid!

This is not okay.

This is a dark jungle world that eats meat!

There is no strong will!

Even if you become a favored person, you will always be just a panicked rabbit.

Come! "

Billy pointed at himself: "Come here! Kill me! I have asked all the guards in the base to guard the exit of the safe passage for evacuation! Only by killing me can you leave safely with that pair of trash! You have no choice!”

He looked at Brian with wild eyes.

This nephew gave him a big surprise today.

Ever since he learned that Brian's awakening failed and cracks appeared in his spiritual anchor, he was already on the verge of losing control.

The Kamo family cannot remain silent!

if it is possible.

Billy doesn't mind using his own blood as a sacrifice for Brian's awakening!

It looked like a wall, blocking the majestic figure in front of me and deep in my heart.

Brian took a deep breath and put the detonator back on his waist.

"as you wish!"

Since there is no way to retreat.

Then there is death but no life!

Today he will personally break the mountain of Billy that is pressing deep in his heart!

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