You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 79 Billy's Relics (Additional chapter 1 for the leader of the

Due to terrain restrictions, the laboratory is not large, only about twenty square meters. In order to make the best use of everything, a mezzanine design was specially designed. The most conspicuous thing is the two glass columns placed on top. Inside the columns, there are two tight A woman with her eyes closed and a big belly.

Two oxygen tubes were inserted into their nasal cavities, and more densely packed unknown patches were attached to their big bellies, giving them the air of a weird scientist.

The old man was busy on the operating table.

Lying on it was the disemboweled body of a woman.

He concentrated on placing the pieces of internal organs into categories. In the center of the tray was the curled-up body of a baby that was not yet fully formed.

So much so that Brian came behind him and still didn't notice it.

"Marquis, is this the experiment your breeding team is going to do?" Brian stood behind the old man and silently took out the pistol he got from the guard.

No wonder the FBI uses other people's names to carry out experiments.

Human experiments are inherently cruel, and they also involve the elderly, children, and pregnant women.

The old man, Marquis, the former chief autopsy officer of the Bureau of Forensic Medicine, stiffened when he heard the voice behind him, then stopped his movements, dropped the scalpel, raised his hands, and said nonchalantly: "Brian? You are the intruder? ? It seems that Billy and I have underestimated you."

"You haven't answered my question yet, what are these?"

“They are all perverts, and they are also rare pregnant perverts.

Look, the extraction container on the left side of the stage.

She is a bloodthirsty prostitute who likes to lure men into their homes, cut off their penises and drink them.

The extraction container on the right has some mental problems.

She was a well-paid and respected doctor. After suffering some emotional injuries, she neurotically believed that all men were scumbags. After killing her father and several younger brothers, she married her boyfriend and his new love. , cut off the limbs, and raised them in containers facing each other.

As for the extraction container in front of me.

She didn't seem to have done anything bad, she was just a poor girl who was imprisoned and bullied by her adoptive father.

Her adoptive father also used her as a tool to make money.

In fact, she is not an aberrant, but the conceived body of an aberrant.

I have no idea where Billy found these rare individuals.

He is amazing and can always easily see the difference in someone. "

Marquis spoke slowly and Brian listened slowly.

Extract container

Co-author In Marquez's eyes, these similar people are not complete people.

"Where are the guards?"

"There were just four of them, all of them Billy's cronies. When there was a commotion in the dungeon just now, they all rushed over. I'm old and don't like to watch the excitement, so I just continued to do my own thing."

Hear this.

Brian nodded.

Before Billy died, he did not lie to himself.

Looking at this calm old man, Brian put away his pistol, silently took out a willow knife, and came behind Marquis: "I'm curious, why do you, a person like you who treats your own kind as experimental material, not suffer the blood moon?" Influence?"

Marquis shrugged and said calmly: "Why should I shine on the blood moon? The difference between humans and beasts is to learn to use their brains. Except for those fools and people with terminal illnesses, people in the know will choose to use these beasts given by God. Develop technology that is more suitable for humans, rather than turning yourself into a beast destined to lose your mind.”

Looking at the calm Marquis, Brian smiled.

He leaned close to Marquis's ear and said softly: "Before Aina died, she acted as calm as you. You are worthy of being father and daughter."

"What?" Marquez's calm body trembled.

He turned around tremblingly: "You killed my lovely daughter?"

Brian nodded: "The death was quite tragic, and the scream was quite miserable. I wonder if you will be the same way. As a junior of yours in the Forensic Medicine Bureau, I hope you can satisfy the junior's little thirst for knowledge!"


Brian no longer gave Marquis, who was full of grief and anger, a chance, and kicked him over on the operating table. Then he carefully placed the unlucky woman who died in a miserable state on the ground, tied Marquez up, and watched in horror in front of the other party. With a look in his eyes, he took out a willow leaf peeling knife

Half an hour later.

Brian walked out of the laboratory with the smell of blood and a satisfied look on his face.

Although I don’t want to admit it.

But every time he hears a scumbag like Marquez whine and beg for mercy, it brings him great spiritual satisfaction.

Maybe this is the price you have to bear to be a good person with conscience.

He probably died too tragically.

Marquez also revealed an obsession: to kill the beast Bryan!

Bryan flatly refused Marquez's request to call.

Check the ammo.

Brian followed the passage, passed through several rest areas, and came outside.

The baffle connecting the wooden house has been pushed open.

It was starting to light up outside.

Brian was at the entrance. After throwing the pig-head toy under him on the steps, he took out the remaining detonator and walked towards another hidden entrance.

A few minutes later.

Four heavily armed men and women came into view.

He was too lazy to go over. He pulled off the detonator fuses on his hands, calculated the time, and threw them over one by one from a distance of dozens of meters.

Amidst the rumbling explosions and screams.

The tall pig-headed butcher disappeared deep into the jungle.

The soft morning breeze blew against Brian's palms.

He stood on the road, giving a thumbs up to the passing vehicles, waiting for kind people to stop.

He burned all the moving things.

Brian drove the car into the sea with the bodies in it, waiting for a lucky person to open the box at some point in the future.

Now he was going to go back and see what Billy left for him.

This is a world of appearance.

After waiting for a few minutes.

An old Beetle sedan stopped in front of Brian.

The car window rolled down, and an old lady with a dog smiled at Brian on the side of the road, showing her well-maintained dentures: "Oh, my God, how could anyone have the heart to leave such a beautiful child on the road."

Brian shrugged and smiled sunny: "Maybe God hasn't woken up yet, kind lady, can you give me a ride to the city?"

"Of course, get in the car quickly, you should be in a good mood in the morning."

"I'm in a good mood now, ma'am."

Brian opened the door of the back seat and sat in.

He really feels refreshed now.

With his uncle gone, the trio of Ina who knew about his abnormality only had one person left, Rekt, who was still unaware of the situation. His adoptive parents, who could not tell whether their feelings were true or false, also left the world in satisfaction and dignity.

Except for the potential risk of the abnormal person losing control.

Brian now has a sense of debt-free happiness.

The dog in the passenger seat has huddled into a ball, trembling constantly, and dared not even bark.

The old lady was only concerned with appreciating Brian's handsome face in the rearview mirror, and had no time to care about the dog's abnormal state.

This state also made this old car play S-shaped track on the wide road, until a passing road rage brother cursed at the old lady, and the situation got better.

That's it.

Brian returned to the city in fear all the way.

As soon as he got off the car.

After thanking the reluctant old lady, he ran away.

It was too scary.

It was more frightening to fight with the uncle than to ride in the old lady's car.

He found two more kind people to transfer.

Brian came to the street next to the apartment, threw his old coat into a homeless man's tent, and then jogged towards his apartment with his sports shirt underneath.

On the way back.

Many early risers greeted Brian enthusiastically.

There was no way.

His previous part-time career had led many people to know that Brian brought different beauties home every day.

This also led to the envy of men. Women spitted on Brian while passing notes to him, or ran to Brian's house across several buildings to knock on the door, hoping to ask Brian to help clear the blocked sewer pipes at home.

In other words, Brian was afraid of being shot by their husbands, so he never acted like the old man next door.

Otherwise, he might not be alive until now with kidney deficiency.

Back to the apartment.

Brian checked the surveillance and mobile phone first, and after confirming that no one had contacted him, he closed the doors and windows, came to the sofa, and opened it with force.

A cardboard box with a length and width of more than 20 centimeters and no lid appeared in front of Brian.

Brian chuckled silently.

It seems that Billy also knows what kind of person he is and deliberately left the lid.

Otherwise, Brian really wouldn't dare to open the box directly.

There are not many things in the box.

A syringe similar to the Shenqi Type I reagent on Brian's body, but the external number is slightly different.

A letter.

A USB flash drive.

A series of keys with stickers.

There is also a black and thick thing that looks a bit like an iron egg.

With a feeling of trepidation and expectation.

Brian took the lead in picking up the letter.

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