You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 80 Letter Obsession Completed (Additional chapter 2 for the leader of the

Open the envelope.

Brian took out the thick letter paper from the material.

The material of the letter paper is leather.

It is not the thin and delicate human skin, nor the thick lamb skin. It smells slightly fishy and should be made of the skin of some beast.

Brian unfolded the leather letter paper and read the contents carefully:

Brian, my nephew.

You can see this letter, which means that you came to the farm from the private nursing home and left me alive.

I am very relieved.

This means that the Kamo family has successors.

The doctor in charge of your adoptive parents in the nursing home has been dealt with by me, so there is no need to worry about hidden dangers.

Your scum adoptive parents should have been dealt with by me.

If not, please don't be soft-hearted.

As long as you give them a little drug, they will blurt out the color of your underwear and tell anyone.

Never believe the words and feelings of drug addicts!

This is my last warning to you.

Next, some gifts I gave you.

Those keys are all independent safe houses I have prepared over the years.

The key has the address on it.

If you are not stupid, it should be easy to find.

The basement of the safe house is equipped with enough medicines and weapons, and the garage has enough safe transportation. You can use them at will.

The remaining gold and other materials are what I leave for the subsequent rise of the Kamo family.

If you don't want to take on this mission, give it to those who need it.

I stopped using the inhibitors and was about to lose control.

I guess I won't see that day.

The syringe in the box is the inhibitor.

This is the method used by the Doomsday Cult to control the senior deformers below. It is highly addictive, but it can stabilize the emotions of the deformers. Although the effect will become worse and worse, when you are desperate, like me, joining the Doomsday Cult is also an option.

However, I suspect that the top leaders of the Doomsday Cult are an agency of the Z government.

They seem to have some other purposes.

If you can stay safely in the NW organization, don't contact the Doomsday Cult.

These official organizations have been researching for many years and have good methods to suppress the problem of deformers losing control.

But this requires you to keep climbing up.

This is why I arranged for you to join the NW organization after I knew that you failed to awaken.

In addition to clearing your relationship with me.

It can also allow you to pass the review of the NW organization.

Because I was targeted by those scumbags of the FBI, you will at most be troubled and coerced, but your life will not be in danger.

I have always believed that you have enough potential, even if the death rate is very high and the imperfect God-inspired Type I reagent, you can complete your awakening.

I always believe in you!

Of course, if my intuition is wrong, you will not have the opportunity to see these things.

The USB flash drive is the information I have collected over the years.

You can take a look when you have time.

The remaining black iron egg is a high-explosive bomb my master gave me to commit suicide.

I made some modifications.

If no one twists it back to its original position at the scheduled time, it will explode and destroy the things I left for you and this house.

Of course, it may also kill you who are escaping.

Sorry, although it is a bit cruel, the Kamo family does not need people who escape.

It’s a pity that I can’t leave you my master’s contact information.

He is the most powerful God-favored person I have ever seen.

If I hadn't met him in my early years, I might have been lost in my ever-stronger body.

He taught me a lot.

I can't leave his information here, lest the letter appear in the hands of outsiders and disturb his peaceful life.

However, I can give you some directions.

My master told me.

Those institutions are all researching in the wrong direction.

The birth of the deformed comes from a strong mind and will.

It's just that most perverts and psychopaths have stronger mind and will than ordinary people, so they are more likely to be liked by the Blood Moon.

It's not only perverts and psychopaths who become deformed.

The cause and effect (Chinese) of the two are not the same.

I'm not sure if this is right.

But I agree.

Although I have liked to torture and kill those animals since I was a child to show my strength.

But I always think this is a man's growth process.

Only cold-blooded and strong can lead the Kamo family to rise.

Unfortunately, I don't understand the importance of wisdom and insight.

When I understand it, it is already difficult to keep a calm mind to grow.

Brian, this is also one of the reasons why I value you.

The despair that comes after the beauty in your heart is destroyed bit by bit, although there will be some sequelae, as long as you bear it, it is the fastest way to make a person's mind strong, and it can also make it easier for you to awaken into a powerful God-favored person.

If you want to stay rational afterwards.

You must reshape the beauty in your heart and fight against the desires that constantly erode you.

Some people choose religious beliefs.

Some people choose self-exile.

My choice is family.

This process is very difficult.

I hope you can go on.

I'm sorry, Brian.

I'm really sorry.

Since I was a child, my elders have instilled in me all kinds of ideas about contributing to the family. I used to hate this kind of bondage of fate, and I thought that I could lead the Camo family to restore the glory of the Mafia by myself.

The subsequent blows made me realize my powerlessness.

I didn't expect that I would eventually become the person I hated the most.


Perhaps you will be confused.

Why did I say that seeing and understanding are important, but I still insist on turning you into a monster like me, a group that is not accepted by society.

I can't tell you the reason.

But in this era of class solidification, the fastest way for a family without foundation to rise is to be a god-favored person.

This identity allows you to cross classes.

When that group of people find you, you will know the reason.

Before that, hide yourself.


Your family, Billy.

Brian rolled his eyes after reading the letter.

Pure psychopath!

No one likes this kind of imposed fate.

This feeling is like some elders who don't care about your life or death, shouting for your own good, and pushing you into the abyss regardless of your opposition.

Once again, Brian will still not be soft on Billy.

He is a simple person. Whoever treats him well, he will treat them well, regardless of deeds.

Unless he knew in advance and was willing to be a grudge.

Otherwise, any deception and betrayal would challenge the bottom line of the sensitive Brian.

But all this is in the past.

When a person dies, his debts are cleared.

Seeing that his uncle left him so much inheritance, Brian was too lazy to continue to investigate.

The mountain above his head is gone.

He can finally live for himself!

Billy's other inheritances are placed in scattered safe houses and cannot be counted for the time being.

The benefits now are ready!

Brian put down the letter.

He first screwed the black metal egg back to its original position to avoid blowing himself up, and then immediately looked at the metal syringe.


The obsession left by the S-level wanted criminal Scarecrow is the inhibitor!

That should also be a deformed person who is about to get out of control.

Scarecrow died too carelessly, and half of his body was blown up by Brian's shot.

But the other party can easily deal with so many FBI people and achieve the title of S-level wanted criminal. It is impossible that he is really that rubbish.

Brian was very curious about the other party's distortion ability.

He wiped his hands devoutly and grabbed the inhibitor in the box.

I don't know what kind of gift I can get from this obsession!

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