You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 81 Talent: Pheromone Control!

Holding syringe.

A warm current surged through his body, sweeping away the fatigue from Brian's body.

Every time the obsession is completed, you can recover your physical strength once.

This ability is truly amazing!

Brian took a deep breath and began to look at the Scarecrow's gifts.

Energy +20, talent: pheromone control.

Brian clenched his fists happily!

His talent actually showed up!

So generous!

See what talent does!

Brian immediately closed his eyes and entered the space of consciousness.

At the same time, talents are integrated.

Brian also received some of Scarecrow's memory fragments:

The Scarecrow's original name was Moseley Lars.

Mosley was the product of inbreeding and had a deformed appearance. He was abandoned by his parents when he was seven or eight years old and was bullied in a children's home. No one was willing to adopt him.

If it were not subsidized by the Z government, it would be convenient to use it for publicity.

Moseley must have been kicked out of the children's home long ago.

As an adult, in order to survive, Mosley came to a small farm and became a cheap worker here.

Because of his appearance, he still did not escape the fate of being bullied.

Seeing that his peers could easily find women to accompany him, but no prostitute was willing to take the business even if he paid out his long-saved salary, Mosli became angry!

He wants people to fear him, he wants women to fall in love with him, he wants

But he is timid, cowardly, and nothing but a fantasy.

Until thirty years ago, the blood moon came.

A sudden realization came to Brian's mind.

The gift of pheromone control means that you can control the secretion of various trace substances within yourself, such as hormones, androdiene, pheromones, etc.

Of course, to explain it in professional terms, it means that the individual secretes it outside the body and is then received by the individual's olfactory organs, such as the accessory olfactory bulb, vomeronasal organ, etc., and then causes the individual to show certain behavioral, emotional, psychological or physiological changes. kind of substance.

for example.

The simplest pheromone is the sex pheromone.

For example, when a female cat is in estrus, the sex pheromones in her urine can be received by male cats several kilometers around, and force those male cats to passively enter estrus.

Or the dry excrement of tigers and lions, if burned in the wild, can drive away the surrounding wild animals.

These are the effects of pheromones.

The talent of pheromone control is somewhat similar to the rage talent that Brian obtained before, but it is far stronger than the rage talent.

The talent of rage can only stimulate the secretion of adrenaline and hurt others and yourself.

But the pheromone control talent is different.

It can affect so many places.

Tell me the most common one!

Why is it that when men reach middle age, not only their need for the opposite sex is greatly reduced, but their abilities are also not as good as when they were young?

The main reason is that the secretion of male hormones is getting less and less.

Brian won't have such worries at all now.

If he wanted to, he could even use his enhanced sense of smell to control his body and secrete a customized version of pheromones for someone of the opposite sex or the same sex, easily making the target feel happy and have their heart beat faster as soon as they saw him.

Literary speaking.

This is called love at first sight and genetic selection.

In fact, it is to stimulate others to passively go into estrus.

If Brian is willing now, he can directly transform into a walking hormone or a seeder, kill both men and women, and be loved by everyone.

This is something even a scarecrow can't do.

Because the scarecrow does not enhance the sense of smell, the other party cannot customize the secretion of specific pheromones. It can only eliminate its own smell, put itself in a state of excitement, make itself unaffected by age, and keep the body active as a young person, etc.

It has a great effect on oneself, but has a very small impact on outsiders.


This ability can be said to be awesome, but it can also be said to be rubbish. It is more like a BUFF that can be adjusted freely. It can make oneself in a state of excitement, concentration, joy, etc. at any time, but its impact on other human beings will not be affected without it. Similar to Brian's 'smell enhancement', if it can be customized, the effect is not very great.

The really awesome thing about this ability is that it can spread poison outwards silently.

This is also the real reason why Scarecrow can become an S-class wanted criminal.

The opponent can take specific toxins, ether, etc., and then use the innate characteristics to evaporate through the body into the surrounding air, making people fall victim to the attack without even realizing it.

Without warning.

He can take down a heavily armed team by himself!

Brian was stunned.

No wonder the Scarecrow likes to kill people, then disembowel the victim and stuff it with straw. This may seem like torture, but in fact, it is clearly using this method to drain the victim's blood and reduce the risk of exposing his true abilities!

Brian admits to being superficial.

None of the S-class wanted criminals is simple!

"Very strong, very awesome!

But now this talent is mine! "

Brian grinned lightly.

Walking biochemical toxin!

I finally have a trump card that can change my life and death!

With a thought, Brian played the Scarecrow's death replay again.

Brian has personally experienced this process, and there is no particularly valuable information, so he just skips it.

Playback ends.

A spiritual crystal that was more than a circle larger than an ordinary person's spiritual crystal was given as a gift and integrated into Brian's consciousness.

A clear sense of comfort and relaxation came to Brian's mind.

He squinted his eyes comfortably.

This is a very strange feeling.

If the process of using the gift energy is like soaking the body in a warm hot spring, then completing the obsession of the deceased and absorbing the spiritual crystals after reading the memories of death is like clearing the dust on the mind and revitalizing the originally heavy mind.

However, this process is very short.

The mental enhancement is over.

Under the supercomputer perception.

Brian's mental strength is still 1.1, and there has been no qualitative change.

However, because of the continuous killing, the heavy mind has been relieved a lot, and the mood has stabilized a little, so that he will not think of destruction directly when thinking of unhappy things.

Brian's eyes flashed with contemplation.

Perhaps, as long as he completes enough obsessions, he does not need any inhibitors, and he can also alleviate the problem of the deformed person losing control.

This needs time to verify.

No hurry.

Brian looked at the time and was about to use the gift energy to recover the hidden injuries of his body.


He narrowed his eyes.

It's not right.

Where's my dog?

Brian's nose twitched, and he walked around the room.

Ten seconds later.

He walked to the refrigerator and kicked it: "Come out."


Thirteen's whimpering sound came from under the refrigerator.

A magical thing happened.

After obtaining the talent of 'pheromone control' and opening 'enhanced sense of smell' at the same time, Brian was surprised to find that he understood the message Thirteen conveyed to him: fear, is it the master?

"So magical?"

Brian licked his lips and tried to mobilize his unique breath and radiate it.

The next moment.

A yellow figure ran out from under the refrigerator, trying desperately to squeeze under the sofa, but because Brian flipped the sofa, he could only stuff Thirteen's small head in, leaving his butt and tail all exposed.

Thirteen squeezed in desperately, while whimpering: Don't get close, I'm afraid.

Brian touched his chin: "Could this breath be a deterrent, a murderous intention?"

Looking at the little meat ball that was huddled up in fear, Brian showed a wretched smile.

Raise a dog for a thousand days, use it for a moment.

After playing with Thirteen until he lay on his back on the floor, his four legs up in the air, his eyes dull, like a useless piece of wood that had lost its dreams and was at the mercy of others, Brian reluctantly put on his suit, put on his police badge and his gun, and prepared to go to work.

There was still gunpowder residue on his body from the shooting.

If there were no cases later, he would have to go to the shooting range to play for a while to eliminate the last flaws on his body.

As for his uncle's obsession and inheritance.

Brian planned to wait for a while, and when everything was stable, he would slowly consider it.

He was now debt-free and no longer had to be as urgent as before.

This feeling of living for yourself was great!

In order to compensate for the ravages Thirteen had suffered.

Brian put the chopped meat in the dog bowl, soaked the goat milk powder, and left the house.

After he left.

Thirteen, who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, turned his dull eyes around, and ran to the balcony to watch for a while. After making sure that Brian got in the car and left, he ran to the food bowl and ate happily.

Compared with its peers, it is obviously much smarter.

Came to the simple office of the B6 team.

It was still early.

There was only one person sitting in a daze in the office.

Brian looked and narrowed his eyes.

It was Rector!

This guy actually came to work.


Of the three-person training team of the FBI, only Rector is still alive.

According to Ina's confession before her death.

Rector joined the B6 team and observed Brian, just incidentally, mainly to replace Brian's position and serve as the eyes and ears of their three-person team in NW. To be on the safe side, he always told Ina about Brian's situation orally, and no electronic or paper records were left.

In this case, just find an opportunity to let the other party die accidentally.

How should I deal with the other party reasonably?

Thinking of this.

Brian walked to Rector's desk and smiled at him: "Rector, man, it's great to see that you are okay. I was too impulsive last time. How about this, I found a good fishing spot, how about going fishing after get off work?"

Rector: ? ? ?

Looking at Brian who suddenly offered his help, for some reason, Rector felt a little cool on the back of his head

"Fishing, where to go fishing?"

Old Harden, wearing a colorful scarf, walked into the office from the door happily: "Brian, I just bought a good fishing rod, how about going sea fishing on the day off?"

The million-dollar bonus for killing the highly polluting aberrant-Mad Dog Ike last time has been clocked in.

Old Harden and his friends have been given hundreds of thousands of cash, and they have been living a lavish life recently.

Bryan glanced at Old Harden who interrupted him and shrugged: "No problem, I'm just afraid you won't have time by then."

Such a lack of vision.

Bryan decided to help Old Harden find something to do on his day off.

In Los Angeles, facing the rising sun, a new day began.

A group of outsiders also avoided the coast guard and landed on this west coast.

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