You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 83 The bullet of destiny, attack (Additional chapter 1 for the leader ‘Meng Wanyan’)

Apart from collecting fingerprints and footprints on the rooftop, further identifying the deceased Bill, he knocked on the big lock on the rooftop and jumped down, and there was no other gain.

When coming down.

Ivan and I also completed interviews with the parents of the deceased Bill and the workers who witnessed it.

"Brian, this case is interesting. I feel like the parents of the deceased Bill are hiding something." Ivan said in a low voice.

Next to him, Glenn was in a daze, looking at the little girl and his wife in the crowd, looking hungry.

"Talk about it."

"Bill, the deceased, doesn't usually live here. He opened a tire factory, but there were some problems with the operation, and he wanted to ask for the pensions of two old people to make up for the company's funding gap.

Bill left after arguing with his parents again today.

More than ten minutes later.

Bill died in the safety net. "

Ivan took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth before continuing:

“I feel like Bill’s parents are trying to avoid Bill’s death and are not even willing to mention Bill’s name, so they are hiding something.

In addition, Glenn also questioned the workers who witnessed it.

Workers and surrounding residents said that no one heard the gunshots at the time because the construction was too noisy.

The only thing that can be determined at present is that the deceased Bill drank a few cans of beer on the rooftop before jumping off. He jumped off on his own before the workers could go up and drag him down.

The workers did not see anyone else during the entire process. "

Rector on the side also expressed his opinion:

"Actually, the deceased Bill's expression before death was also very strange.

Generally, people who jump off buildings will show fear on their faces and their eyes will be bloodshot, but Bill had neither of these.

In addition, according to the angle of the bullet marks on the body of the deceased Bill, the bullet was most likely fired from the direction of the apartment building. We only need to test all the residents on the line where the deceased jumped, and we should be able to gain something. "

It can be seen that after experiencing the unabashed bullying incident by Brian last time, he is trying to integrate into this group.

I can't believe that everyone accepted him, but Brian still dared to beat himself up like that!

Lecter thought bitterly in his heart.

Little did he know that Brian was already thinking about how to send him away decently.

I listened to Rector's suggestion.

Several people nodded.

Gunsmoke reaction is actually the detection of gunshot residue on a person's body after he fires a gun.

This shooting residue is mainly composed of soot composed of gunpowder particles and metal powder that escape after the shot is fired.

As soon as Brian got to work, he ran to the underground shooting range, just to cover the shooting residue on his body and rationalize the smell of gunpowder smoke on his body.

Residues will remain on the shooter's clothing and hands for several days or even longer.

There are test strips on the car to test the smoke reaction.

The deceased was found promptly.

If at this time, a resident is detected by a test strip to have fired a gun recently, or has been close to the shooter at close range, and there is no reasonable explanation, he can basically be identified as a suspect.

"No need to bother."

Brian shook his head and walked directly to Bill's parents: "Hello, I am Brian's coroner and the person in charge of this case. Now I need to go to your residence to conduct an inspection."

Ivan and others also came over.

Bill's father, an old white man with a big neck, pulled his wife behind him and glared at Brian: "Strangers are not welcome in my home!"

Brian shrugged: "Are you worried that the smell of gunpowder smoke in the house has not completely dissipated?"


Ivan and the others all cheered up.

Especially Ivan.

He suddenly remembered Brian's sense of smell that was comparable to that of a dog's nose.

In the last case where the intruder died in the landlord's house, Brian could even smell the gender of the owner of the excrement, which was called a cheat.

He immediately realized that Brian must have smelled the smoke left after the shooting from the old couple.

"I don't know what you are talking about. Unless you come up with an investigation order, don't even think about entering my house!" The old man's eyes became even more sinister: "My son is dead, but you are here questioning his parents. You are such a waste." Taxpayer money?”

"Okay." Brian waved to Rector: "Go and get two test strips for testing gun smoke reaction. I want to test them both!"

This time, the psychological defense of the old woman behind the old man was directly defeated.

She pushed away her husband who was blocking the way and said emotionally: "This has nothing to do with Rag. We were arguing about Bill at that time, and then Rag took out his old antique pistol from the room and pulled the trigger on me. threaten me."

"Your husband wants to shoot you, and you still speak for your husband?"

Glenn interjected with some surprise.

"What do you know!" The woman's husband, Raghu, spat at Glenn:

"My gun has never been loaded!

I did this just because I felt powerful. I was even worried that Margo would be scared, so I pointed the muzzle of the gun out the window every time.

Who knew the gun was loaded with bullets?

It must be Bill, the bastard, who wants me to kill Margo and put me in jail so he can take our pension! "

Rag's wife, Bill's biological mother Margo, also nodded in agreement with her husband's statement: "Every time Rag and I quarreled, he would do this. It was just his habit. The gun was never loaded."


It is easy to verify the words of two old people.

After checking the traces at their residence, Ivan found key evidence on Bill's father's gun case: Bill's fingerprints that had been accidentally left on it and only half erased were left on it.

Okay, the case is closed directly.

The characterization of the case is a bit difficult.

Is this considered Bill's suicide, or Bill's father, Rag, accidentally shot his son?

Bill wanted to trick his parents to death for their pension, and in order to get rid of suspicion, after his parents quarreled about him, he pretended to go to the roof of the building where the safety net was installed, and prepared to stage a scene in front of the construction workers. A suicide scene that was not there.

As a result, he didn't observe carefully. He only knew that every time his parents quarreled, his father would pull the trigger on his mother with a gun, but he didn't realize that his father, who loved his mother, pointed the gun at the window every time.

As a result, the fateful bullet, under the arrangement of God, accurately hit the heart of Bill who jumped down, causing him to die under his father's gun. His fake death turned into real death, and he reaped the consequences.

This case is difficult to break down.

come back to the office.

Old Harden and newcomer Edna were filled with surprise after listening to Glenn's narration.

Seeing Edna's interest, Glenn immediately took her aside and started chatting.

He is a very principled person. No matter whether she is beautiful or ugly, as long as she is a woman, she will kill her without mercy.

Now that Susan is away, Glenn finally can't help but attack his female colleague Edna.

Old Harden is also a very principled person.

He quietly hid in a corner and took out his mobile phone:

"Hey, it's me, Harden Sr.

I have a very interesting piece of news here. Do you want to accept it?

No, no, no, it will definitely cause a lot of discussion, it is a very interesting case, and there is no risk.


Three hundred dollars is not enough, I want five hundred dollars!

OK, deal!

This is the case”

As for Ivan.

He went to the underground shooting range and was discussing with weapons expert and vehicle expert Ai Li the feasibility of modifying his vehicle into a comfortable large bed.

Brian glanced at his busy colleagues and was about to call Rector to go to the rooftop to get some fresh air and test the effect of his 'pheromone control' talent on similar people.

The door to the office was suddenly kicked open.

next moment.

Gunfire spits out.

Da da da~

Countless bullet casings were ejected on the porcelain slab that had just been laid, making a crisp sound.


Glenn reacted the fastest. He pulled his female colleague Edna behind him, drew his gun and fired directly at the door without looking.

Old Harden's reaction was not slow either.

He was already in the corner, but he rolled and hid on the balcony.

The one who responded the slowest was Lecter.

When he heard the gunfire, his first reaction was not to hide, but to stand up stupidly and look at the door where the gunshot came from.

Rector was stunned for two seconds before he realized what happened.

That is to say, his desk was located in the corner, so he was not hit by stray bullets fired indiscriminately.

He had never seen such a scene before. He was so excited that he wanted to crawl to the ground.

crucial moment.

His good colleague Brian threw himself at him risking his life and said excitedly: "Be careful, Rector!"


With a confused look on his face, he was hugged by Brian, fell backwards, and cleverly blocked in front of Brian, catching five or six stray bullets with great accuracy.

Lecter's eyes widened and he looked at Brian beside him. His lips moved twice and he left his last words: "FK"

See it.

Brian hugged Rector and said emotionally: "Man, what's wrong with you, FK, Rector was shot, God, he was shot, FK!"

Under Brian's warm embrace.

Lecter's last breath was squeezed out.

His eyes widened, his head tilted back, and he refused to stare.

"Brian, stop screaming and fight back!"

Glenn saw Brian's performance and saw Old Harden hiding directly, so he couldn't help but give instructions loudly.

His small pistol couldn't stop the gunman's automatic rifle at the door!

Fortunately, the office was renovated from a factory and there were many cement pillars in the office as load-bearing walls. Otherwise, when the gunmen rushed over, no one would even have a chance to react.

at this time.

A small white ball drew a parabola in the air and rolled accurately to the feet of the gunman wearing a black balaclava.


With the explosion, the entire building shook slightly.

A broken thigh flew directly in front of Old Harden, who was about to attack him, startling him.

Got the shooter.

Brian stood up, stepped over Rector's lifeless body on the ground, and walked toward the door.

He wanted to see with his own eyes which benefactor, this madman, actually attacked a government agency and killed his colleague Lecter in broad daylight!

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