You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 84 It’s broken, I’m an S-level wanted criminal! (Additional chapter 2 for the leader ‘Meng W

More than two hours later.

Susan, with a gloomy face, appeared in the morgue underground in the B6 team.

Here are two fresh corpses.

One was the mutilated body of the attacker.

The other party was a tribal black man with obvious African black features. His face was painted with various weird totems, and there was an image of a sunflower on his left chest.

The other corpse was that of Team B6's assistant to the coroner, Rector.

He was shot five or six times in the chest, his internal organs were torn to pieces by the bullets, and he died on the spot.

The team members stood in the corridor in silence.

This is the first time that the B6 group has lost members after its short establishment.

This high-benefits, high-power position seems not as safe as it seems.

Seeing Susan with a gloomy face, Brian stepped forward to greet her.

He looked guilty: "Team leader, I'm sorry, I tried my best to knock Rector down, but it was still too late."

Susan nodded: "I saw your performance on the surveillance camera, Brian. You performed very bravely. Lector will thank you for your actions in heaven."

In the crowd, Old Harden shrank.

He acted a little cowardly under the attack.

But Susan didn't accuse anyone.

She walked up to the attacker's body and said in a low voice: "This time, not only our B6 group was attacked, but the entire Los Angeles, two teams, and twelve groups, AB, were attacked. This was a revenge operation. "

"Retaliation against the NW organization?"

“The main body of the retaliation is the B1 group.

The day before yesterday, when they were following the clues left by the butcher who killed the leader of the A1 team last time, they accidentally uncovered a primitive ritual of a primitive sect and killed an important member of them.

The primitive sect is an organization of aberrants originating from the African continent. It has a strong cohesion and a strong desire for revenge.

According to the information I received.

The entire B1 team was attacked by more than a dozen fanatics trained by primitive sects. Except for the field staff, all the rest were killed in the line of duty. "

Speaking of this, Susan showed a little sadness in her eyes.

Aiden, the leader of Group B1, was her childhood playmate.

Although the two of them did not have a deep relationship, after all, a familiar person died. In addition, Lecter, whom he recruited, also died in the attack, which made Susan feel a little hurt.

"We want to go back with revenge!"

Ivan clenched his fists.

When the attack occurred, he and Eli were at the shooting range on the basement floor. When they heard the noise and rushed to the office, the gunman was also killed by the grenade thrown by Brian.

Susan shook her head: "It is difficult to take revenge. Most of the members of the primitive sect live in no man's land and are supported by believers. The NW is just one of the many official organizations in the United States. It is difficult to use the power of the federation to go To fight against a terrorist organization, our only direction is 'The Butcher'!"

Brian's heart tightened when he heard this.

Damn it.

Why did this matter end up involving me?

Susan continued:

"Butcher, there is currently very little information available from NW.

He is about 1.81 meters tall and has appeared twice, once when he killed the leader of the A1 team, and once when he killed the A1 team member Karen.

Every time the butcher committed a crime, he never shied away from surveillance. Every time he killed someone, he would leave a pig-head doll with evidence of the deceased's crime.

The people in Group B1 found the latent members of the original sect through the method of making the pig head hood on his head.

We suspect that the butcher is also a primitive sect.

The headquarters also invited authoritative criminal psychology experts to conduct criminal psychological speculation around the butcher. Next, this butcher."

The words are not finished yet.

Susan's cell phone hanging on her chest suddenly vibrated.

She frowned and picked up the phone. After seeing the caller number clearly, she immediately walked aside and answered the call.

Everyone also walked away a little wisely.

More than a minute later.

Susan returned to the morgue with a solemn expression and said in a deep voice:

“Well, the butcher committed the crime not twice, but three times.

Last night, he appeared at a farm in the suburbs and a base in the mountains, and massacred more than twenty people. Among them were members of the FBI, an S-class wanted criminal Scarecrow, and a very powerful person whom the FBI had been eyeing for a long time. of latent aberrants.

Now the FBI and the NW organization have decided to report the Butcher's information and upgrade him to the federal government's new S-class wanted criminal! "

Everyone was confused by Susan's continuous messages and didn't know what to say.

It turns out that this is the criminal the NW organization is really facing!


Damn it, I have become a wanted federal S-class criminal!

Everyone else is numb.

When did the official organization become so efficient?

He committed the crime with his front legs, but was discovered with his back legs.

The most outrageous thing is that the pig head hood, leather skirt and pig head dolls were bought with cash from an old Indian man at a second-hand market. How come they are involved in a cult organization?


The butcher's vest can no longer be used!

See Brian in a daze.

Susan sighed, pulled Brian out of the door, and whispered:

“Brian, there’s something I need to tell you.

That farm was a property secretly purchased by the Kamo family.

The FBI found the bodies of several Camo family members there, and an entire missing FBI team was also found to have been tortured and killed there.

Members of the Peaky Blinders Gang were also found at another crime scene.

The inside of the base was destroyed by a bomb. I don't know the current situation, but people from the FBI are looking for members of the Camo family like crazy. Please keep a low profile these days. "

Brian nodded and said nothing more.

Seeing this, Susan stood on tiptoes, patted Brian on the shoulder, and led everyone to the conference room to project the image of the S-class wanted criminal 'The Butcher' and his criminal motive.

A colleague died due to a terrorist attack.

The atmosphere was a bit solemn in the afternoon.

after get off work.

Susan and Old Harden were busy contacting Rector's family to discuss funeral arrangements.

Brian didn't come home.

He drove to a deserted high platform, took out an anonymous mobile phone, and dialed his cousin Welfare's number.

The other party did not change his mobile phone.

Ten seconds later.

Foley answered the phone, and a hoarse voice came from the other side: "Brian, have you received the letter?"

He still didn't know what Billy had done.

"Well, thank you for the medical expenses." Brian was silent for a moment and then said: "I just received a message that your father may have encountered something unexpected. He took the remaining clan members and did something unknown. It pissed off the FBI, and now they are frantically tracking members of the Kamau family."

He did not mention the necklace Billy left for his daughter and the words he left for Welfare.

It's not appropriate to say it.

After a year and a half, Brian would anonymously deliver these things to Welfare and Welfare's sister using his uncle's tone.

before this.

Brian didn't want Foley to get involved with the FBI.

Foley was not shocked by Brian's news: "Although I don't know what my father did, he left me and my sister a way to deal with it. Don't worry, I just hope that this matter will not affect you."

Hearing this, Brian breathed a sigh of relief.

End the call.

He glanced at the fleeting light on the opposite floor, stood on the rooftop, and was in a daze for a while before shouting in the distance, as if a heavy burden had been lifted.

On the rooftop opposite.

The man put down the telescope in his hand and said to his companion: "It can be seen that he is not sad about what happened to the Kamo family. On the contrary, he seems to be free from restraint."

The companion put away the remote receiver and shrugged:

"Looking at Brian's information, he originally had the opportunity to become a dentist, but was forced to join the Forensic Bureau and was used as cannon fodder by Lurker No. 132. This reaction is normal.

From what he said on the phone, he didn't know anything about lurker No. 132.

Let's change our goal. "

"But he leaked the secret directly"

"What does this have to do with us? We are not the ones responsible for interrogating the sons and daughters of Lurker No. 132. They only get the money from selling flour every month, and they only want to sell white flour. I've had enough of you."

The two people quarreled directly because of this matter.

the next day.

Brian took Gouzi Shisan to the office of Team B6.

I guess it's because the scarecrow is dead.

Susan is out.

She glanced curiously at Thirteen who was following Brian. As if she thought of something, she gave Brian a questioning look.

Brian nodded and took the initiative to talk about what happened before rescuing Glenn.

Susan was obviously not interested in the Peaky Blinders.

She summoned everyone: "The FBI's Los Angeles branch has suffered heavy casualties recently and is short of manpower. In addition, the farm attack was caused by the butcher. Now NW orders each of our teams to send a few people over to assist the FBI in investigating this case. "

Within the team, the case involved Brian's relatives and it was not appropriate to come forward.

Old Harden, don’t talk about it.

After final discussion, Susan sent Ivan and Glenn to the farm in the suburbs to participate in the deployment of NW.

Yesterday's attack was suppressed.

There is no information available online, on TV stations, or in newspapers.

But no one can guess what the madman is thinking.

For safety reasons.

The cars of more than a dozen teams, including a K9 police dog team, gathered together in the city. Finally, escorted by two SWAT team armed vehicles and two loaded Apache helicopter gunships overhead, they drove towards the suburbs. go.

Saw this scene.

Brian felt somewhat guilty.

It's really easy to do stupid things when you're suffering from dementia.

I shouldn't be exposed myself.

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