You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 85: Campus corpse case

Return to the messy office that has not yet been renovated.

The newbie Edna couldn't help but mention the farewell scene just now.

This was the first time she saw so many weapons and missiles appearing directly on the city streets. She was a little stunned: "Whether we want to make such a big move, I have seen media helicopters following them."

There was still worry in her eyes as she spoke.

The object of this worry is obviously not Ivan, but Glenn.

This guy, through his behavior during the attack, directly won the heart of this new girl, and he never missed an opportunity to pull the carrot.

Old Harden smiled and gave this newbie some knowledge:

"Don't worry, if those monkeys from Africa dare to show up in front of Apache, they will immediately turn into a pile of rotten meat.

Everyone made the scene so big, and the TV station's helicopter followed, but it was just a script.

Attacks on police officers should not be reported casually, as this will undermine the dignity of the LAPD.

However, when 'innocent people' are attacked by extremist groups, not only can they be reported, but they will be reported with high intensity, and there may even be close-ups of the 'victims'. "

Seeing that Edna was a little confused, Old Harden shrugged and added: "How can we highlight the role of government employees like us without bloody things in front of us? Why do you think those taxpayers are willing to pay taxes to support us? "

Edna's eyes widened: "But if they are willing to pay taxes, isn't it because they dare not to pay taxes? Would the IRS armed team send tanks to find them?"

Harden Sr.: Uh-huh.

Faced with Edna's words, he was unable to refute.

There was a joke circulated before (just watch it for fun).

Ranking of armed forces within the United States of America.

The first place is the United States Army, whose full name is also called the Armed Forces of the United States of America, with three armed forces: land, sea, and air force.

They have military bases in most regions around the world. In times of crisis, having the strength and confidence to simultaneously launch the global OL customized version and restart the S3 season is the only guarantee for the American Federation to dominate the world.

The second place is the National Guard Coast Guard, also called the Federal National Guard, which belongs to the armed forces directly under the states. Whether it is equipment or armed strength, each state has a military strength that is not weaker than that of some small and medium-sized countries.

In many Hollywood monster invasion war scenes, they are basically the cannon fodder troops dispatched the most.

The third place is the armed force directly under the IRS (Internal Taxation).

The level of their weapons and equipment is comparable to that of the American Army, with over 10,000 armed personnel, and their slogan is very simple: in the life of an American citizen, only death and taxes are inevitable.

No matter you are a prostitute, a gangster, or a member of some kind of capital.

No matter whether your money is prostitution money, drug money, or the harvest of zero-dollar purchases.

Within the scope allowed by the tax law, as long as the IRS finds out, if you dare not pay taxes, they will really do it to you.

Of course, tax laws are also customized by those at the top.

These people have their own ways to avoid taxes reasonably.

Therefore, the IRS really shocks the bottom class of the United States.

Old Harden thought for a long time and spread his hands: "Okay, the IRS is indeed powerful, but this time the NW and FBI should be planning to use the farm massacre case as an annual case and credit. This kind of thing has happened many times, that butcher ,Dead."

Brian, who was playing with the dog on the side, became more and more panicked as he listened.

He couldn't help but interject: "What if they can't find the butcher?"

Old Harden shrugged: "A pig headband + a set of dirty leather aprons, and they don't cost much. In the hands of the FBI, there are a lot of 1.8-meter-old idiots facing charges and about to be sentenced to hundreds of years in prison. How can I not find a butcher?"

Brian: Well, Old Harden really sees things through.

Susan, who was using the computer to read the video of the butcher's crime, also nodded:

"Although I don't like to pay attention to this, Old Harden said it well.

Whatever the people need, the news will report it. Similarly, what the news reports, the people will believe.

They just need a channel to vent their frustrations in life.

In fact, no one cares what the truth is. "

The number of people in the B6 group was originally small. Now one has died and two are temporarily gone. The old Harden and the two newcomers are in the logistics department. The only ones who can do things are Susan and Brian.

In addition, other teams suffered more or less casualties due to the sudden attack, and their staff were also redeployed, resulting in a shortage of manpower.

All morning, new cases continued to be reported to the B6 team.

Brian, who rushed to the scene of the crime, drove a survey vehicle and curiously asked Susan, who had been staring at the special tablet: "Susan, are you very interested in this butcher?"

Susan nodded without raising her head: "I like his style of doing things very much."


"I feel that his style of doing things has the flavor of the former Western Rangers, and he is extremely confident, especially the large-caliber shotgun in the opponent's hand, which I like very much."

Susan put it bluntly: "He did something I had wanted to do for a long time."

Brian felt comfortable hearing this.

Although his starting point for executing criminals was for the deceased's obsessive gift, the process also brought him a great sense of psychological satisfaction.

Especially seeing the victim's death memories again and again.

Brian understands more and more why people all over the world, no matter which country they are in, like to see movies about heroes punishing criminals.

This actually has nothing to do with justice or evil.

The core essence is that no matter which land it is, the law cannot cover everything.

There is too much darkness and too much injustice in our lives.

Everyone needs an outlet and a kind of 'imagination' to replace ordinary people in accomplishing things they want to do but are unable to do.

This is why everyone likes Jianghu and superheroes.

Think of this.

Brian touched the head of Thirteen Dog, who was curiously looking at the parts on the car, and smiled at Susan: "Then you should like to watch Hollywood superhero movies."

"No, those are too silly.

Especially those superheroes. After Mojiji catches criminals, they don’t just kill them, but lock them up, and then wait for them to escape and continue committing crimes.

Every time I see this kind of plot, I get so angry that I want to shoot the movie screen!

So I prefer to watch old movies about lonely revenge.

I've been reading it since I was a kid, and I still read it now. "

Susan dropped the tablet and grabbed Thirteen, who dared to be angry but dared not speak, into her arms:

“There are too many restrictions in reality that restrict us.

But in the world of movies, I see the protagonist abandoning all rationality and restraint, directly beating those bastards to death, stepping on their heads, swearing, and watching the bad guys' plasma splatter.

I absolutely love it! "

All right.

Now Brian knew why Susan acted the way she did.

This three views

He absolutely loved it!

Seeing that Brian was concentrating on driving, he stopped talking.

Susan frowned: "Brian, do you think I'm usually too violent?"

Brian shook his head quickly: "No, no, no, only criminals will feel violent. We subordinates will only feel safe when we follow you."

"That's good." Susan pinched Thirteen's cheeks and pulled them to both sides: "I asked my father, who works on the front lines below, how to make criminals afraid. He told me to just be more restrained. Now it seems that I can Not bad.”


Thirteen couldn't bear the humiliation and sent out pheromones for help toward Brian.

Brian stared intently, pretending not to hear.


As for driving, can you be distracted at will?

Thirteen resentfully glanced at Brian who was pretending to be dead, and had no choice but to stick out his little tongue towards Susan, turning his passiveness into an active one, licking her until Susan burst out laughing, and promised on the spot to bring some of the best things from home to Thirteen tomorrow. Here comes the steak.

Half an hour later.

Brian and the others drove to the first reporting point.

This is a case of corpse abandonment on campus.

The scene of the crime was an old community college. When some students were doing outdoor activities, they found a small pit dug out of a corner full of weeds. At the bottom of the pit was a palm that had been chewed into bones. So the school immediately called the police.

Come to the scene.

Brian looked at the traces around the pothole and said directly to Susan: "It's a stupid way to hide the body. Judging from the size of the bones, it should be the body of a female in her late teens or 19s. The murderer is most likely her classmate or teacher." "

Susan opened her cute eyes wide, blinked, and said nothing, but her meaning was very clear: "Don't beat around the bush, I won't understand!"

Brian shrugged, pointed to the marks around the pothole and said:

"This is a hole dug by wild dogs. They smelled the rotten smell in the soil and regarded the corpse as food buried by their own kind, which led to the exposure of the corpse.

This is the disadvantage of burying the body shallowly without any treatment.

In addition, the soil around the bones was pressed tightly.

This is also a very stupid approach.

The decaying gas produced by the body during the decomposition process will not only produce a strong odor, attracting scavengers to dig, but will also push away the soil little by little, forming a bulge.

That is to say.

Even if the victim is not dug out by wild dogs, the putrid gases leaked when the body rots will expose his location.

The correct approach is to dig the pit deeper, bury the soil looser, and leave room for deflation.

If the corpse can be treated with flames first, the effect will be better. Planting some plants with deep roots will also be effective. "

Brian Kopp writes about his experience of killing people and burying their bodies.

Susan listened with interest.

As a member of the Guan Kill, Regardless of Burial, this knowledge is very novel to her.

Brian changed his clothes, picked up the tools, and continued to educate Susan while digging:

“As for distinguishing the gender of corpses, the most important thing is to look at the skull, pelvis, trunk bones and limb bones of the corpse, among which the pelvis is the best to distinguish.

However, for experienced coroners and medical examiners, the approximate age and gender of the deceased can be determined by looking at the finger bones. "

In the last sentence, he was just farting.

An old forensic doctor may be able to tell the gender of the deceased through the finger bones, but for adult bones that have completed their development, it is difficult to determine the age of the person with the naked eye based on the finger bones alone.

Brian was sure that it was simply through the smell of pheromones remaining on the bones.

He continued:

“Generally, after a novice murderer commits a crime, he will subconsciously hide the body in an area he is familiar with.

Familiar areas, in their subconscious mind, represent a sense of security, which is why I think the murderer is a school student or teacher.

But this is actually stupid.

It was not difficult to bury the body, but when the murderer regained his composure, realized that the burial spot was unsafe, and wanted to change the place, it would be several times more difficult to deal with it.

People are afraid of trouble.

At this time, they will be lucky and think that the body will not be found.

In fact, they are all lying to themselves. "

Brian was really messing around when he was at the Medical Examiner's Bureau.

However, as his spirit continued to grow stronger, the knowledge that had been casually popularized during forensic work in the past began to be accepted by Brian again and became his own knowledge.

This is the power of professionalism.

Susan listened thoughtfully.

She didn't know if it was an illusion, but the stupid comments he added at the end every time after giving a science talk made her feel that Brian was looking down on those murderers with rough tactics from a criminal perspective.

Just when she was hesitating whether to ask Brian.

Brian suddenly stopped, picked up a yellow wooden lid that was about the size of an adult's hand and engraved with mummy patterns, patted off the dirt adhering to it, and looked at it carefully.

"What's this?"

"The murderer's confession!"

Brian said seriously.

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