You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 86 Oh, a case within a case


Susan suspected that Brian, this bastard, was discriminating against his own brain!

Brian did not explain, but called Thirteen over, wrapped the pheromones in his words, and conveyed his thoughts: "Remember all the smells up there!"

Raise a dog for a thousand days, use a dog for a while.

most of the time.

It was inconvenient for Brian to sniff many people with his nose, and it was also rude.

At this time, No. 13 is ready to play.

Under the influence of pheromones, Thirteen easily understood what Brian meant, wagging his tail and emitting clear pheromones.

Seeing this, Susan curled her lips.

She crossed her arms across her chest and tapped her right shoe on the ground, watching the next performance of the pair of dogs.


Brian is also a dog in Susan's eyes at this moment.

A treacherous dog!

Covering the wooden box with a bag and putting it aside, Brian accelerated the digging speed.

More than half an hour later.

A badly decomposed female corpse appeared on the ground.

The appearance of the female corpse's face was no longer distinguishable, and the whole body was in a swollen state. It was buried with her face down and her body up. The palm that was exposed before was her right hand, but the fingertips had been eaten by wild dogs.

Although the identity of the female corpse cannot be identified based on her appearance.

But the other party's outfit looked very fashionable, with a loose woolen sweater and a short skirt that only reached the hips. Her legs were covered with a pair of torn stockings. There were obvious signs of tearing on the stockings. The bottom of the skirt was hollow, and there was no bottoming skirt and Underpants.

There are obvious slap marks on the purple buttocks.

According to the remaining traces on the lower body.

Brian concluded that X behavior had occurred before the female body died.

The cause of death of the female corpse is also obvious.

A pair of thick handprints ran along the back and neck of the female corpse, extending to the front and sides of the female corpse's neck. It should be that the murderer was behind the female corpse, pinching the other person's neck, galloping on the horse, and ended up getting too high, causing the female corpse to suffocate to death.

In addition, the female corpse had a student ID card hanging on her collar.

Judging from the pattern, it is certain that it is the logo of this community college, but the information and photos on it have been taken away, making it impossible to determine the identity of the deceased.


The student information was taken away, but the card was left behind.

If the murderer did not do this deliberately to divert the attention of the police, it means that he was in a very panic state at the time, and it was most likely not a premeditated murder.

However, considering the other party's poor method of disposing of the body, Brian determined that the murderer was the latter.

In this case.

It is basically certain that the victim is indeed a student of the school.

However, the identity of the murderer has changed. From a student and a teacher, he has become an older, serious-looking middle-aged man with a good professional status.

After Brian stated his judgment, he confirmed: "This should be a case of accidental death caused by a prostitute who liked the atmosphere of college campus and a self-reliant female college student when they were conducting a transaction."

Although Susan was very angry with Brian for his previous behavior, she still couldn't help but said: "Why, isn't it possible that the murderer coerced the female student to have sex and accidentally killed her?"

Brian shrugged and said in a firm tone:

“The way to tell the difference is very simple.

That is to see if the victim has any signs of trauma elsewhere.


You can also look at the skin on the inside of the victim's legs, near the buttocks.

This is because when women are coerced or engage in sexual intercourse for the first time, their lower body muscles will subconsciously be in a tight state, which will cause strain marks on the muscles between their buttocks and legs.

But this female victim, apart from the marks of long-term friction, had no such condition on her body, which means that she had sufficient experience in this area and was in a very relaxed mood at the time.

Unless she enjoys being fucked.

Otherwise, I don’t think this is a QJ case. "

He may not understand other traces that well.

But this aspect?


Who dares to refute him on this, Brian dares to go up and give the other party two big mouths to let the other party know who is the authority in this area!

After hearing Brian's explanation, Susan felt confused and admired Brian's clear understanding of these details. He was an experienced autopsy examiner.

Her eyes showed appreciation: "Okay, what should we do next?"

"First find out the identity of the deceased." As he spoke, Brian frowned and looked at the two fat patrol officers in the distance: "Man, has this community college reported any missing cases of female students in the past few days?"

Normally, the patrol officers in charge of this area would take the initiative to inform them of this very simple information.

Unless no one has ever reported a disappearance.

Sure enough, one of the fat patrolmen shook his head: "No, when we arrived here, we reported it to the branch, but we did not find any information about the recent disappearance of young women here or nearby."

Hear the words.

Before Brian could speak, Susan was surprised: "Is the school so irresponsible?"

Once Brian heard this, he knew Susan didn't understand community college.

He had no choice but to educate this young lady:

There are two main sources of students in California's community colleges (similar to technical schools, two-year system).

One type is high school students who have not been admitted to college.

Their academic performance in high school was not very satisfactory, so in order to go to college, they would sign up for community colleges with very low requirements.

Because many colleges and universities have nearly one-third of their compulsory enrollment quotas given to community college students.

As long as these students obtain enough credits during the two-year semester, they have a good chance of directly enrolling in the university of their choice.

This is actually a path chosen by many California students and international students.

The other is to learn again as an adult.

This kind is usually for help at work.

In the above two types, learning is very free, and it is normal not to come to school often.

“But the situation of the female corpse is a bit special.

She was not missing for a day or two, but at least four or five days. Under normal circumstances, her family or friends would have felt something was wrong, unless she was a lonely person.

Living alone, out of contact, between 18 and 20, dressing up in trendy styles, spending money lavishly

The above characteristics can help me determine the identity of the deceased. "

Under Brian's clear analysis, Susan, a straight-minded person, suddenly became enlightened: "Brian, you are so amazing!"

The corners of Brian's mouth turned up, feeling happy in his heart, but his face showed a calm expression, as if he was saying: Don't fuck, please


Susan looked at Brian: "How do you know the deceased spent money lavishly?"

Brian subconsciously pointed to the torn stockings on the deceased's legs: "I don't know the price of the other clothes on her body, but these stockings cost more than one hundred and twenty dollars a piece, and they can't be worn twice. The average community college student can't bear to part with them." .”

"Do you understand?"

Susan's tone was incomprehensible.



be cheated.

Half an hour later.

A fat white man in a suit, about fifty years old, wiped his sweat and placed three female student information in front of Brian and Susan:

"Mr. Police Officer, these are the only three female students the school has not contacted so far.

They are all between 18 and 20 years old.

The first and second among them, although young, are both adult students. They have their own jobs and signed up for community college just to be more competitive in their jobs.

Most of the time they don't come to school.

The remaining female student is called Audrina.

She came to the community college for college recruitment, and she didn't come to school very often. "

The fat man's name is Mahomes, and he is the president of this community college.

Susan took the photo, looked at it, pulled out the photo of Adelina, and handed it to Brian: "It seems that the deceased is the female student named Adelina."

Brian took a look and found that the other person looked sweet. In the photo on his ID card, he had a sweet and pure smile.

When most people see her photos, their first impression is probably that she is clean and cute.

Based on the information above.

Audlina is 19 years old this year, exactly the same age as Hua. Her parents are ordinary employees, so she is a child from a working-class family.

Brian asked curiously: "Why are you so sure?"

"The necklace around her neck is the latest model from Tiffany and it costs at least more than 10,000 US dollars. This is not something that a 19-year-old girl from a working-class family can afford."

Susan followed Brian's example and analyzed confidently.

"Yes, Susan, you are so smart!"

Brian was never stingy with his praise.

Hear compliments.

Susan Le's eyes were bent into crescent moons.

This was the first time someone praised her for being smart, which made her very happy.

at this time.

The dog, which had been following Brian quietly, suddenly ran to the fat white man's desk, barked loudly at one of the drawers.

Seeing this, Brian and Susan looked at each other and smiled kindly towards Mr. Mahomes, the president of this community college.


He glanced at the two exaggeratedly sized revolvers on Susan's waist. After all, he didn't have the courage to refuse. Before the two of them could speak, he wisely opened the drawer.

The drawer opens.

There are some files and the like inside.


There were also several empty black supermarket bags stuffed inside.

Mahomes wiped his sweat and explained: "These documents are all school approval documents. The bag is the lunch bag my wife prepared for me. Could it be this puppy that smelled it?" Food smell left on the bag.”


He also grabbed the bag and threw it in front of Thirteen.

As expected, Thirteen pounced on him, bit the bag, walked up to Brian, waggled his tail at him, and the pheromone transmitted became: leader, prey.

When Susan saw this, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

I thought it was something.

After Brian's nose twitched slightly, he knocked on the table and said to the potbellied Mahomes:

"Mr. Mahomes, should you take the initiative to tell us who Audlina's customers are, or should we first solve the problem of you organizing female students to sell Y, and then you can tell us who Audlina's customers are?"

Oops, a case within a case.

Hear Brian's words.

Susan and Mahomes both wondered if they had missed something.

How come this is a conviction?

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