You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 87 You solved the case with just one look? (Additional chapter 1 for the leader ‘Aoaoaoaaaaa

Susan looked confused.

She didn't know what Brian had discovered, but she still threatened Mahomes without hesitation:

“Organize to sell Y, or organize students!

I'm really worried that before you get into prison, those angry fathers will stuff the muzzle of a gun into your mouth and blow your pig head off! "

For those who recognize it.

She never backed down.

Face the threat of this pair of dog men and women.

Mahomes waved the sweat towel on his hand with great anger: "Slander! You are slandering! I want to complain to you. You actually slandered a respected principal, me..."

A book of papers was thrown on his desk.

Brian pointed to the NW logo on the certificate:

"Sorry, Mr. Mahomes, we are not the detectives you know.

NW is above all law enforcement units in Los Angeles!

What the detectives can't do, we can do.

We dare to shoot what the detectives dare not shoot.

The documents in front of you do not represent our status as law enforcers, but the legal killing license granted to us by the Z government!

We are very busy today and have many cases to deal with. Please cooperate, otherwise we will have to communicate with you in another way. "

When it comes to the use of violence, Susan is self-taught.

Without Brian having to say anything, she had already blocked the door of the office with her hands folded.

Gouzi Thirteen felt the subtle changes in the atmosphere.

It was a small one, and not to be outdone, it jumped twice, stood on the desk, and grinned at Mahomes, assuming a fierce and fierce posture.


The atmosphere is here.

What else could he say?

Watch as Mahomes is taken away in a police car.

Susan finally couldn't help it and patted Brian on the shoulder: "Why do you know there is a problem with Mahomes, and what is the wooden lid with the mummy pattern carved on it?"

After Brian and Harden Sr. finished explaining, they hung up the phone.

He looked at Susan with a smile: "You can bear to ask until now. You are very patient."

Susan saw the smile on Brian's face and her teeth itched: "Speak quickly before my big fist appears on your face!"

Why didn't I realize this guy was so mean before?

Seeing Susan raise her fist, Brian quickly said:

“Mainly because of that box lid.

That wooden box is the box containing mummy powder.

In the past, some wealthy people believed that mummies had aphrodisiac effects. After they bought mummies, they ground them into powder, and then swallowed them every time they performed errands. "

"Mummy?" Susan couldn't help covering her mouth: "Isn't that eating corpses?"

"Yes, eating corpses.

In the 16th and 17th centuries, Europeans almost ran out of Egyptian mummies. They believed that mummies did not decay and had magical powers, so they studied many ways to eat them.

The mummies at that time were also called mummies on the tip of the tongue.

It was not until modern times that this trend gradually disappeared.

But secretly, stemming from the saying that mummies can aphrodisiac and longevity, this kind of trade has actually been going on.

After all, no matter what it is, as long as it mentions aphrodisiacs and longevity, it is just a piece of dog cake. Men in need will take a bite and try the effect before talking about it. "

Speaking of which.

Brian himself couldn't help but laugh.

During the part-time job period when he was unable to do what he wanted, he had taken almost all the aphrodisiacs available on the market, so he understood it so well.

at this time.

A passing female patrol officer saw Brian's smile and glanced at his lower body suspiciously. A shy smile appeared on her face and she raised her eyebrows at Brian: "Huh?"


He rolled his eyes and pulled Susan into the car: "Let's go, there is another case."

In front of an experienced driver, if you say a few words, you will miss the point.

Susan is still innocent.

Susan held Thirteen in her arms and looked at the back of the female patrol officer strangely: "Brian, what did her strange expression and behavior mean just now?"

"I don't know, maybe she's crazy."

Brian started the car and changed the subject:

“Due to different production techniques, mummies have unique smells, such as the sweetness of honey, the thick smell of spices, or the smell of salt water, so people who take mummies will also have this smell left on their bodies.

The reason why Thirteen screamed at those bags was because those bags also smelled like mummies.

This should be the hush money paid to Mahomes by the prostitute. "

In the United States, although cash is also available in denominations of one hundred, most people still prefer to use small denomination banknotes, which is also convenient.

This also means that when large amounts of cash are involved in transactions, they are either packed in boxes or carried in bags.

Mahomes, the pimp, was targeted.

Of course the murderer couldn't escape either.

It's just on the chain of evidence that Old Harden needs to waste some of his brain cells.

Susan is a straight head.

She didn't think much, lowered her head and rubbed Thirteen's head, and praised: "Thirteen, you are great. If you are still so great in the future, I will apply for a position for you."

Although Thirteen is very spiritual, he is not yet spiritual enough to understand human speech.

It could only know from Susan's actions that the upright female dog was in a good mood, so it also wagged its tail, stuck out its tongue, turned its head, and licked Susan's little hand.

"Lick the dog..."

Brian's mouth felt a little sore when he saw Susan's little hand, which he hadn't touched yet, being directly touched by Thirteen.

He simply concentrated on driving.

There are really many cases today.

The female body just now is still fixed on the mortuary cart in the back of the car.


The two bought three pieces of fast food at the drive-in window and ate while heading to the next crime scene.

It's about one o'clock in the afternoon.

Brian and the others came to an ordinary community.

This case was a homeless home invasion and shooting.

The complainants were a couple.

According to the homeowner's testimony.

This morning, they found a homeless man breaking into the living room and rummaging through the refrigerator for food.

After calling the police, the homeless man not only did not leave, but also picked up kitchen knives and kicked their bedroom door repeatedly in an attempt to hurt them.

In the end, the man shot the homeless man with a gun.

California supports the Castle bill.

What is the Castle Act?

To put it simply, if you are in a private residence and someone wants to break in, the owner can use force or firearms to kill the intruder directly to protect himself and his family.

Some states will also include private vehicles and workplaces in the castle law. As a result, due to competition for parking spaces, the car owner who started first was directly beaten to death and then obtained the right to use the parking space.

This kind of case should not be transferred to them.

With doubts.

Brian and Susan approached the patrolman guarding here.

After introducing myself.

Brian raised his doubts: "Is there anything wrong with this case?"

"It's my partner who thinks there's something wrong with this case." A white police officer pointed to his black partner: "He is the new guy I brought with me. I think he is a little too nervous."

This is not a good review.

Mental state is an important assessment factor in whether a police officer is qualified for the job.

This guy wants to kill the newcomer he brought along.

The black patrolman looked young.

He explained with some embarrassment: "The homeless man who was shot looked quite young. He looked like a veteran at first glance. He should know exactly where to get food safely. He couldn't appear in other people's homes for no reason, and the surveillance of this home was... It was broken the day before yesterday and there is no video evidence of the homeless man breaking in. This is all too coincidental.”

The white police detective heard this and said disdainfully: "The house owners are all taxpayers with legitimate professions. I don't think they would attack a homeless man they don't know. Moreover, the footprints on the bedroom door are so obvious. Are you blind?" "

As he spoke, he muttered a few words in a low voice.

Although he couldn't hear clearly, that gesture was not a good thing at first glance.

The young black police officer clenched his fists.

If he didn't need this job, he would have punched his so-called partner in the head, this racist bastard!

"Let's go check out the crime scene first."

Brian had no interest in getting involved in such nonsense.

He glanced at Susan and entered the cordoned off house.

Inside the house, a young man and woman were sitting on the sofa, bowing their heads in silence. It was obvious that they were not in a good mood.

In front of them, an old black man who looked quite old, wearing shabby clothes, facing the direction of the bedroom, holding a long fruit knife in his hand, fell into a pool of blood, with seven or eight marks still visible on his chest. A messy distribution of bullet holes.


A blood-red ball floated above the old black man's body.

This is a revelation of obsession.

Brian was in no hurry to collect the obsessive ball.

His eyes followed the body to the bedroom door.

It can be seen that the situation was quite intense at that time. Several parts of the bedroom door were kicked in and broken.

Brian glanced at the obvious footprints on the bedroom door, then looked at the shoes on the homeless man's feet, and said directly to Susan: "This is a murder case, let the two patrol officers outside take away the two murderers. Go to our office to take a statement.”

Susan, who was about to take Thirteen and sniff everywhere, raised her head in confusion: "Huh?"

Didn’t we just come in?

You took one look and solved the case?

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