You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 205: 205 Separation

"Come here!" Huo Liancheng turned a page without raising his eyelids, and said directly.

"That's it, just press your head!" Jian Yun always felt that the atmosphere was weird. She walked over and saw that Huo Liancheng was still sitting on the bed and couldn't help but said: "You sit on the chair!"

"Come up!" Huo Liancheng closed the book and looked at Jian Yun.

"No!" Jian Yun shook his head resolutely.

Huo Liancheng didn't speak, and just stared at Jian Yun. Jian Yun blushed and heartbeat when he watched him say, "That's how you work for your boss?"

Jian Yun flattened her mouth. Now she was deeply aware that she seemed to be trapped by him again. She couldn't help but spit on herself secretly in her heart. It's really a pig's head. Don't talk nonsense if you know your IQ is not as good as him!

Thinking of this, Jian Yun had to crawl onto the bed reluctantly, and then stretched out his arms far away from Huo Liancheng, and pressed his head like a gibbon.

"And here!" Huo Liancheng pointed at his shoulder again.

Jian Yun used to press Ouyang Fei frequently, so she learned it specially, and there are still some techniques, but she hasn't pressed it for a long time, and she felt her hands start to feel sore today.

But Huo Liancheng didn't speak, so she couldn't stop, otherwise she would be arranged for him again.

It's just that Jian Yun got up early in the morning and hasn't rested until now. The bedroom is quiet, with only the sound of two people breathing. This quietness gradually relaxes her nerves and begins to doze off.

Huo Liancheng sat there squinting his eyes, Jian Yun's small hands pressed him very comfortably, he also saw Jian Yun's every move, she was sleepy, but the movement of both hands pinching his shoulders did not stop. It's just getting lighter and lighter. As her little head gets a little bit by bit, after a while, her head rests on his shoulder and doesn't move. She can't stand it anymore.

Jian Yun just fell asleep like this. She was really sleepy. The weather in April was still a bit cold, but she felt that it was particularly warm today, as if holding a stove, but if the stove could not be so hot, it would be great.

Huo Liancheng also felt very comfortable, Jian Yun's soft fragrance, the temperature was just right, and the most important thing was that she was asleep when she was obedient, and he was holding her at this moment, feeling wholehearted All are soft.

Jian Yun fell asleep until midnight as soon as she fell asleep. She was awakened by the heat, but when she opened her eyes, she found someone next to her in a daze. She was really frightened. There was no light in the room, but the curtains were not closed, and the moonlight poured in. , It took her a while to find out that she was actually on the bed of Huo Liancheng, and he was hugging her tightly.

No wonder she is so hot, it turns out that she is really sleeping with a big stove!

Jian Yun curled her lips. She saw that Huo Liancheng was not awake, so she reached out to touch his forehead. It was sweaty but not hot. It was at a normal temperature. Jian Yun estimated that he sweated while sleeping and the fever had subsided.

Since you are taking care of him, then you have to take care of it. Jian Yun got out of the bed without any pretentiousness, went to the bathroom to twist the hot towel, and returned to Huo Liancheng to wipe off the sweat on his head and body.

Naturally, Jian Yun would not stay anymore, covering Huo Liancheng with a quilt, and she went back to her bedroom. She had also selectively ignored the thing that Huo Liancheng had held and slept all night.

Jian Yun felt sweaty on her body, but in the middle of the night she didn't have a good time to take a bath. Don't get more and more energetic. Insomnia would be bad. So after she returned to the room, she just changed clothes and went to bed to sleep.

There was no sound in Jian Yun's room for about ten minutes, a tall figure pushed the door and walked in, and lay down without saying a word, and stretched out his long arm to put Jian Yun's head in his arm.

The next morning, Jian Yun woke up at 6 o'clock. She was full of sleep. She got out of the bed refreshed and turned her head. Suddenly, something was wrong because she found that there was an extra pillow on the bed.

She usually only puts one pillow when she sleeps alone. She is sure that she also only had one pillow when she slept last night, so why suddenly one extra pillow came out of thin air?

Could it be that after she returned to the room last night, Huo Liancheng followed?

Jian Yun thinks it is very possible!

There was a sound from outside, Jian Yun opened the door and walked out. He saw that Huo Liancheng was neatly dressed, with shirts, trousers, suit jacket, and a box on the coffee table. The zipper of the box was not closed, and a few clothes were neatly placed inside. It's shirts, pants, and changing inner-clothes.

"Going to work so early?" Jian Yun looked at the time on the wall clock, and it was only half past six, Huo Liancheng was so dedicated?

"On a business trip, go to the imperial capital, and come back in about three or four days!" Huo Liancheng was wearing a tie in front of the mirror and he explained when Jian Yun came out.

"Have your fever gone? You should take a few days off if you are sick." Jian Yun frowned and said in disapproval.

"Are you caring about me?" Huo Liancheng turned to look at Jian Yun. This sentence has almost become his catchphrase recently, but every time Jian Yun's answer can't satisfy him.

"Yes, you are my employer, of course I should care about you!" Jian Yun gave him a white look, took the ear thermometer on the table and walked over to take Huo Liancheng's body temperature.

Huo Liancheng was too high, Jian Yun held the ear thermometer in his ears, and while waiting for the ear thermometer to ring, she felt the heat of Huo Liancheng's breathing hit her face, making her ears red. Up.

And he looked at her with that kind of affectionate eyes. Jian Yun felt that if it weren't for his occasional erratic temper that scared her, she might really like him because of his eyes.

"Beep!" The ear thermometer finally rang.

Jian Yun breathed a sigh of relief and quickly took off the ear thermometer. She glanced at 36.6 degrees, and it seemed that the fever had completely subsided.

"Are you leaving now?" Jian Yun thought for a while, or asked: "Catch a plane?"

"Yeah." Huo Liancheng's eyes were still fixed on Jian Yun's face, as if he couldn't see enough.

"Remember to take the anti-inflammatory medicine. Even if the fever is gone, you must continue to eat it. There are also anti-fever medicines, so you should take them too. In case of fever again, remember to take the medicine." Jian Yun babbled and looked I took a small bag and filled it with anti-inflammatory drugs and anti-fever medicines. After thinking about it, I put the ear thermometer in it and put it in the box.

Huo Liancheng watched Jian Yun do this. He didn't stop it. At this time, his heart had already melted. If every day in the future, she could treat him as gently as today, even if he asked him to give everything, he would be willing.

The phone rang, and Cheng Muze, who had come to pick him up, urged him. Suddenly, Huo Liancheng wanted to stay and stopped going on a business trip.

However, the work has to continue, even if Huo Liancheng is reluctant to bear Jian Yun, he still goes downstairs.

Jian Yun sent Huo Liancheng out and went to the balcony. Standing on such a high building and looking down, the scenery on the ground was very small. She saw that Huo Liancheng got out of the corridor and got into the car. Before getting on the car, he Still looking up, Jian Yun could feel the enthusiasm in his eyes at such a distance.

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