You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 206: 206 I'm Here

As soon as Huo Liancheng left, Jian Yun suddenly felt more comfortable, but at the same time she felt that the house seemed deserted and there was nothing missing.

Jian Yun cooked the porridge and went to the bathroom to take a shower and brush her teeth. When she washed it out, the porridge was almost ready.

The time points to a quarter past seven. While eating porridge, Jian Yun took out her mobile phone and opened WeChat. She found that Ruan Mian had sent her a dozen messages, all of which were sent last night, and they were all asking her. Have you considered it?

"Okay, I'll go back to work." Jian Yun put down the spoon, made up a message and sent it.

As soon as Jian Yun’s message was sent, she received a text message on her mobile phone. Jian Yun clicked on it and looked at it. She was dumbfounded at this point. It turned out to be a transfer text message, reminding her that Ruan Mian just gave her the end number 6345. Bank card transfer of 150,000 yuan.

Jian Yun was shocked, she recovered, and immediately entered WeChat to ask Ruan Mian what was going on. The message was just sent, and then her phone rang and it was a strange number.

"Hello, hello." Jian Yun connected to the phone and heard Ruan Mian's voice ringing over there.

"Jian Yun, did you receive the money?" Ruan Mian's voice sounded very excited. Of course she was excited. She was able to successfully invite Jian Yun back to the Ming clan. Gu Shangfeng would finally be able to deal with her, and she would not have to be deducted from her salary.

"What's going on? Why give me money?" Jian Yun was confused.

"This is President Gu's order to send you three months' salary in advance." Ruan Mian said with a smile.

"..." Jian Yun was speechless, still carrying something like this? She had taken leave before without deducting her salary. Now she hasn't gone back to work, and she can still pay her salary in advance, which is also great.

"But that's too much!" Jian Yun also understood that Gu Shangfeng must only do it for Huo Liancheng's face, which made her a little weird.

But in any case, it is a fool to have money and not make money, and she does not want to rely on Huo Liancheng, let alone spend his money, so even if she is very unhappy in her heart, but the girl who knows that a penny will be difficult for heroes, Jane accepted this Obviously there is a tricky arrangement.

"A lot of money is a bonus!" Ruan Mian didn't expect Jian Yun to be so honest, but she understood after another thought. Jian Yun following Huo Liancheng is definitely not short of money. These hundreds of thousands may be for ordinary people. It is more than a lot of money, but for Jian Yun, it is estimated that she can't appreciate it at all. She can promise to return to the Ming family to work, definitely not because of the money, but because Huo Liancheng is here!

Ruan Mian felt that he was right!

Jian Yun had nothing to say, and she agreed with Ruan Mian to cancel her leave on Monday. She hung up the phone and sat at the table after hesitating for a long time. Jian Yun still sent Huo Liancheng to WeChat.

Jian Yun: "President Gu asked Ruan Mian to pay me three months' salary in advance."

In less than a minute, Huo Liancheng replied: "How much?"

Jian Yun: "150,000!"

Huo Liancheng: "Accept it!"

Jian Yun: "But, I just sent me so many before I went back to work..." I was really a little disturbed.

Huo Liancheng: "One hundred fifty thousand, how much?"

Jian Yun: 'Д`)......"

Jian Yun felt that in the future, we should not discuss money issues with President Huo Da, they are not on the same channel at all!

Jian Yun didn’t talk with Huo Liancheng anymore. She ate porridge in twos or twos and suddenly remembered something. She took out her mobile phone and looked at it. Yesterday, the mobile phone got in water. Although she left it out in the afternoon, the mobile phone can be turned on normally. , But the screen was blurred, and she could barely see clearly when she typed.

However, Jian Yun didn't think anything. This phone has been with her for three years, and it should be changed.

"What day is it today?" Jian Yun couldn't see the date display on the phone, so she clicked on WeChat and sent a message to Wu Wenjing.

"Sunday!" Wu Wenjing returned quickly.

"Are you free today? Go with me to buy a mobile phone. My mobile phone fell into the water." Jian Yun asked.

"Hey, I can't do it today. I'm going to get the goods, not in Qinghu City. I'll be free tomorrow, or I can accompany you tomorrow." Wu Wenjing said.

"Tomorrow I'm going back to work, so you're busy, I'll go and see by myself." Jian Yun replied, it was really hard to read the vague words, and she also quit WeChat.

After returning to the house to change clothes and tie her hair up, Jian Yun thought that there was a Gome next to the hospital. She went to see her mother and could buy a mobile phone there.

When Jian Yun arrived at the hospital, she already had a new mobile phone in her hand. She didn't have any persistent demands on the brand of the mobile phone, as long as the performance was good, so she chose a domestic one.

Jian Yun was working on the phone all morning, saving all the photos and files, copying contacts and downloading common applications. Jian Yun handed the phone to Ouyang Fei. She stood in front of the window and raised both hands. Compared with V, let her mother take a picture of her.

Immediately, Jian Jun posted to Moments: The phone has fallen into the water, change it to a new phone, and try the selfie function. Then the photo is the back photo just now. In the photo, Jian Yun has long hair and is wearing a gray sweater. The sun shines through the window and falls on her, as if she is wearing a golden coat.

In less than three seconds, Wu Wenjing praised it in seconds and replied: Obviously both hands are there. Did you take a selfie with the third hand? Hahaha...

Jian Yun was embarrassed when she read this message: I am not a man, how can I have a third hand?

Wu Wenjing: (shocked expression) Do you mean that men have a third hand? No, you should be saying that men have three legs, hahaha, Jian Yun, you are so dirty!

Jian Yun realized that it was not good at the time, and quickly wanted to delete this reply, but it was obviously too late. Even if she deleted her own, she still received several replies. When she clicked on it, she was shocked. expression.

These replies were left by mutual friends of her and Wu Wenjing, and Jian Yun couldn't wait to chop off her hand.

At this time, there was another reply prompt. Jian Yun clicked on it and read the name first. It was Huo Liancheng. She waited until she read the content of his reply, and she almost choked to death without breathing. .

"Would you like me to show you my third leg?"

"Go!" Jian Yun was angry.

But she forgot that Huo Liancheng was also a mutual friend of her and Wu Wenjing. As soon as Huo Liancheng replied, Wu Wenjing saw it and immediately fryed it. She quickly sent a video request to Jian Yun, "Wow!" Shouting more excited than anyone else.

"Jian Yun, you and Mr. Huo really live together? What's wrong with you!"

"No!" Jian Yun had already ran out of the ward when she answered Wu Wenjing's video. Otherwise, her mother would have heard Wu Wenjing's words in the ward, and she would probably be out of anger.

"Don't want to lie to me! If it doesn't matter, how could Mr. Huo give you a so explicit reply!" Wu Wenjing didn't believe it at all.

"Stop nonsense, nothing!" Jian Yun resolutely refused to admit it.

On the other side, just after getting on the plane, Huo Liancheng and Cheng Muze were sitting there with their heads down and playing with their mobile phones, but Huo Liancheng's mouth was smiling, but Cheng Muze was shocked and suspicious.

"Four brother, you really live with sister Jane?"

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