You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 207: 207 The Dream Girl

Huo Liancheng raised an eyebrow, "Do you have an opinion?"

"No!" Cheng Muze waved his hand quickly, but then asked again: "Fourth brother, won't you be serious this time?"

"How serious? What if you are not serious?" Huo Liancheng was a little impatient.

"Four brother, over the family, can you handle it?" Cheng Muze was very worried.

"You have considered too much!" Huo Liancheng ignored Cheng Muze. He received all the certificates. There is no way for the family to disagree. Moreover, he is not incapable of resisting, but the process may be a little harder.

"Hey, brother, you like it!" Cheng Muze had nothing to say. People from their backgrounds are enviable. In fact, many things are involuntary. Life belongs to Huo Liancheng and he has no right to interfere.

The flight attendant came to remind him to turn off the phone. Huo Liancheng glanced at him for the last time. After Jian Yun let him roll, he ignored him. He smiled and switched the phone to airplane mode.

At the same time, Jian Yun, who was bombarded by Wu Wenjing, was still bitten to death and did not let go, but did not admit that she had anything to do with Huo Liancheng. Although Wu Wenjing was suspicious, she had no guts to ask Huo Liancheng. Give up.

Jian Yun rarely posts to Moments, and occasionally posts a photo, which naturally attracts a large number of likes to the crazy demon, and more people reply asking her to turn their heads.

Jian Yun is in a good mood today. She, who has never liked taking pictures, also took a selfie with the sun in response to public opinion and posted a circle of friends with the text: Selfie!

It was Wu Wenjing's second praise, and replied: No skin peeling, no whitening, no PS, Jian Yun, your selfie is unqualified! Negative Ratings!

Jian Yun replied with a rolling eyes expression.

Next came a large group of likes, and a line of replies: A beauty is a beauty, not a PS is a real beauty!

Jian Yun looked at it one by one, and couldn't help but want to laugh. How idle people are now, she only posted a minute, and dozens of people responded. Are these people's mobile phones still in hand?

At this time, there was another prompt that someone replied. Jian Yun thought it would be Huo Liancheng, but when she clicked on it, Xu Haiyang praised her. Since adding Xu Haiyang, they hardly said anything, and he never said anything. She doesn't post to Moments, so this is the first time Xu Haiyang has interacted with her.

Then Xu Haiyang replied: The girl in the dream.

Jian Yun stared at these five words, feeling inexplicably stunned. The girl in the dream was the name of a portrait Xu Haiyang had painted for her. At that time, they had just determined their relationship. Xu Haiyang drew her a picture every day, and after a semester, he integrated a thick picture album.

I thought they would grow old, but I didn't expect so many things to happen.

Jian Yun smiled bitterly and put down the phone. She didn't reply to Xu Haiyang. She knew very well that she had never let it go, so she was so angry when facing Xu Haiyang.

But what can I do if I can't let it go? She can't assume that nothing happened, and everything is too late.

"Clouds, pour me a glass of water." Seeing Jian Yun playing with her mobile phone, Ouyang Fei suddenly started to stun, she couldn't help but call out.

Jian Yun stunned, and when Ouyang Fei said it again, she got up and went over.

Ouyang Fei was lying halfway on the bed, holding Jian Yun's hand, she asked: "Yun Duo, did Xu Haiyang find you later?"

Jian Yun was surprised when he heard this, "Mom, why do you ask this?"

"Mom can see that Xu Haiyang still wants to get back together with you. After being mad at you that day, he came here two more times. He told me something when you were away." Ouyang Fei said lightly.

"What's the matter?" Jian Yunmu asked.

"Hey, mom doesn't want to say that it messed up your heart, Yun Duo, Xu Haiyang is a good boy, but he is too weak and has no standpoint, even if you are barely together, in the future..." Ouyang Fei suddenly stopped when she said that, she stopped. After a while, he sighed and continued: "Hey, who is right about the future? Your father was really good to me before, and I marry him desperately. As a result..."

"Mom, it's impossible for Xu Haiyang and I!" Jian Yun said quietly.

Ouyang Fei nodded, "Are you with Liancheng? Take it!"

Jian Yun bit her lip. There are some things she can't say. She can only hold Ouyang Fei's hand and promise: "Mom, don't worry, we will all be happy! Even if Dad doesn't care about us, I will take care of you!"

"Thanks for your hard work these years!" Ouyang Fei walked away from the gate, and now she is very open-minded about things, and her bad temper due to paralysis has improved in recent years.

On this day, Jian Yun was with Ouyang Fei in the hospital. Grandpa and grandmother lived in another district, far away. They had to transfer to the subway by bus. It took two hours to come. So they came once a week to stay Three days, they had just returned two days ago, and it is estimated that they will not be able to come here next weekend.

Jian Yun went back after dinner at night. She called Lao Wang to pick her up. When she got home, she took a bath first, and then found that there was nothing to do at home. Auntie would come to clean every morning. The house was clean except for her. -Clothes, other clothes don't need to be washed by her. When Jian Yun is bored, she uses the Huo Liancheng computer to go online.

He had told her before that the computer in the study was for work and should not be moved, but the laptop in the living room could be used.

Jian Yun habitually reads Weibo and then watches TV series, but she always feels that something is wrong. It feels like something is missing, but what is missing?

Jian Yun had long discovered that there were a lot of good wines in Huo Liancheng's wine cabinet. Although her wine was poor, she preferred this sip. She picked a bottle of red wine and poured out half a glass for fun.

At eight o'clock, the phone rang, and Jian Yun quickly jumped up to answer the phone. The call was naturally from Huo Liancheng.

After the call was connected, Jian Yun was stunned when she heard the low voice coming from there. Why was she so anxious to answer his call? Also, I just kept feeling empty, receiving his phone call that made her so excited and looking forward to it?

Jian Yun patted her forehead, and when it was over, it seemed that her masochistic symptoms were getting worse!

"Have you eaten?" Huo Liancheng asked.

"Well, how about you?" Jian Yun nestled on the sofa and poured another half glass of wine. She stared at Oppa's face on the computer screen, trying not to let herself think about Huo Liancheng.

"I haven't eaten yet, just finished work." The surrounding environment of Huo Liancheng was very quiet, and he could hear the rustle of turning paper.

"It's just right that you are ill. Don't be too tired. Go and eat!" Jian Yun frowned. What time is this, but he hasn't eaten yet.

"Okay!" Huo Liancheng smiled, Jian Yun could feel the spring breeze across the phone line.

However, Jian Yun was not in a happy mood, because she had already had enough of his uncertainty.

"Hey, can you stop being yin and yang all the time? It will be sunny and rainy, I think you are terrifying!" With a hint of alcohol, Jian Yun couldn't help saying: "It feels like schizophrenia!"

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