You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 209: 209 Are you so shameless?

"Yeah, I heard that all the resignation reports were handed in. Did she come back to pack up?" someone said.

Jian Yun looked back when she heard the sound. It was two employees of the personnel department. She had only come shortly before asking for leave, and she was not familiar with them.

"Jian Yun, I'm back to work!" Another person came over and patted Jian Yun on the shoulder, with a very familiar voice. It was the eldest sister of the Personnel Department, Xiao Jie.

"Sister Xiao is early!" Jian Yun smiled. When she was in the Ming family, Sister Xiao treated her well, so she naturally smiled back.

"I heard Wu Wenjing say, your mother is sick, is she better now?" Sister Xiao walked towards the office holding Jian Yun, and asked with concern.

"It's okay, thank you for your concern!" Jian Yun smiled.

"That's good!"

While they were talking, the two entered the office, only when Jian Yun walked to his original seat did he realize that it was actually occupied.

"By the way, Jian Yun, I forgot to tell you. You submitted your resignation report before, and Manager Xia arranged for someone to do your job. Because the space was not enough, this place was always empty, so Xiao Li was allowed to sit here and work. "Sister Xiao pointed to the shy young man and said, "The rest of your things are with me."

"Okay, I get it." Jian Yun was not surprised. Xia Bingbing hated her so much, and she would definitely want to get rid of all her marks. It's just that her work was done, so wouldn't she be superfluous? Then what is she doing back?

At this time, it was time for work, and the staff of the personnel department were all there one after another. They all sat down and started to work. Jian Yun stood there looking a little abrupt.

"Jian Yun, go to my place and sit for a while. When Manager Xia arrives, I'll see what you do." Xiao Jie didn't even ask, knowing that Jian Yun must be back to work, but it was because of her. When I just took the bus, I saw Jian Yun getting off a Bentley from the stop sign of the two stops ahead. Everyone in the Ming family recognized that car as Mr. Huo’s.

Sister Xiao was guessing the relationship between Jian Yun and Huo Liancheng at the time, and decided to have a good relationship with Jian Yun no matter what.

"What's the arrangement? I resigned and ran back. You are so shameless!" Xia Bingbing heard Sister Xiao's words as soon as she came in, and suddenly became angry, especially when she saw Jian Yun. With a deep expression on his face, he stepped on high heels and walked over, his nostrils turned into the sky, and he said with contempt.

"Manager Xia, you voluntarily used my computer. I haven't asked you to settle the account. Now you are here for a personal attack!" Jian Yun waved his mobile phone and said coldly, "I recorded everything you just said, do you want? Go to Mr. Gu and talk about it. Who is shameless to see?"

"Go, I'm going to see how cheeky a resigned person is before he comes back licking his face again, Jian Yun, you can't find another job, I think you are a bit charming, it's better I will introduce you to the clubhouse, and within two years, you will be able to be the top player! Hahaha..." Xia Bingbing became more and more unbearable.

Jian Yun's face was gloomy, she squeezed her fist, really wanting to smash Xia Bingbing's mouth, but in the public, she still can't do that, otherwise it will attract criticism.

However, Jian Yun didn't do it, but someone came out for her, and only heard an anger suddenly sounded.

"Xia Bingbing, you shut up! Who gave you the power to talk nonsense here, do you really think that the Ming clan was run by your family?" It was Mr. Gu, who was already very majestic. It's scary.

"Gu, Uncle Gu..." Xia Bingbing looked like Gu Shangfeng, and when he saw him, she suddenly looked like a little chicken and didn't dare to speak out.

"Apologize to Jian Yun!" Gu Shangfeng said angrily.

"I don't! Why do you want to apologize to her? How old is she!" Xia Bingbing is arrogant and used to it. She would definitely not do it if she bowed her head to Jian Yun in front of so many people.

"If you don't apologize, just pack your baggage and leave, don't come to work!" Gu Shangfeng was also very angry. He didn't know how to please Jian Yun, the great Buddha, and Xia Bingbing came to make trouble.

"Uncle Gu, why are you turning your elbows out? Did Jian Yun this little **** hook on you — slap!" Xia Bingbing was slapped in the face before she finished speaking. She stayed and watched Gu Shangfeng, who hit her, couldn't recover for a long time, and his lips were trembling, "Uncle Gu, are you hitting me?"

The crowd around the audience saw this scene also messed up in the wind. Gu Shangfeng is the nephew of the chairman of the Ming clan, and is considered a relative of the imperial family. Moreover, he has been in the position of general manager for a long time. In the Ming clan, he has great power. His words have always had a lot of weight, but how could he suddenly come to the personnel department and give a head to a small employee? Also hit Xia Bingbing, who is said to be the granddaughter of the chairman?

Everyone couldn't help turning their heads to look at Jian Yun, and they had small calculations in their hearts. Could it be that Mr. Gu liked Jian Yun?

Jian Yun has been expressionless, and she doesn't care what the people around her are thinking, she just feels that she can't keep a low profile anymore after this trip.

"Miss Jian, should you do it, the manager of the personnel department?" After Gu Shangfeng beat Xia Bingbing fiercely, when he turned to face Jian Yun, he immediately changed his face, with a loving expression, just like a pug.

A joke, even if Jian Yun said he wanted to take his seat, he would give up. She is a woman from Huo Liancheng. Hearing Ruan Mian said, she has lived with Huo Liancheng. To please her is to please Huo. Liancheng, Ming had finally invited him, but he couldn't offend him.

As soon as these words came out, everyone including Jian Yun was messed up in the wind again, and Jian Yun waved his hands calmly, "No, Mr. Gu, I have limited abilities, so let's do what I did."

"Okay, Chen Dashun, you will arrange it!" Gu Shangfeng raised his hand to call in the deputy manager of the personnel department, and said with a smile.

"Uncle Gu, what kind of ecstasy did she give you? Are you going to treat her like this?" Xia Bing was going crazy.

"Shut up for me!" Gu Shangfeng changed his face again, this time he was walking away with Xia Bingbing, and he turned his head and smiled and said to Jian Yun: "Miss Jian, if you have any needs, please mention it to me, don't follow I'm polite!"

"Thank Mr. Gu!" Jian Yun was speechless. She understood that Gu Shangfeng came over to her with such a big fanfare, and I am afraid he wanted to show it to Huo Liancheng.

"What are you polite, don't tell me!" Gu Shangfeng deliberately followed Jian Yun a little bit more, but Xia Bingbing was struggling desperately there. He was afraid that she would talk nonsense again, and quickly escorted her away.

The remaining group of personnel in the personnel department were all stunned, looking at Jian Yun thoughtfully.

"Jian Yun, didn't Gu always like you?" asked a female employee who was familiar with Jian Yun tentatively.

"What nonsense, we are not like that, Mr. Gu!" Before Jian Yun could speak, someone said to her.

It was Ruan Mian. She didn't know when she came in. As soon as she came in, she took Jian Yun's arm affectionately and said with a smile, "Jian Yun, I'm back to work."

When Ruan Mian came, everyone was shocked again. This is the No. 1 beauty of Ming Dynasty, graduated from a prestigious university and graduate school. She has both high IQ and EQ. She has never looked at people directly. When did she have such a good relationship with Jian Yun ?

Everyone present, except for Sister Xiao, all looked surprised.

Ruan Mian originally wanted to find Jian Yun to cover it up. Who knows, Jian Yun's phone rang before he said a few words.

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