You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 210: 210 Encounter

Jian Yun took out her mobile phone from her bag and saw that Huo Liancheng was calling. She suddenly smiled at Ruan Mian nervously, "I'll go out and take a call."

Ruan Mian glanced sharply at the words Huo Liancheng when Jian Yun was holding the phone. She smiled knowingly and let Jian Yun go out, but her face was trying to hide her envy.

"Hello." Jian Yun walked out of the office and then answered the phone, walking towards the stairwell.

"In the company?" Huo Liancheng asked.

"Yes, just here." Jian Yun was a little tired listening to Huo Liancheng's voice, so he asked concerned: "Are you sleeping?"

"No, I got up early. I drank too much last night and had a headache." Huo Liancheng rubbed his forehead, his voice hoarse.

"It's good for you to have a fever. How can you drink when you are sick! Do you want to get it right?" Jian Yun couldn't help raising her tone, but then she realized that she was blaming him for saying this, and quickly eased her tone. "Sorry, I didn’t mean that, I didn’t say that you were bad, I just wanted to say, you have to pay attention to your body if you drink alcohol..."

"Well, I know, I will pay attention!" Huo Liancheng smiled.

He was not angry when she taught him this way? Jian Yun was stunned for a moment and didn't think much about it. He just said, "I just came back to work and there are a lot of things. I won't tell you anymore, let's go ahead."

"Well, I have a few days to work here, and I will go back when I'm done." Huo Liancheng said warmly.

"It's okay, you're busy with you, it doesn't matter if you don't come back!" Jian Yun subconsciously replied, and then she realized that she had said something wrong. This is his home, where will he go if he doesn't come back? Jian Yun hurried to save, "I mean, it's important that you are busy with your business, it doesn't matter if you are late!"

"Yeah." Huo Liancheng said nothing once again, and said goodbye to Jian Yun, and then hung up the phone.

Jian Yun stared at the phone, always feeling something strange about Huo Liancheng.

"Jian Yun, how about calling Mr. Huo?" Ruan Mian suddenly emerged from behind Jian Yun, looking gossip.

"Hush!" Jian Yun quickly made a silent gesture, looking around, for fear of being heard.

"Okay, don't tell me!" Ruan Mian also put his index finger on his mouth, but smiled, "Mr Gu asked me to ask you, do you want to change jobs?"

"Where to go?" Jian Yun asked casually.

"President's office, Mr. Huo said before that he wanted to find some secretaries." Ruan Mian said.

"Forget it, I don't want to go!" Jian Yun was anxious to stay away from Huo Liancheng. His man was so cloudy and uncertain, she couldn't imagine the days when he was treated to him in the office at get off work and saw him at home after work.

"Yes, your relationship with Mr. Huo has not been made public. Are you trying to avoid suspicion, right?" Ruan Mian expressed his understanding. She didn't mention it again, but just blinked at Jian Yun. "Jian Yun, do me a favor. Mr. Huo said a few words in front of him and asked me to go to the president's office."

Jian Yun's heart moved. She looked at Ruan Mian. Ruan Mian thought Jian Yun misunderstood that she wanted to approach Huo Liancheng. He raised his hands and said, "Don’t get me wrong, Jian Yun. Although I like Mr. Huo very much, he doesn’t like it. I, I will not do that kind of shameless things, I just look at the high salary of the president and secretary, I want to make money!"

Ruan Mian expressed her thoughts in Jian Yun's heart, which made her a little embarrassed. At the same time, she also felt strange that when she thought of a beautiful woman approaching Huo Liancheng, she would be repulsive.

"Jian Yun, it's okay. I know Mr. Huo is cold-tempered and difficult to deal with. It's okay if he can't get to the president's office. Ming's branch has just been established in Boshan, so I can send it there." She kept silent, thinking she was embarrassed. She also knew that this request was a bit too much, but she really didn’t want to follow Gu Shang’s work anymore. The bargain was all taken up by the married old man, but she resigned and couldn’t bear the high salary. Can only find another way.

"I can't guarantee this, I can only say try it." Jian Yun actually knows that Gu Shangfeng is lustful. Although she is not familiar with Ruan Mian, Jian Yun knows that Ruan Mian is a beautiful woman. Following Gu Shangfeng, she must have been taken advantage of. , She left in such a hurry, it must be related to this.

"All right, no matter what the result is, I thank you first!" Ruan Mian was overjoyed.

When Jian Yun returned to the office, Deputy Manager Chen had already arranged everything. She sat back in her seat again. She did not have much work on the first day when she went to work, and the personnel in the personnel department were all guessing whether Jian Yun was leaving. What kind of luck, I asked Mr. Gu to arrange it personally. Naturally, she would not be allowed to work overtime. On this day, she got off work on time and took the subway directly to the hospital.

I ate dinner with Ouyang Fei in the hospital and talked some gossip. Before eight o'clock, Lao Wang came to pick Jian Yun home.

Jian Yun originally thought that Huo Liancheng would call her, but she didn't receive the call until eleven o'clock. In the end, she couldn't stand it anymore and fell asleep.

For three days in a row, Jian Yun went to get off work during the day, went to the hospital after work at night, and took the car home at 8 o’clock. The days were boring, and Huo Liancheng had no news for these three days. He didn’t call her until noon today and said She was attending a cocktail party, and then told her that there were two days to go back. Without saying a few words, someone came to talk to him. He hurriedly said a few words to her and the phone hung up again.

Jian Yun stared at the blacked mobile phone screen, and there was a sense of sorrow in her heart. What she had just heard was a woman's voice. When he attended the reception, he naturally wanted to have a female companion and a woman with him. What's weird? of?

But why is it so panic?

Jian Yun rubbed her forehead and tried her best not to think about it. Well, let's think of something happy. Just now Sister Xiao came over and told her that in order to welcome her back to work, the staff of the personnel department decided to have a good meal tonight. Sing K after dinner.

Before leaving get off work, Jian Yun called Ouyang Fei in advance, telling her that there was something going on in the company tonight, and that she would not go there. Ouyang Fei has recovered very well recently, and, as Bai Ze said, the blood clot in the brain that oppresses the nerve was removed. She doesn't need to have lumbar spine surgery anymore, and she can sit up on her own, which is really a medical miracle!

At the end of the day, the personnel of the personnel department were in groups of three or five, and they shared the car and drove to the good fortune who had booked a seat early. The meal was very enjoyable, and Sister Xiao also called Wu Wenjing in midway, she After all, he was a veteran of the personnel department. Although he resigned, his love is still there.

Jian Yun was full, and the group went to the "Good Singing" club again. Coincidentally, Jian Yun met Ruan Mian. She and her friends also came to sing. Deputy Manager Chen saw Ruan Mian and invited her. Sing together, Ruan Mian agreed.

There are more than a dozen people from the personnel department tonight. Most of them have a good relationship with Jian Yun. After ordering the songs, everyone sang one by one. Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing were sitting in the corner eating fruit. The two wanted to talk. Conversation, but the box was too noisy, so the two of them went out to the bathroom with the excuse.

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