You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 216: 216 Sweet Reunion

At a quarter to ten, Sister Xiao saw that the atmosphere was not high and everyone seemed to be a little tired. They gathered in groups to eat, drink, and play with their mobile phones. No one sang anymore, so she stood up and clapped her hands. It’s too early, so let’s stop here today."

Everyone had no objections. While greeted each other, they stood up and picked up their things and walked out. A few of them were still playing on their mobile phones, and they seemed to be browsing Moments.

Cheng Muze had already left half an hour ago. Here, Deputy Manager Chen settled the bill with the money that everyone paid together. He was standing at the door smiling and talking to Ruan Mian. Jian Yun called Huo Liancheng.

He picked it up quickly over there, "It's over?"

"Well, where's your side?" Jian Yun asked.

"It's almost done, you are waiting for me in the hall, and I will come down immediately." Huo Liancheng's voice was low.

"Okay." Jian Yun hung up and sat there in a daze, always feeling a bit awkward in her heart. Will her relationship with Huo Liancheng really change because of tonight?

"Why don't you leave? Who do you call? She laughed so sullenly!" Wu Wenjing saw Jian Yun still sitting there. She was surprised when she just came back from the bathroom. Jian Yun is not a very busy person. In the past, she was always able to hide on occasions like this. If she couldn't hide, she would try her best to leave first. It was a surprise to her that she could sit until this time and not leave.

"Friend!" Jian Yun gave Wu Wenjing a white look, then got up and picked up the bag and jacket.

"Jian Yun, how are you going back? Do you want me to give you a ride?" Ruan Mian immediately waved at her when he saw Jian Yun coming over.

"No, I'll go back by myself." Jian Yun smiled. She deliberately avoided these acquaintances, so she deliberately spent a long time behind.

Ruan Mian didn't ask much, just smiled and went downstairs with Sister Xiao and the others.

But Wu Wenjing rolled her eyes and stayed. She hooked Jian Yun's shoulders and smiled and asked, "What friend? Come and listen, see if I know you!"

Jian Yun glanced at her from the corner of her eye, looked around, and saw that everyone was gone, so she said solemnly: "Of course you know!"

Wu Wenjing suddenly became interested, "Men's and women's? Is it a former university classmate?"

"Man!" Jian Yun shook her head. She attached to Wu Wenjing's ear and whispered: "Not a classmate, it's Huo Liancheng!"

Wu Wenjing stunned, as if she was digesting Jian Yun's words. After a while, her eyes opened wider and wider, and her mouth widened. She was about to call out, and Jian Yun quickly reached out and covered her mouth.


"You guys, are you really together?" It took Wu Wenjing a long time to find her voice, but she was so excited that she gasped for breath.

Jian Yun didn't know how to answer, so she could only curl her lips, "Forget it!"

"What do you mean?" Wu Wenjing was dissatisfied.

"I don't know how to say it, it's too complicated. I have a chance to tell you later!" Jian Yun looked at the phone. She had already walked out of the box, standing on the second floor and could see the lobby on the first floor. She thought about it and sent it to Huo Liancheng. Message: There are too many people in the lobby, I will wait for you at the opposite bus stop.

"Why are you going back? Come with us?" Jian Yun looked up and saw Wu Wenjing still in shock, and couldn't help poking her amusedly, "What are you in a daze?"

"Jian Yun, I actually think I have to tell you something." Wu Wenjing struggled, wondering whether to add Huo Liancheng to her WeChat privately before asking her about Jian Yun's preferences and tell her.

"Did you do anything to sorry me?" Jian Yun squinted at Wu Wenjing. She knew Wu Wenjing and knew she would say that, so there must be something hidden from her.

Wu Wenjing looked at Jian Yun, hesitated for a long time, and finally did not dare to say. With Jian Yun’s temper, if he knew that he had betrayed her, he would show Huo Liancheng the screenshot of the reply Xu Haiyang gave her. She would definitely be furious. Not only doesn't he care about himself, but I guess I will argue with Huo Liancheng when I go back.

Wu Wenjing comforted herself that she did this only because Huo Liancheng was very caring about Jian Yun, because she felt that Huo Liancheng and Jian Yun were more suitable than Xu Haiyang.

"Hey, this matter is a bit complicated. I can't tell a word or two. I'll talk to you later if I have a chance." Wu Wenjing stalled back with Jian Yun's words. Hey, she really didn't dare to say it.

"Hey!" Jian Yun was speechless, "Half of talking, I am anxious!"

But Wu Wenjing oiled the soles of her feet and wanted to drive away, "I won't tell you anymore, I will rub Sister Xiao's car back and leave first!"

"Hey—" Jian Jun and Wu Wenjing haven’t seen each other for a while. This guy has recently been engaged in micro business and hasn’t come out to play. Finally, she had a lot of things to ask her, but Wu Wenjing ran away so quickly. Up.

"Call me if you have something to do!" Wu Wenjing had already ran downstairs, making a call gesture to Jian Yun, while rushing to the door Xiao Jie beckoned, "Sister Xiao, give me a ride!"

Jian Yun shook her head. She looked at the phone and Huo Liancheng replied a message: Wait for me for ten minutes. Jian Yun went downstairs slowly, crossed the road, and walked towards the opposite stop sign.

The cars on the roadside came and went. Someone saw her, a pretty girl, waiting for the car alone late at night, so she stopped the car to have a chat. Jian Yun ignored them. These people were just looking for excitement. Seeing no chance, they were everywhere. Surveillance did not dare to do evil, and left without a response.

It was late April, and the breath of spring was strong, but it was still a bit cold at night. Jian Yun was wearing a dress today with only a thin sweater and cardigan outside. Standing by the road at ten in the night, it was really cold. She held her arms. I regret coming out early.

Just thinking about whether to go back to the clubhouse hall again, Jian Yun suddenly noticed that she was warm. She looked down and found that she had an extra piece of clothing, a man's suit jacket, with a very familiar taste and a strong male hormone breath. .

Jian Yun turned around and saw that Huo Liancheng had come behind her at some unknown time. He had a black shirt with two buttons on the neckline unbuttoned, and the yellow light of the street lamp fell on his face, coating the cold expression on his face. Layers of soft light.

"You--" Jian Yun wanted to say that you are here, but as soon as he spoke, he saw the darkness in front of him, and Huo Liancheng lowered his head and kissed her violently.

Jian Yun was stunned, here, here is the main road, why did he kiss her here?

Jian Yun blinked, trying to push him away, but his kiss was as strong as ever, leaving her unable to resist. Jian Yun's blush turned red, and the hand on his chest relaxed and gradually changed to Embracing his thin waist, his body is very warm, with a reassuring breath, she slowly closed her eyes and raised her head to accept his kiss.

Huo Liancheng sensed Jian Yun's obedience, and he was overjoyed and hugged her even more, unable to restrain the desire for her in his heart.

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