You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 217: 217 Car accident

On the street late at night, the flow of traffic is not as fast as during the day, but there are still many, but there are fewer people. However, it is also common for men and women to kiss on the side of the road, so it does not surprise the passing people.

There was a crossroad not far ahead. The red light was on and the traffic stopped waiting for the green light. At this time, the window of one of the cars was lowered, and someone looked towards the bus stop, "Hey, come on Look! Someone is kissing on the side of the road!"

Then someone in the car scoffed, "What's all the fuss about, is this not common?"

"But handsome men and beautiful women are not common! Xu Haiyang, take a look, this little girl is so beautiful, hey, how come this man looks familiar!" The man couldn't move his eyes away from the previous look.

Xu Haiyang, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, also looked at the direction of the man's finger in the back seat after hearing this. At this look, he was shocked for a moment, as if he could not believe what he saw before him. He suddenly reached out and wiped his eyes. Then the whole person seemed to be struck by lightning, completely stunned.

The girl who kissed the man on the side of the road turned out to be Jian Yun!

"Hey, Xu Haiyang, what are you doing? This is an intersection. You can't get off the car. It's too dangerous!" The man in the back seat saw Xu Haiyang suddenly opening the door and getting out of the car without warning. He was shocked and followed behind. Just shout.

However, Xu Haiyang couldn't hear anything. His eyes were blood-red, and he could only see the shadow nestled in the arms of the tall man. He rushed towards the direction of the bus stop sign.

Do not! He can't bear it anymore. The girl in his dream is now in the arms of other men. How can he bear it?

Jian Yun belongs to him. He has fallen in love with her since she was 13 years old. How could she abandon him for more than ten years? !

Xu Haiyang couldn't see anything in his eyes. The man who got out of the car behind him saw a car rushing towards him, and suddenly yelled in surprise, "Be careful!"


Before the man's voice fell, the car had hit Xu Haiyang, only to hear a rapid and piercing brake sound. In a moment, everything was quiet.

However, everything that happened here did not affect Jian Yun and Huo Liancheng. They were kissing passionately. In the end, Jian Yun was almost out of breath. She knocked on Huo Liancheng’s shoulder and signaled him that she was a little uncomfortable. Huo Liancheng reluctantly let go of her.

"Let's go!" he said.

Jian Yun nodded, her blush was about to bleed. She looked at his handsome face in the dark night, his beautiful big eyes were watery, shy and timid.

Huo Liancheng endured and endured, and then forcibly suppressed the urge to kiss her again. He took her by the hand and walked off the platform, and then a car stopped in front of them.

Huo Liancheng opened the car door, and after Jian Yun got into the car, he took off her coat again.

"Hey, can you not be so gentle and considerate, are you used to it!" Jian Yun pouted.

"Then you like me to be rude?" Huo Liancheng followed into the car and put his arms around Jian Yun, he raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Puff!" A chuckle came from the driver's seat. It was Cheng Muze. He didn't turn his head, but smiled: "Is it too much to flirt in front of a single dog?"

Jian Yun didn't expect that Cheng Muze would be here, and she blushed suddenly. She suddenly thought that she had just been kissing Huo Liancheng on the side of the road, and she must have been seen by Cheng Muze, and couldn't help but want to find a place to sew in.

"Shut up and drive!"

Huo Liancheng gave an order, and Cheng Muze grinned and said, "Take an order!"

The car slid out smoothly, but before driving for a while, Jian Yun found that there were many cars in front of him, and there were traffic policemen standing there to maintain order.

"It seems that there was a car accident. Someone got out of the car suddenly and was hit by a car behind." Cheng Muze said.

"Is it serious?" Jian Yun heard the words, and suddenly felt a twitch in her heart. She also lowered the car window and looked out.

"I don't know, but it happened to be a red light at the time, and the speed of the car behind should not be fast." Cheng Muze put one hand on the car window and said while looking out.

"There is blood on the ground, don't look at it!" Huo Liancheng hooked Jian Yun's neck and lifted the car window up again.

The roar of an ambulance sounded in the distance, and the traffic police evacuated the onlookers and crowds. Cheng Muze also drove away.

Just when Huo Liancheng hooked Jian Yun's head aside, under the street lamp, the person lying on the ground struggled to sit up, Xu Haiyang clutched his head, only feeling dizzy and sore, as if being crushed by a car. The same.

"The wounded don't move!" The ambulance arrived at this time. A doctor ran out of the car and checked Xu Haiyang's body with the nurse on the spot.

But Jian Yun was already driving a long distance away in the car at this time, and she only saw the rear lights flashing in the rear mirror.

At the same time, at a distance from the intersection in the opposite direction, a car was parked there, seeming to be waiting for someone, but the few people in the car were all silent at this time, so shocked that they could not speak. .

"That man just now, that is, the man who kissed Jian Yun, is it Mr. Huo?" Deputy Manager Chen shivered, wiped the cold sweat from his head, and it took a long time to remember how to organize sentences.

"Okay, it seems to be..." The one who answered him was a young woman with exquisite makeup but an average appearance. This woman was also an employee of the Personnel Department, named Ma Jingjing.

"It turns out that Mr. Huo and Jian Jun are a pair. No wonder he will come to our box tonight and sing." Another man who was about 30 years old had such an expression on his face.

"It's no wonder that Special Assistant Cheng ordered the song because of love. It turned out to be specially for Huo Zong and Jian Yun. It's just that Jian Yun was too unkind. She refused, and we made Li Hui embarrassed as a result." Ma Jingjing looked at her. Li Hui, who was sitting in the back seat together, glanced at her, her eyes full of sympathy and some gloat.

Li Hui didn't feel anything before, but after Ma Jingjing mentioned it, her face couldn't hold back. Indeed, if Jian Jun had picked up the microphone at that time, Deputy Manager Chen would not ask her to sing with Mr. Huo again, and the result was ignored and she was so embarrassed.

"It's okay! I just pretend to have seen nothing tonight. You can't blame Jian Yun for this. Don't be blind, unless you don't want to do it in Mingshi. Otherwise, if you see something tonight, who would dare to self-biography? Go out, you don’t know what the origin of Huo is, just wait for it to be destroyed!" Deputy Manager Chen saw that Jian Yun and Huo Liancheng had left in the car, he sank, and said immediately.

After all, he has worked hard for more than ten years in the Ming clan, and he is also a person with a bit of experience and wink. When he thinks about it, he will understand that Huo Liancheng has not directly disclosed his relationship with Jian Yun, there must be his reason, so if there is anyone If you made it public for him in advance, then it must be just like what Jian Yun said. If you offend Huo Liancheng, he can kill you in minutes.

However, tonight he still wanted to match Ruan Mian and Huo Liancheng, and later Li Hui was mentioned. I wonder if Huo Zong would mind...

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