You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 315: 315 She Looks Like Me

When Jian Yun heard the words, her brain buzzed, as if something had exploded. She blinked, and it took a long time to digest this sentence.

Ouyang Fei continued to sneer, "The police came a few days ago and said that the evidence is almost collected, and the court will be held in the near future. If no accident, Lin Rong will definitely not escape this intentional homicide, and her son has witnesses. It proved that he had appeared in our house that day, and also asked about the address of our house. Although the monitoring is not clear, it has been compared. It is him! Now he is absconding, and once caught, he will definitely not be sentenced lightly! Your father thought that Lin Rong was wronged!"

"Is my father brainwashed by Lin Rong?" Jian Yun can only think of this reason, otherwise there is no way to explain why Jian Dongming is so devoted to Lin Rong. In her impression, father is a very smart and capable person.

"Don't you know? Your father and Lin Rong were first in love. They talked about them when they were in junior high school. Then they separated. After we got married, I hadn't been pregnant for a few years. They met again by chance. Lin Rong and her ex-husband just divorced. Bringing a son was very hard. Your father was overwhelmed with sympathy and wanted to be a flower protector. The two got together like this. They lied to me for more than 20 years!" Ouyang Fei was angry when she said this. Like a fool, I saw Lin Rong and treated her so well, but I didn't expect it to lead the wolf into the room, and he became a modern version of Mr. Dong Guo!

Jian Yun no longer knows what words to use to describe her feelings at the moment, but this is an elder's matter. Even if she wants to curse in her heart, she can't say it. She can only close her mouth and listen to Ouyang Fei's angry statement about her. resentment.

"Mom," Jian Yun hesitated for a while, then asked carefully: "I heard someone say..."

"Say what?" Ouyang Fei asked.

"Tell me, say I'm not Dad's daughter." Jian Yun bit her lip, lowered her eyelashes, and said softly.

Ouyang Fei heard the words, but did not speak for a while. Jian Yun kept her head down. At this time, seeing Ouyang Fei not speaking, her heart sank. She subconsciously raised her head to look at Ouyang Fei, and found that Ouyang Fei looked dazed and her eyes flashed. With a touch of complexity, Jian Yun has another one in her heart. Is this true?

"Mom, is this really the case?" Jian Yun didn't know what it was like in her heart, her voice was a little trembling.

"Did you believe it?" Ouyang Fei finally asked, but she asked Jian Yun back, and her eyes were shining darkly when she looked at Jian Yun.

"I, I don't know, I didn't believe it at first, but..." Jian Yun's voice became lower and lower.

"Don't believe the gossip outside!" Ouyang Fei finally sighed, took Jian Yun's hand, and said softly: "Yun Duo, you have to trust your mother, your mother is not like that!"

Jian Yun's nose suddenly sore, tears couldn't help streaming down.

Ouyang Fei’s words made her feel more heartwarming than ever. In the past twenty years, her father has treated her like a little princess in his palm. She is the happiest. Therefore, although she also hates Jian Dongming, she does not want those rumors to be true, which will make her uncomfortable.

"Your father, I still believed Lin Rong!" Ouyang Fei smiled bitterly. "At the beginning I found out that they had personal affair. To make your father feel uncomfortable, I said that you are not his daughter. I just wanted to make him uncomfortable. He will definitely go for a paternity test. When the truth comes out, he will not say anything. However, the result of the paternity test later proved that you are not related to him. I said that there was a problem with that test. , But your father doesn't believe me..."

Jian Yun's heart became more startled as she listened, "Mom, why don't I know these things?"

"I also learned about it later. Because of that appraisal, I had a dispute with Lin Rong and was pushed down the stairs by her. I thought your father would see Lin Rong's face clearly, heh, who knows, at that time Your father's heart is no longer on our mother and daughter," Ouyang Fei's eyes twitched nervously, and a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth. This sneer on her thin face looked a bit hideous and terrifying.

"Mom, do you mean that Lin Rong did some tricks on that appraisal?" Jian Yun asked, holding Ouyang Fei's hand tightly, his eyes flashed.

"You are your father's daughter, there is no doubt about that! But is Lin Lanlan your father's daughter, haha!" Ouyang Fei smiled lightly.

"But, since I was little, everyone said that Lin Lanlan looked a lot like me." Jian Yun frowned.

"Let’s see, fire can’t be contained, it’s the truth, and one day will be revealed." Ouyang Fei lovingly touched Jian Yun’s hair, and her voice became gentle. "Mom’s luck is to have With you, Yunduo, my mother is really happy and grateful. After so many things, you can still be so indifferent. Unlike my mother, for the past six years, thinking about it now is a nightmare."

"Mom..." Jian Yun put her face on Ouyang Fei's palm. Although she was a little shocked by what she heard today, in any case, her mother was able to be safe and still with her, which is the greatest luck.

"Let the lawyer handle the divorce as soon as possible. After all, my father and I were married. Mom had already figured it out. Even though he deceived me for so many years, he did treat us very well at the beginning. It's too ugly to tear, so let's do it." Ouyang Fei took her hand back, took out a box from under the pillow, and handed it to Jian Yun, "This is your father gave you!"

Jian Yun was a little surprised. After so many years, this was the first time Jian Dongming gave her something, so that she hesitated to take it from the bottom. The box was not big, like a jewelry box. Jian Yun touched the raised pattern on the outside. She didn't even dare to open it for a while, because she was afraid that her expectations would fall to nothing.

"Let's open it." Ouyang Fei seemed a little tired.

Jian Yun looked up at Ouyang Fei, then gently opened the box, and then there seemed to be light flashing in front of her eyes. She squinted her eyes and saw that the original box was really jewelry, and it was a necklace.

"It is a set of earrings your father customized for you for your 20th birthday." Ouyang Fei obviously knew what was in the box. She looked at the necklace pendant that was shining under the light, and a trace of her face flashed. Trance look.

Jian Yun fixedly looked at the necklace for a long while, but closed the box with a snap. Ouyang Fei raised her eyelids. Seeing Jian Yun's expression was wrong, she couldn't help wondering and asked: "What? You don't like it?"

"No," Jian Yun tugged at the corner of his mouth stiffly, and said with a smile: "It's pretty."

"It doesn't matter if you don't like it, he will give it to you, and you will accept it." Ouyang Fei did not ask much.

Jian Yun stared at the box in a daze. Her expression was wrong, because she found that this necklace was very familiar. It was clearly the same as the one she saw on Lin Lanlan's neck in the afternoon, except that the words in the middle were changed. Her name is just that.

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