You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 316: 316 No Purpose

Jian Yun didn’t know the purpose of Jian Dongming’s move, but instinctively told her that Jian Dongming suddenly gave her the same necklace that was exactly the same as Lin Lanlan. It was definitely not a whim, and it was even more unlikely that he wanted to make up for the neglect of her for so many years. Knowing that she and Lin Lanlan are incompatible with each other, why did she give her such a necklace?

And the frequency of Lin Lanlan's appearance in front of her in the past two days seems to be a bit high.

"Clouds, where is Liancheng?" Ouyang Fei was inexplicably startled when she saw Jian Yun, she stretched out her hand and shook in front of Jian Yun's eyes and changed the subject.

In fact, Ouyang Fei didn’t know that Jian Dongming suddenly gave Jian Yun’s necklace there must be a purpose, but she didn’t want to think about it. In her opinion, Jian Dongming would not have any other attempts except Lin Rong. Jian Yun did. Huo Liancheng took care of her, she was not afraid of what Jian Dongming would do.

"Oh, he's on a business trip!" Jian Yun came back to her senses. She looked down at the jewelry box, thought about it, and put it in her bag.

No matter what Dad's purpose is, since he has begun to show his favor, he will definitely find him soon.

Jian Yun's guess was correct. Jian Dongming gave her this necklace because she really asked for it. The night she returned from the hospital, she received a call from Jian Dongming.

At that time, Jian Yun just made a video call with Huo Liancheng. He seemed to be in a bad mood there. When he saw her, his handsome face was cold, and he was obviously still angry that she would not accompany him on business trips.

Jian Yun gave a little to please, and it took a long time to coax him with a grin.

As soon as the call here was hung up, Jian Dongming's call came in. Jian Yun frowned as he looked at the caller ID.

"Hello?" Jian Yun answered the phone with a calm voice, "Dad?"

"Yunduo, are you asleep?" Jian Dongming asked.

"No." Jian Yun drooped his eyelids and stared at the shoes on the floor, feeling a little dazed for a while. How long has it been since Dad didn't talk to her in such a pampering tone?

"Yun Duo, Dad is going to see your mother today." Jian Dongming did not detour, and said directly: "Did your mother give you the necklace? This is specially customized for you, and the earrings you gave you on your 20th birthday are A set, do you like it?"

The corner of Jian Yun's eyes suddenly twitched, and she paused before saying, "Well, I like it."

Jian Dongming also heard that Jian Yun's tone was too calm. He was silent and continued: "Yun Duo, do you hate your father for neglecting you all these years?"

Jian Yun did not speak, but her teeth clenched her lips.

Jian Dongming sighed immediately, "Yun Duo, Dad is wrong with this matter. Dad apologizes to you. Don't be angry with Dad, okay?"

"I'm not angry." Jian Yun's eyes were covered with a mist, but it was not because of Jian Dongming's words that moved, but disappointment, utter disappointment, which made her eyes sore and uncomfortable.

If she had a hint of illusion when she received the necklace, thinking that Jian Dongming just remembered that she still had her daughter, then at this moment, when she heard his deliberately expressing favor and flattering tone, she already fully understood that he should not have any plans. .

Yes, all the paternity tests have been done. In Jian Dongming's mind, she has long been determined that she is not his daughter. How could he suddenly find out in his conscience and come to her to warm her up?

"Dad, just tell me if you have anything." Jian Yun suddenly felt very tired, she twisted her eyebrows and sighed lightly.

Jian Dongming didn't seem to expect Jian Yun to be so direct. He was silent for a moment, and the atmosphere on both sides of the phone was a bit embarrassing.

"Yun Duo, in the past twenty years, how dad has treated you, you know in your heart, now dad is encountering difficulties and wants to ask you for help." Jian Dongming also stopped detouring, and directly expressed his intention.

"If you want me to withdraw the lawsuit, that's impossible!" Jian Yun suddenly became angry. She didn't understand why Jian Dongming was so desperate to Lin Rong. He and his mother were married, but he was so mean to her mother. Maintain Lin Rong?

"Yun Duo, it's not about this, don't be angry." Jian Dongming said quickly: "The police have checked the matter. She has committed a crime and has her own legal punishment. I will not force others to make you do something like that. I will find you. There is something else."

Jian Yun gritted his teeth, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said solemnly: "You said it."

Jian Dongming hesitated, seeming to be considering how to speak, his tone hesitant, "You know, the economic downturn in recent years has caused my company's performance to be bad, and it is a bit troublesome now, so I think, I think..."

Jian Yun frowned upon hearing this, and said dissatisfied: "Dad, don't you want to give me and mom money?"

"No, as agreed in the divorce agreement, I will definitely not break my promise. I mean, I want to sell the company and sell it to Huo Liancheng!" Jian Dongming gritted his teeth and finally spoke out.

The corners of Jian Yun's mouth twitched fiercely. She thought about it, but never thought that Jian Dongming was the purpose.

"Dad, did you find the wrong person? If you want to sell the company, then you should go directly to him, and what do you do with me?" Jian Yun was very inexplicable, but at the same time, her heart jumped. Dad actually wanted to sell it. The company he and his mother worked together from scratch? What does he want to do?

Jian Dongming sighed, "I have said it clearly, I have looked for Huo Liancheng, but I can't reach him, and I can't think of looking for you."

Jian Yun fell silent, and then said: "Dad, I will convey your words to him, but as to whether he will be willing to buy, I can't guarantee."

Jian Dongming was overjoyed when Jian Yun said that he was willing to help. He said excitedly: "Yun Duo, you can say a few more good things for your father in front of Mr. Huo. He is so rich, and what Dad wants is just a fraction of what he wants. He must be fine!"

"Dad, is there anything else? It's okay, I'll hang up!" Jian Yun suddenly didn't want to talk to Jian Dongming, especially after hearing him say that Huo Liancheng is so rich.

Jian Yun also suddenly remembered that she had heard from her mother before that the Jian’s company was not profitable after her mother had an accident six years ago. In recent years, Jian Dongming has to raise Lin Rong’s family of three, none of which is fuel efficient. Lanlan, Guang. The cost of studying abroad by Lin Lanlan alone is several hundred thousand a year. In addition, she has to maintain her celebrity outfit, and all the expenses together will be nearly one million. Lin Rong’s son is also a prostitute. Everything is available, so it is estimated that Jian Dongming's savings are not much left, and now he wants to sell the company for money.

"Okay, it's so late, you go to bed early and be nice, so that Huo Liancheng will be heartbroken to you, and Dad won't disturb you!" Jian Dongming said with a smile, and then said goodbye.

Jian Yun hung up the phone, but she felt sick. What happened to Dad? Even being able to say such things was completely different from the loving, shrewd and demeaning father in her memory.

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