You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 317: 317 Are you stupid?

Just after the call was hung up, Jian Yun received another message, which was sent by Jian Dongming.

"Yun Duo, Dad is in a hurry for money, this matter must be done as soon as possible!"

Jian Yun took a look, and then threw the phone aside, as if she was blocked, making her want to scream in discomfort.

Jian Yun lay down for a while, then picked up the necklace box on the bedside table, took out the necklace, touched the cloud character in the middle of the heart-shaped pendant, and was in a daze.

Just now she forgot to ask Jian Dongming why she suddenly gave her the necklace, which was the same necklace as Lin Lanlan.

Do you want to call?

Jian Yun hesitated, put down the necklace, put it in the drawer, forget it, Jian Dongming was looking for her this time, obviously because he wanted to sell the company, so in the future, he will definitely continue to look for her. She doesn't ask, he will also tell his purpose.

The next day was Saturday. Jian Jun and Wu Wenjing made an appointment to see the car. She had already figured out what price she would buy, so she didn’t spend much time to decide. After paying the down payment, she made an appointment to pick up the car. They went to Luo Yanyan's house again.

On the way, Wu Wenjing kept looking at Jianyun.

"What am I doing?" Jian Yun was inexplicable.

"I said you are not stupid. If you don't hold a golden tortoise as big as Mr. Huo, you even paid your own loan to buy a car!" Wu Wenjing hated iron and steel.

"Is it good to be self-reliant? I am not with him for his money!" Jian Yun pouted, disapproving.

"That's right, but," Wu Wenjing tilted her head with a tangled expression, "I always think something is abnormal!"

"It's normal!" Jian Yun cast a blank look at Wu Wenjing, "Didn't you say that wealthy families are not easy to marry. You must have backbone and can't be looked down upon?"

"Yes, but Jian Yun, will Mr. Huo really marry you? Men like them generally don't want to be bound by marriage, not to mention his family background. Why am I so worried?" Wu Wenjing drove. Said.

"What are you worrying about?" Jian Yun asked curiously.

"Before I thought, you and Mr. Huo are really good friends. He likes you and I am happy for you. But now I am worried that if you have a deep feeling for him, his family will not agree with you to marry again. , He has been new to you, he likes others, and you are relentless, and you will definitely not let it go. What can you do?" Wu Wenjing sighed.

"Hey, Wu Wenjing, can't you say a few nice words?" Jian Yun twitched the corner of her mouth, she was really speechless, she didn't think so much!

"It sounds good?" Wu Wenjing thought for a while, "Why don't you hurry up and get pregnant and give birth to a baby? Even if you can't hold Mr. Huo, he should at least think about having a baby and won't be too cold to you!"

"Aren't you stupid? The method of using a baby to tie a man is outdated?" Jian Yun patted Wu Wenjing.

"What do you do then? How about you go to a class and learn bed kung fu, so that Mr. Huo can't stop you, and you can't live without you. Well, that's a good idea!" Wu Wenjing said with a smile.

"Wu Wenjing, concentrate on driving your car! Don't bully me here!" Jian Yun blushed because of Wu Wenjing's shameless words, and couldn't help taking a bite of her.

"Yo yo yo, blushing, haha, Jian Yun, we are living with Mr. Huo, don't tell me that your relationship is still pure now!" Wu Wenjing squeezed her eyes ambiguously, she likes to see Jian Yun's red face embarrassed It looked like, "Tell me, is it getting better? How is the technique of Mr. Huo? Did you make you want to stop getting drunk?"

"Wu Dazhuang, shut up! Besides, I kicked you off the car!" Jian Yunyan's hair was smoking, she yelled at Wu Wenjing, she couldn't listen anymore, she hadn't been open enough to talk to her girlfriends The point of talking about that.

"Hey, hey, I'm driving, don't stop, can't I stop if I don't say it?" Wu Wenjing saw that Jian Yun was really angry, and hurriedly begged for mercy, "Everyone is here now, does it matter if we talk about it!"

"Who wants to talk to you about this! You don't have a man!" Jian Yun sat back and stared at Wu Wenjing.

"Who said I don't have a man anymore, I've decided to get married!" Wu Wenjing straightened her waist, her words were shocking, she said, "I will get the certificate next week!"

"Really?" Jian Yun was shocked.

"Fake! Hahaha!" Wu Wenjing laughed when she finished speaking.

When the two arrived at Luo Yanyan's house, they found that Luo Yanyan opened the door.

"Yanyan, why did you get up?" Jian Yun quickly put down her bag and went to help Luo Yanyan.

"I'm okay." Luo Yanyan smiled and pushed Jian Yun's hand away, "I went to the obstetric check-up two days ago. Everything was normal. The doctor said that I can do some activities. I plan to go back to work next week."

"Don't, your place to work is too far, and driving is so bumpy, so let's rest at home." Wu Wenjing said quickly.

"I live in the school dormitory and don't drive back and forth!" Luo Yanyan said, and she sighed immediately, "What can I do if I don't go to work, the salary is deducted, there is not much money originally, the sick leave is only deducted. Less than a thousand yuan."

"Does Qin Dong have no money? Besides, you have to take care of your own body!" Jian Yun disagreed.

"I'm okay. The last time I saw Red was because of the emotional ups and downs and I was angry. Now I figured it out. There is nothing to irritate me, as long as I am well." Luo Yanyan greeted Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing herself Taking fruits and pouring water, she sat on the sofa.

"Where is Aunt Qin Dong?" Wu Wenjing looked around, but didn't see anyone at home.

"There is something in her house today. I will go back and come back tonight." Luo Yanyan said.

"Yanyan, you should rest for a while, wait for the month to get older and stabilize before you consider going to work." Jian Yun suggested, "Generally speaking, it is almost the same after three months, but I think since you have a threatened abortion As a precedent, it's better to be careful."

"Haha, why do you listen to these words, as if Jian Yun you are very experienced?" Luo Yanyan looked at Jian Yun, her eyes fell on her stomach, and blinked, "Isn't it because you have little Huo Liancheng in your stomach? Oh, I’m really looking forward to that, how beautiful you and Huoliancheng’s children should be!"

"Yes, yes, I'm looking forward to it too!" Wu Wenjing quickly agreed, her eyes sparkling, "Jian Yun, if you want to give birth, you'd better have a few more, five best! You and Mr. Huo’s children, It must be pretty and nothing to say!"

"It's still five, you think I'm a sow!" Jian Yun was angry when she heard that, and slapped Wu Wenjing's head with a slap.

"It doesn't hurt to be a sow if I can give birth to President Huo!" Wu Wenjing laughed.

"I'm going, you have changed your way to scold us!" Jian Yun rushed over and became a gang with Wu Wenjing, but in her heart she was also thinking about the bet with Huo Liancheng that night, and she didn't know the two. No measures at this time, did she win the prize?

Now she doesn't know if she is expecting to win the prize or she is afraid of being pregnant.

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